


斫,消除,修改:~误(亦作“勘误”)。校(jiào )~。不~之论(喻至理名言)。刻:~石。~印。~本。排版印刷:~行(xíng )。创~。~登。~载。出版物:~物。报~。书~。……


上,升:~山。~车。~门。~天。~台。~场(chǎng )。~高。~攀。~临。~科。~程。~堂入室。踩,践踏,脚向下用力:~踏。踢~。记载:~记。~报。~载。谷物成熟:~岁(丰年)。五谷丰~。立刻:~时。“~即相许和,便可作婚姻。”进:~崇……



汉语拼音:kān dēng







  1. 在报刊杂志上登载。

    巴金 《谈<灭亡>》:“二十三日的《巴黎日报》上来不及刊登消息。”《光明日报》1985.1.17:“最近,《光明日报》刊登了不少关于尊师的报道和文章。”



  1. Media should shoulder some of the responsibility by not presenting material that would entice them to smoke, she said.


  2. The sources declined to be identified because the matter is not public.


  3. The chief editor said they'll publish your paper if you can just fill it out a little.


  4. The reason the media picked it up and splashed it all over the headlines yesterday was simple: it was about the g-spot.


  5. In response to the Harvard study, she helped to produce a "state of the evidence" paper for Reproductive Toxicology in 2007.


  6. A week later, her complete report was printed in the newspaper, including the names of the shops that she had visited.


  7. "The Sun" claiming, after the publication of this report in 2006, Brown did not raise objections.


  8. I would like to publish a product advertising in your publications, I would like to ask the way of a specific ad cooperation ?


  9. The website hosts hundreds of thousands of pictures of Mars including many which have never been released to the public before.


  1. 上刊登讣闻。

    The Chronicle of the Horse.

  2. 加插刊登通知

    insertion order.

  3. 连续刊登的版权

    serial rights

  4. 这些照片不宜刊登。

    The pictures are not fit for publication.

  5. 这些照片不宜刊登。

    The pictures are not fit for publication.

  6. 画刊登在第10页。

    The cartoons appear on page 10.

  7. 以上资料免费刊登。

    The above information will be listed at no cost.

  8. 在报纸上刊登广告

    to take out an ad in a newspaper

  9. 报纸上早已刊登了。

    It's already been in the newspaper.

  10. 他们再刊登这种文章

    They keep priting articles like this about us.

  11. 将广告刊登在报上

    insert advertisement in a newspaper

  12. 怎样连结已刊登空缺?

    How to link up vacancy?

  13. 分6期刊登的连载故事

    a serial story in six instalments

  14. 爱刊登诽谤内容的杂志

    A libellous magazine

  15. 今天刊登第五封家书。

    The fifth letters is printed today.

  16. 在地方报纸上刊登广告

    Put an ad in the local paper

  17. 在本地报纸上刊登广告。

    put an ad in the local paper

  18. 禁止新公车上刊登广告

    Guangzhou bans ads on new LPG buses

  19. 会刊中刊登贵公司简介

    Company profile in Conference Guide

  20. 于香港劳工处刊登空缺

    To post Macao vacancies at Labour Department of HKSAR

  21. 报上刊登的一则公告

    a public notice in a newspaper

  22. 现摘要刊登,供各地参阅。

    Show a summary to publish, consult for each district.

  23. 报上刊登了一则公告。

    A notice was published in the newspaper.

  24. 已在杂志上刊登了广告。

    It has been advertised in the magazine.

  25. 报上刊登一篇重要文章。

    The newspaper carries an important article.

  26. 刊登了我宣布竞选的消息。

    to print my announcement.

  27. 刊登广告招承包人的工程

    projects advertised for letting

  28. 审核委员会职权范围的刊登

    Publication of the terms of reference of the Audit Committee

  29. 我们在报纸上刊登了广告。

    We advertise in newspapers.

  30. 我想刊登一则分类广告。

    I would like to place a classified advertisement.


  1. 问:刊登拼音怎么拼?刊登的读音是什么?刊登翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刊登的读音是kāndēng,刊登翻译成英文是 publish

  2. 问:刊登出拼音怎么拼?刊登出的读音是什么?刊登出翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刊登出的读音是Kāndēng chū,刊登出翻译成英文是 to appear in print/ get into print



词目刊登拼音kāndēng基本解释[publish in a newspaper or magazine] 在报刊中发表每一种报纸都刊登了这条报道(或这个故事)详细解释在报刊杂志上登载巴金 谈二十三日的巴黎日报上来不及刊登消息光明日报1985.1.17光明日报刊登了不少关于尊师的报道和文章