







汉语拼音:shì dào







  1. 人世间的道路。指纷纭万变的社会状态。

    《列子·杨朱》:“方其荒於酒也,不知世道之安危,人理之悔吝。” 唐 元稹 《答胡灵之》诗:“世道难於剑,谗言巧似笙。” 宋 苏轼 《和李太白》诗:“世道如弈棋,变化不容覆。” 王统照 《号声·沉船》:“年经的人,你们经过多少世道?真是混得没有趣味!”

  2. 世间;社会。

    南朝 梁 沉约 《七贤论》:“神才高杰,故为世道所莫容。” 唐 皎然 《送柳淡扶侍赴洪州》诗:“少年轻远涉,世道得无欺。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第二章:“他舍不得咱们共产党的新世道。要是天遂人愿,他还能活百儿八十岁哩。”

  3. 社会道德风尚。

    南朝 梁 沉约 《与何胤勑》:“兼以世道浇暮,争诈繁起。” 宋 赵与时 《宾退录》卷六:“寓言以貽训诫,若 柳子厚 《三戒》、《鞭贾》之类,颇似以文为戏,然亦不无补於世道。” 清 富察敦崇 《燕京岁时记·封台》:“评书抵掌而谈,别无幇衬,而豪侠亡命,跃跃如生,市儿听之,适易启其作乱为非之念。有心世道者,其思有以禁之也!” 老舍 《二马》第五段五:“ 马老先生 不明白人家为什么要打他,成天撅着小胡子叹息世道不良。”



  1. Does it matter to you at all that God's spiritual Jerusalem, the church, is now married to the world?


  2. He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.


  3. I had been out to lunch during one of life's revisions and missed the announcement that it was swinish to treat a woman like a lady.


  4. "Difficult time, " he said, "the pension's not much, and every bit counts. "


  5. This usually works for ultra-senior officers. This time around the media made lunchmeat out of him. The game has changed!


  6. Apart from the promise of money notes that people will stick, started with the money they need most, and I was most eager talent.


  7. Becoming an entrepreneur seems to be in vogue in this downturn.


  8. Times are so tough that the local Shinto shrine has stopped hiring musicians for summer festivals, he said.


  9. Shidao sing this really crazy now, just jump out of a dog on a person claiming to be really multi-uncle ah!


  1. 世道人心不可测。

    Cruel are the times.

  2. 我当年世道与今不同。

    In my day things were different.

  3. 世道艰难,我们要同心协力。

    Times are hard, and we all have to pull together.

  4. 凋谢的世道上命运不堪。

    Scatter everywhere a fate hard to swallow.

  5. 缺乏批评世道的道德勇气。

    The lack of criticism of morals moral courage.

  6. 世道变了。人人都向钱看。

    Attitudes have changed. Everyone's just interested in money.

  7. 他太不懂世道常情了。

    He is too ignorant of the ways of the world.

  8. 这世道本来就够复杂了。

    The world's a complicated place.

  9. 她总是念叨以前的世道如何如何。

    She's always harking bak to how things used to be.

  10. 是啊, 咱们这世道, 谈情说爱, 多的是!

    Oh, yes!They love through all this world of ours!

  11. 敢于和不公正的世道进行斗争。

    And take action against injustice and unfairness in this world.

  12. 是啊,咱们这世道,谈情说爱,多得是!

    Oh, yes! They love through all this world of ours!

  13. 什么世道, 从上到下黑到底了。

    Depend on what morals, the entire black in the end.

  14. 唉!别提那吃人的旧世道了。

    Hm! Lets not talk about that maneatman society.

  15. 因为谁甘愿受世道的鞭笞和嘲笑。

    For who would bear the whips and scorns of time.

  16. 世道艰难,无怪乎美国人民要闷闷不乐了。

    Faced with all this, no wonder Americans are glum.

  17. 年幼无知,少不更事,缺乏情感体验和世道阅历。

    Young, ignorant, and lack of emotional experience and morals.

  18. 现在世道变了!别忘了印度现在也有核武器了!

    The situation has changed now. Dont forget that India is now nuclear power.

  19. 尽管这个世道是这么定义的,我认为不是。

    I don't think it is, although that is how the world sees it.

  20. 世道艰难,偷盗与欺骗的事件通常会剧增。

    When times are hard, incidents of theft and cheating usually soar.

  21. 而世道变好时,这样的事件便趋向减少。

    And when times get better such incidents tend to go down.

  22. 海南岛北部更新世道堂组的重新厘定

    Revision of the Pleistocene Daotang Formation in northern Hainan Island, China

  23. 如今这世道, 差不多所有的孩子全都招人怕。

    Nearly all children nowadays were horrible.

  24. 他说,艰难的世道要求父母做出更大的牺牲。

    Hard times call for greater parental sacrifices, he says.

  25. 他非常年轻,还有很多的世道常情要学习。

    He's very young and still has a lot to learn about the ways of the world.

  26. 那时他还没有要在这个世道上向上爬的念头。

    He had at that time no notion of trying to rise in the world.

  27. 那时他还没有要在这个世道上向上爬得念头。

    He had at that time no notion of trying to rise in the world.

  28. 根据我个人的经验,世道艰难对所有人都有益。

    In my own experience, a dose of hardship is useful for anyone.

  29. 我近来收听新闻时,有时纳闷这成了什么世道了。

    When I listen to the news these days, I sometimes wonder what the world is coming to.

  30. 他开始抱怨世道不好,但却被敲门声打断了。

    He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.


  1. 问:世道拼音怎么拼?世道的读音是什么?世道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:世道的读音是shìdào,世道翻译成英文是 attitudes



世道,人世间的道路。指纷纭万变的社会状态。出于《列子·杨朱》:“方其荒於酒也,不知世道之安危,人理之悔吝。”宋 苏轼《和李太白》诗:“世道如弈棋,变化不容覆。” 南朝 梁 沉约 《七贤论》:“神才高杰,故为世道所莫容。”