


替:~替。~办。~销。~序。~表。历史上划分的时期:时~。世~。古~。近~。现~。当(dāng )~。年~。世系的辈分:下一~。姓。……





汉语拼音:dài láo









  1. 谓代人做事。

    南朝 梁元帝 《金楼子·立言上》:“涂车不能代劳,木马不中驰逐。”《儿女英雄传》第二四回:“姑娘,这安位可是你自己的事了,但是他二位老人家,自然该双双升座,为是你一人断分不过来……如今也叫 玉格 替你代劳,你便捧了你令堂的那一位。” 廖仲恺 《女子解放从那里做起》:“要做这工夫,这改革,是要从人类上女子本身上著想,才算是真解放。却是这事只好要求人家帮忙,不能依赖人家完全代劳的。”

  2. 指请人代替自己做事。如:这事请您代劳了。

  3. 谓代抒其劳瘁忧苦之情。

    唐 李百药 《渡汉江》诗:“客心既多绪,长歌且代劳。” 唐 骆宾王 《蓬莱镇》诗:“将飞怜弱羽,欲济乏轻舠;赖有《阳春》曲,穷愁且代劳。”



  1. Charlie would be forever grateful to her for saving him from the horror of an almost-adult daughter who needed help showering.


  2. It's a bit rich to let private citizens do your dirty work for you and then lecture them on their responsibilities.


  3. But, as in other emerging markets, many owners rarely get behind the wheel and prefer to leave the driving to a chauffeur.


  4. If I can be of any service during your convalescence, be sure to let me know.


  5. Looking emaciated, he farmed out large parts of his speech, which is usually a big marketing and media event, to other presenters.


  6. If you wish to make a call or answer the phone, either stop in a safe place or ask a passenger to make or take the call for you.


  7. Yet fortunately, the newspaper undertakes much of this on my behalf, leaving my own brand-building efforts amateurish and patchy.


  8. You even need not hold rudder in person, because of a kind of from calculation control of the automatic pilot will deal with it for you.


  9. The shoemaker does not attempt to make his own clothes, hut employs a tailor.


  1. 由你代劳吧

    You do the honors.

  2. 这事你代劳吧。

    Will you do it for me?

  3. 没人能代劳吗?

    Don't we have somebody to do that for us?

  4. 这事情你代劳吧。

    Will you do it for me?

  5. 我们随时可以请人代劳。

    We can have anythlng dellvered anytlme.

  6. 只好由汇率替它们代劳。

    The exchange rate will have to do the job for them.

  7. 只好由汇率替它们代劳。

    The exchange rate will have to do the job for them.

  8. 不要事事替我代劳。

    Please don't do things over for me.

  9. 那你就不得不请人代劳。

    Well, you're just going to have to get someone to cover.

  10. 请代劳把这封信寄走。

    You might post this letter for me.

  11. 打印的事就请您代劳了!

    Could you help me out with the printing?

  12. 由我这个徒弟代劳就行了。

    You may just ask me, his apprentice.

  13. 单调重复的工作, 机器人可以代劳。

    Robots can relieve people of dull and repetitive work.

  14. 这事请你老李代劳吧。

    Will you do this for us, Lao Li?

  15. 您等候时,还有其他要代劳吗?

    Is there anything else I could do for you while you wait?

  16. 其余的菜就请您代劳选择吧。

    As for other dishes, I'll leave the choice to you if you don't mind.

  17. 所有的事都叫我女儿代劳。

    I leave an excellent substitute in my daughter.

  18. 所有得事都叫我女儿代劳。

    I leave an excellent substitute in my daughter.

  19. 对,我们很乐意做事,可你总代劳。

    Yeah. We'd be happy to do stuff, but you always take over.

  20. 聘请代笔 代笔与代劳为何成为一种常态化职业?

    Ghostwriter and see why become a regular occupation?

  21. 鞋匠不会自家缝衣服穿, 而是请裁缝代劳。

    The shoemaker does not attempt to make his own clothes, hut employs a tailor.

  22. 在你康复期间, 我如能代劳的事, 务必告知。

    If I can be of any service during your convalescence, be sure to let me know.

  23. 洗碗,倒垃圾什么的完全可以有保姆来代劳。

    Washing the dishes, garbage something completely can have a baby sitter to appreciate.

  24. 如果我们的代表不能出席,我们就请他的副手代劳。

    If our delegate is unable to attend, we shall have to call on his deputy's services.

  25. 你若不去控制第一次创作,社会便会为你代劳。

    If you don't take care of the first creation, it will be done for you.

  26. 她不愿把这个援救杰姆的紧要步骤叫人家去代劳。

    She could not bear the idea of deputing to any one the active measures necessary to be taken in order to save Jem.

  27. 儿童使用时必须借助于板凳或由大人代劳才能上挂。

    When using hooks, children have to be aided by benches or adults so as to reach the hooks.

  28. 他不能清楚地表达自己的想法,所以,就让我代劳吧。

    Since he can't put his ideas over clearly enough, allow me to speak on his behalf.

  29. 我们深盼与英国公司商讨, 期盼成为其出售代劳商之一。

    We are anxious to contact some British firms to acting as their selling angents.

  30. 寿星一般要切蛋糕的第一刀,除非是太小父母才可以代劳。

    General oldest cake to the first knife is too small unless parents can do.


  1. 问:代劳拼音怎么拼?代劳的读音是什么?代劳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:代劳的读音是dàiláo,代劳翻译成英文是 help … out




拼音:daì láo 基本解释 [do sth.for sb.;take trouble on sb.'s behalf] 请人替自己办事或自己代替别人办事。 这事请您代劳吧! 这事由我代劳吧! 详细解释 1. 谓代人做事。 南朝 梁元帝 《金楼子·立言上》:“涂车不能代劳,木马不中驰逐。”《儿女英雄传》第二四回:“姑娘,这安位可是你自己的事了,但是他二位老人家,自然该双双升座,为是你一人断分不过来……如今也叫 玉格 替你代劳,你便捧了你令堂的那一位。” 廖仲恺 《女子解放从那里做起》:“要做这工夫,这改革,是要从人类上女子本身上著想,才算是真解放。却是这事只好要求人家帮忙,不能依赖人家完全代劳的。” 2. 指请人代替自己做事。如:这事请您代劳了。 3. 谓代抒其劳瘁忧苦之情。 唐 李百药 《渡汉江》诗:“客心既多绪,长歌且代劳。” 唐 骆宾王 《蓬莱镇》诗:“将飞怜弱羽,欲济乏轻舠;赖有《阳春》曲,穷愁且代劳。”