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动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……
汉语拼音:mìng àn
清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·莅任·看须知》:“如某命案为某事,某人打死某人,原告某人。”《九命寄冤》第十七回:“﹝ 黄知县 ﹞自从今年三月到任,地方尚觉太平,从没有办过盗案、命案。”
This was the place where a man had once taken an axe and hacked his wife to death in a jealous rage over an alleged affair.
这里曾发生一起命案:一件未确定的事情引起了丈夫嫉恨的怒火,于是他用斧头将妻子砍死了。The only mistake I see is you thinking you could get away with murder, you cop-killing piece of crap!
我所见的惟一错误就是,你身背命案还妄想逍遥法外,混账袭警谋杀犯!As the marginal social cost of homicide cases is significantly higher than that of other cases, their numbers should be kept at lower level.
命案的边际社会成本明显高于其他案件,其数量应控制在比其他案件更低的水平。The suspect led officers to an apartment in Fuk Wing Street on Sunday for a reconstruction of the murder.
命案疑犯于周日带警员往福荣街一单位重组案情。Bloodstain is one of the most common traces at the scene of crime.
血迹是命案现场上常见的痕迹之一。She is said to be friends with Leonard Gonzalez Junior, someone described as a "pivotal person" in organizing last week's deadly break-in .
具说,她是小伦纳德•冈萨雷斯的朋友,人们把小冈萨雷斯描述为组织上周入室命案的“关键人物”。Authorities say they do have more information concerning the deaths but would not elaborate at this time.
当局表示他们确实在这些命案方面掌握更多的情报,但此刻不会详细说明。Throughout the weekend forensic and homicide officers searched the Garrido home in Walnut Avenue, Antioch, using metal detectors.
整个周末,法医和命案官员利用金属探测器搜查了加里多在安提阿胡桃街(WalnutAvenue)的家。Blood research Day, Holmes received a telegram from the Garden Street, Garden Street is that the murder occurred.