







汉语拼音:jiǔ hòu






  1. 以后;将来。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·勉学》:“举朝惊骇,不解事义,久后寻迹,方知如此。” 宋 陈亮 《汪夫人曹氏墓志铭》:“ 亮 復以为意方热时忽忽不自觉尔,久后固将大悔,第归熟计之。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三三:“纵然一时朦朧,久后自有廉明官府剖断出来。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第二部十九:“久后生个孩子,算是贫雇农呀,还算是地主?”



  1. But soon after she dreams of a handsome scholar who visits and makes love to her in the garden.


  2. The sun rises in the East, and the blue color of dawn opens to our eyes and we experience the new day. Spring is like this.


  3. ROBERT COHEN: Soon after he declared himself to be the Emperor of the United States, Joshua Norton began wearing blue military clothing.


  4. Nesta is a great champion as you know and he's going back to his levels after a long period of inactivity.


  5. Right now, you see him through rose colored glasses but later you will be able to see him as he is.


  6. The company changed its mind after details of these talks leaked. Shortly afterwards it raised prices at its petrol stations in Argentina.


  7. Not much later, though, starvation caused Crazy Horse to surrender to US troops. He was killed while trying to escape.


  8. She was later captured and tortured by Gestapo, but refused to identify the children (now living new lives) or her accomplices.


  9. But the sting from the nettle appeared to be short-lived as the animal was soon seen with the rest of the troop happily playing.


  1. 我现在知道活了这么久后。

    I know now after living this long.

  2. 我敢说你骑了那么久后肯定饿死了。

    I dare say you're pretty hungry after all that cycling.

  3. 观众在音乐会结束很久后都不愿离场。

    The audiences were reluctant to leave the Music Hall long after the end of the concert.

  4. 他沉寂了很久后,突然给我们来了一封信。

    There was no news from him for ages, and then suddenly he sent us a letter.

  5. 他沉寂了很久后,突然给我们来了一封信。

    There was no news from him for ages, and then suddenly he sent us a letter.

  6. 露西是他这么久后第一个真心喜欢的女孩,自从

    Lucy is the first girl that he's really liked since.

  7. 在国外生活了这么久后, 他发现很难重新适应国内的生活。

    After living abroad for so long, he found it difficult to readjust to life at home.

  8. 那个女杀手把手上的血迹洗掉很久后,仍觉得手上血迹斑斑。

    The murderess felt that her hands were stained with blood long after the marks had been removed.

  9. 那个女杀手把手上得血迹洗掉很久后,仍觉得手上血迹斑斑。

    The murderess felt that her hands were stained with blood long after the marks had been removed.

  10. 来这里久后,我可能会想家,不过,我现在却是兴奋得不得了。

    Ill probably feel homesick after Ive been here longer, but right now Im too excited.

  11. 久坐后, 把腿舒展一下, 或稍微休息一下

    To relax or to take a short break

  12. 人们把久雨后出现的太阳看成是上帝的恩赐。

    The appearance of the sun after the many rainy days was like a benediction.

  13. 午夜过后很久才离去

    to stay long after midnight

  14. 车祸后很久他才醒过来。

    After the car crash it took him a long time to come to.

  15. 车祸后很久他才醒过来。

    Every day, people from all over the country come to Beijing.

  16. 乔在考试后很久还在谈论他的错误。

    Joe dwelt on his mistake long after the test was over.

  17. 富兰克林直到午夜过后很久才出现。

    Franklin did not turn up until well after midnight.

  18. 妻子死后很久, 他的情绪才稳定下来。

    It take him a long time to get back on an even keel after his wife die.

  19. 自从打破辣椒锅后很久没吃过那个了

    It has been awhile since we have broken out the chili cauldron.

  20. 在我们离开后很久, 爱仍然深刻在我们的记忆中。

    And long after we are gone, love remains burned into our memories.

  21. 我死后很久,这些不雅视频仍将继续流传。

    Long after I'm dead, the video will continue to live on.

  22. 战争和致命冲突在战事结束后很久仍有经济和社会后果。

    War and deadly conflicts have social and economic consequences long after the fighting has ended.

  23. 在多年久坐的生活后,我开始跑步和练瑜伽。

    I took up running and yoga after years of sedentary living.

  24. 从学校分开后已经很久没见。

    It's ages since we were apart at school.

  25. 术后时间越久, 骨折与内固定之间节段数越多。

    The deep fracture within the sag was the path of magma upwelling, invasion, or eruption after partially melting of upper mantle.

  26. 其后又传至国外, 尤其在东南亚一带久负盛名。

    And then spread abroad, especially in Southeast Asia long enjoyed a good reputation.

  27. 此酒需窖藏2至3年后饮用, 可陈放20年之久。

    This sensational Australian red requires23 years of cellaring it should age for two decades.

  28. 饭后不要马上离开,但也不能逗留过久。

    Don t leave immediately after dinner, but dont overstay your welcome, either.

  29. 因为饥饿,我意识到入睡后时间已经过了很久了。

    My hunger told me that a long time had passed since I fell asleep.

  30. 先后为皇后,皇太后,太皇太后达四十五年之久。

    One after another for Queen, Dowager Dowager of si shi wu nian is too long.



jiǔ hòu ㄐㄧㄨˇ ㄏㄡˋ久后(久後)