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1. 仰 [yǎng]2. 仰 [áng]仰 [yǎng]脸向上,与“俯”相对:~首。~望。敬慕:久~。敬~。依赖:~承。~赖。~仗。~人鼻息。旧时公文用语。上行文中用在“请、祈、恳”等字之前,表示恭敬;下行文中表示命令:~即尊照。服下,指……
汉语拼音:yǎng tiān
《左传·襄公二十五年》:“ 晏子 仰天叹曰:‘ 婴 所不唯忠於君、利社稷者是与,有如上帝!’” 唐 李白 《南陵别儿童入京》诗:“仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人!” 宋 岳飞 《满江红》词:“抬望眼,仰天长啸,壮怀激烈。” 柳亚子 《二十世纪大舞台发刊词》:“日暮途穷,人间何世,盖仰天长慟而不能已。”
He could not but look up to the sky and sigh deeply when his lifetime of frustrations passed through his mind.
想起自己坎坷的一生,他不由仰天长叹。Ancient Chinese poet Li Bai is sprawled on a chair, seemingly drunk, with a delicate wine cup and a typewriter in front of him.
中国古代著名的诗人李白半躺在椅子上作仰天长叹状,他的面前摆着一只精致的酒樽和一部打字机。She threw her head back and screamed, screamed just to break through the silence that he loved and she hated, and then she started singing.
她把头往后仰,仰天大叫,尖叫声刺破了寂静。他喜爱而她憎恨的寂静。然后,她开始唱歌。The Buddha is not sad, also do not angry, he suddenly laugh three times, reaching the flowers from the ground to pull out.
佛既不悲伤,也不愤怒,他突然仰天长笑三声,伸手把这花从地上给拔了出来。The Monkey King raised up his head, laughed and shouted, "True heroes never stab in the back. "
猴王仰天冷笑:“你们背后伤人,算不得英雄。”Qu Yuan's exile at the way successive heard die -off and break the bad news after and despair, bang, rolling into a torrent of Jiang.
屈原在流放途中,接连听到楚怀王客死和郢都攻破的噩耗后,万念俱灰,仰天长叹一声,投入了滚滚激流的汩罗江。The hook flew up the well, The man fell on to his back. He could see the sky the moon was in the sky.
钩子朝上飞出了水井,这个人仰天摔了一跤,他看到了天空,月亮就在天空当中。Back, he spurred like a madman, shrieking a curse to the sky.
策马回奔,像个疯子似的狂奔,仰天咆哮、咀咒。I wandered down to the beach and sprawled out on the sand.