




云:云~。~汉(a.云霄和天河,指天空:b.古代喻朝廷)。天空:九~。重(chǒng )~。~壤(天和地,喻相去很远)。……



汉语拼音:yún xiāo







  1. 天际,高空。

    《西京杂记》卷一:“齐首高唱,声彻云霄。” 南朝 宋 鲍照 《拟行路难》诗之十三:“我初辞家从军侨,荣志溢气干云霄。”《儒林外史》第三十回:“歌声縹緲,直入云霄。” 瞿秋白 《文艺杂著·那个城》:“那个城呢……高入云霄,接近那光华的太阳。”

  2. 泛指高远,深厚。

    唐 武元衡 《夜坐闻语寄严十少府》诗:“多负云霄志,生涯岁序侵。” 清 孙枝蔚 《再至海陵访州守田雪龛》诗:“不重云霄义,那能来往频。”

  3. 喻指高位。

    晋 陆云 《晋故豫章内史夏府君诔》:“明明皇储,叡哲时招。奋厥河滸,矫足云霄。” 唐 杜甫 《奉赠鲜于京兆》诗:“云霄今已逼,台衮更谁亲?” 元 张寿卿 《红梨花》第一折:“你只説秀才无路上云霄,却不道文官把笔平天下。”



  1. Along the way, Kinzel has made it a point to be the first to test out all of the new coasters.


  2. Cheap credit and soaring house values were the immediate causes of the bubble and of all that followed when it burst.


  3. Soon you find yourself on an exciting roller coaster ride, known as "dune bashing, " going up and down the dunes.


  4. And I saw a beautiful presentment of a maiden in transparent garments and with a transparent body flying up to the clouds.


  5. The prohibition of heroin has the devastating effect of forcing the price up to a level which can only be characterized as astronomical.


  6. Smoke rose into the night sky from one of the attacked compounds, and a helicopter circled overhead, scanning the ground with a searchlight.


  7. We've all had a roller coaster of a time - with the emotions to go with it.


  8. The girl is not a bit cold moon: self-love, deserve, such a daughter 's misfortune of their parents.


  9. One second later, she die. 1. 25L blood come out from her mouth, just like the dragon flying to the sky.


  1. 高峰插入云霄。

    The peaks rise to the skies.

  2. 吼声冲破云霄。

    Loud cries rent the air.

  3. 高入云霄的尖顶

    soaring spire

  4. 耸入云霄的高山

    a high mountain towering to the skies

  5. 烟直上云霄。

    The smoke rose straight up into the sky.

  6. 飞机六种上云霄

    Six Types of Airplanes Ascending Into the Clouds

  7. 巍巍群山耸入云霄。

    The lofty peaks tower into the clouds.

  8. 一曲响彻云霄的凯歌

    a song of triumph that resounds through the skies

  9. 我们喜欢乘坐云霄飞车。

    We liked to ride the roller coaster.

  10. 飞吧,直冲云霄?

    Fly baby!Up to the sky.

  11. 那架飞机直入云霄。

    The plane flew up into the clouds.

  12. 大树直插云霄。

    The trees tower into the clouds.

  13. 机首直上云霄。

    The airplane nosed up through the cloud bank.

  14. 乘坐云霄飞车使我们头晕。

    The ride on the roller coaster dizzied us.

  15. 这一庞然大物高耸云霄。

    The Colossus would soar higher into the sky.

  16. 一次乘坐云霄飞车的游乐。

    A roller coaster ride.

  17. 一阵阵欢呼声响彻了云霄。

    Cheer after cheer shook the air.

  18. 不理性与易怒的云霄飞车。

    of irrationality and irritability.

  19. 爱像云霄飞车, 它有起有落。

    Love is like a roller coaster, it has ups and downs.

  20. 那座山山峰高耸,直入云霄。

    The top of the mountain rose about the clouds.

  21. 那就去趟云霄红树林吧。

    Then we should go to the Yunxiao Mangrove Forest.

  22. 人们注视着飞机直冲云霄。

    The plane was watched to fly into the sky.

  23. 孤寂却成了响彻云霄的唯一音符。

    Solitude has become a resounding only notes.

  24. 云霄飞车比以往冲得更高, 更快!

    Roller Coasters Higher and Faster Than Ever!

  25. 云霄飞车令我惊慌得穷于应付。

    The roller coaster scared me out of my wits.

  26. 夜间发射非常美丽,直刺云霄。

    Night shots are beautiful, piercing the Big Dipper and the Milky Way.

  27. 这是排云霄飞车得队伍吗?

    Is this the end of the line for the Roller Coaster?

  28. 这是排云霄飞车的队伍吗?

    Is this the end of the line for the Roller Coaster?

  29. 只有一个冲动,催我直上云霄。

    A lonely impulse of some delight, drove to this tumult in the clouds.

  30. 其间起伏就好像在坐云霄飞车一般。

    It's been a rollercoaster ride.


  1. 问:云霄拼音怎么拼?云霄的读音是什么?云霄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:云霄的读音是yúnxiāo,云霄翻译成英文是 the skies

  2. 问:云霄塔拼音怎么拼?云霄塔的读音是什么?云霄塔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:云霄塔的读音是,云霄塔翻译成英文是 Skylon

  3. 问:云霄飞车拼音怎么拼?云霄飞车的读音是什么?云霄飞车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:云霄飞车的读音是,云霄飞车翻译成英文是 Roller coaster



“云霄”是个多义词,它可以指云霄(湖南籍歌手), 云霄(词语), 云霄(明代许仲琳小说《封神演义》人物)。