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生存,有生命的,能生长,与“死”相对:~人。~体。~检。~物。救活,使人活:~人无数。在活的状态下:~埋。逼真地:~脱。~像。不固定,可移动,或处在进去状态的:~塞(sāi )。~扣。~页本。耳软心~(没主见)。生动,不呆板,机灵,有生气:……
汉语拼音:huó zhuō
And he said, Whether they be come out for peace, take them alive; or whether they be come out for war, take them alive.
他说:「他们若为讲和出来,要活捉他们;若为打仗出来,也要活捉他们。」He said, 'If they have come out for peace, take them alive; if they have come out for war, take them alive. '
他说,他们若为讲和出来,要活捉他们。若为打仗出来,也要活捉他们。They should have captured Bin Laden alive and made him continually go through airport security for the rest of his life.
应该活捉本拉登,然后让他在余生不停地在机场安检口接受安检。The White House has said Osama Bin Laden was not armed when he was killed by US forces, but he resisted the attempt to capture him alive.
白宫表示,本•拉登被美军击毙时身上没有武器,但是当试图活捉他的时候,他出手抵抗。"It would have been better if bin Laden had been captured alive and forced to answer for his deeds in a court of law, " Mr Rosenthal said.
罗森塔尔表示:“如果是活捉本•拉登,强迫他在法庭上为自己的行为辩解,效果会更好。”S. bullets, ' ruling out that he was killed by his own guards to prevent him from being captured alive.
这就说明他不是被自己的卫兵打死以防被活捉。Libyan military official suggested that Gaddafi had been injured and captured alive but then shot dead by his captors.
一名利比亚军事官员暗示,卡扎菲受伤后被活捉,但后来被拘捕者击毙。The children exchange dialogues as they sing and act out the song "Once I Caught A Fish Alive" .
孩子们表演歌曲“曾经我活捉了一条鱼”时的对话。As you are aware, there are at least two cell-phone videos, one showing him alive and one showing him dead.