


1. 没 [méi]2. 没 [mò]没 [méi]无:~有。~用。~关系。~词儿。~精打采。~心~肺。不曾,未:~有来过。不够,不如:汽车~飞机快。没 [mò]隐在水中:沉~。~顶之灾。隐藏,消失:埋~。~落。漫过,高过:水~了头顶。淹~……


1. 空 [kōng]2. 空 [kòng]3. 空 [kǒng]空 [kōng]不包含什么,没有内容:~洞(a.没有内容的;b.物体内部的窟窿)。~泛。~话。~旷。~乏。~~如也。~前绝后。凭~(无根据)。真~(没有任何东西)。没有结果的……



汉语拼音:méi kòng







  1. 没有空子,无可乘之机。

    《红楼梦》第二一回:“那 多姑娘儿 也曾有意於 贾璉 ,只恨没空。”

  2. 没有空闲。如:今天我没空,这个会议请你去参加吧。



  1. Xia zhi xing: yes. But he should be busy tonight. He said he would work overtime today.


  2. I'd love to go out with you, Ben. I'm sorry, I'm busy tonight but I hope you'll give me a raincheck.


  3. and come up to the boat deck. - I said, not now.


  4. That's right. None of you could make it to the courthouse.


  5. I shall see him on Wednesday. I'm not free on Tuesday or Thursday.


  6. I'm too busy trying to contact the living to try to contact the dead! [Laughs. ] I'm happy not to do that.


  7. catching up on a bit of reading and am happy just staying at home.


  8. No, lily, we can't. You know, while she's packing her stuff, Maybe I'll go grab what's left of my own. Where's Melissa?


  9. C: I'm afraid I won't be free then. Don't you think it would be better to come earlier?


  1. 部长没空。

    The minister was not available.

  2. 部长没空。

    The minister was not available.

  3. 今天我没空

    I can't today.

  4. 我恐怕没空。

    Oh,I'm afraid I'm busy.

  5. 医生现在没空。

    The doctor is not available now.

  6. 我没空,对不起

    I don't have the time. I'm sorry.

  7. 我没空 不好意思。

    I'm busy. Sorry.

  8. 老爸,现在没空

    Hey, dad. Not now.

  9. 我没空,我有约会

    I can't. I'm seeing someone.

  10. 卡洛斯现在没空。

    Um.Carlos is unavailable at the moment.

  11. 卡洛斯现在没空。

    Um. Carlos is unavailable at the moment.

  12. 要不。下周我没空。

    Maybe.Next week I'm swamped.

  13. 对不起, 没空地儿了。

    I'm sorry, but there isn't any more room.

  14. 对不起,没空地儿了。

    I'm sorry, but there isn't any more room.

  15. 对不起, 中午前没空。

    I am afraid there is nothing available before noon.

  16. 对不起,中午前没空。

    I am afraid there is nothing available before noon.

  17. 恐怕我那会没空。

    I'm afraid I won't be free then.

  18. 我没空和你们磨蹭!

    I do not have all day!

  19. 我没空和你们磨蹭!

    I do not have all day!

  20. 懒惰的人最没空闲。

    Idle folks have the least leisure.

  21. 妈妈没空坐下闲聊。

    Mommy didn't have time to sit around and chew the fat.

  22. 妈妈,亲爱的,现在没空。

    Mom! Oh, honey, not right now.

  23. 妈妈,亲爱的,现在没空。

    Mom! Oh, honey, not right now.

  24. 我没空,你赶快走开!

    I'm busy; clear off as fast as you can!

  25. 杰克逊先生现在没空。

    Mr. Jackson is occupied now.

  26. 没有,你妈说她没空。

    No, your mother said she couldn't make it.

  27. 苏珊,我现在没空聊天

    Hello?Hey,susan.I can't talk.

  28. 苏珊,我现在没空聊天。

    Hello? Hey, susan. I can't talk.

  29. 我今天没空说这个了。

    I don't have time to talk about it today.

  30. 我们可没空看这种书。

    We are not at leisure to read such a book.