




1. 娜 [nà]2. 娜 [nuó]娜 [nà]女子人名用字及译音字。娜 [nuó]〔婀~〕见“婀”。〔袅~〕见“袅”。〔~~〕轻柔的样子。……



汉语拼音:lì nà








  1. One of her last albums, An Evening with Lena Horne, earned her a Grammy Award for Best Jazz Vocal Performance in 1995.


  2. I showed my husband what I found. He agreed to let "Lena" know the relationship was over and said he would have no more contact with her.


  3. Though Eleanor gave no verbal assent to this, she did not express dissent .


  4. Such was the case with Diane, who said the six years leading up to Lina's living as a woman were gut-wrenching.


  5. Usually, when Lena referred to her life in the country at all, she dismissed it with a single remark, humorous or mildly cynical.


  6. Sylvester dallied about Lena until he began to make mistakes in his work.


  7. Then, just last November, after telling all her co-workers, Lina officially transitioned to a woman.


  8. He must stop seeing Lena, and that means no friendly lunches, no gifts of any kind, no phone calls, nothing.


  9. Adrienne Lecouvreur on her deathbed was willing to confess and receive communion, but refused to abjure her profession.


  1. 莉娜怀孕并结婚了。

    Lena got pregnant and married.

  2. 莉娜在帮我对台词。

    And Lena is helping me with my lines.

  3. 哦,天哪!莉娜的结婚狂想曲!

    Oh no! Lina's Wedding Rhapsody!

  4. 莉娜把球扔给了亨利。

    Lena threw the ball to Henry.

  5. 塞莉娜你不喜欢生物?

    SelinaAnd you dont like biology.

  6. 莉娜你不应该回到柏林来。

    Lena You should never have come back to Berlin.

  7. 她跟西莉娜商量了一下。

    She had taken council of Selina.

  8. 爱莉娜坚定地拿起书来。

    Eleanor took up her book resolutely.

  9. 恩, 很难说, 应该是安吉莉娜。

    CB Oh, thats a hard one. Id probably say Angelina Jolie.

  10. 他经常写信给你吗,爱莉娜?

    Is he a regular correspondent of yours, Eleanor?

  11. 我已和塞莉娜小姐商量好了。

    I have arranged with Miss Selina.

  12. 算了得悉沙莉娜小姐是男人的现在。

    Forget it! Ever since I know that miss shalina is a guy.

  13. 莉娜爱上了一个有钱的 英俊的法国人。

    Lena has fallen in love with a rich, handsome Frenchman.

  14. 对此爱莉娜曾加以推辞,但是没有用。

    To this Eleanor objected, but in vain.

  15. 马莉娜?史莫斯这个名字听来耳熟吗

    Does the name Marlena Smalls ring a bell

  16. 不要紧的!沙莉娜小姐不是很强壮的男人吗?

    It's okay! Isn't miss shalina a very strong man?

  17. 他对莉娜的美貌和文雅风度很有好感。

    Lena's good looks and gentle manners appealed to him.

  18. 我愿意,但是周二我得和波莉娜去海边。

    I'd like to, but I'll go to the seaside with Pauline on Tuesday.

  19. 其他演员包括泰伦斯 霍华德和莉娜 欧琳。

    Terrence Howard and Lena Olin costar.

  20. 公主, 袭击沙莉娜小姐的那些人是何许人物?

    Princess, who is the ones who attacking miss shalina?

  21. 爱莉娜每年有一千镑完全归她使用。

    Eleanor has a thousand pound a year entirely at her own disposal.

  22. 不过他深信爱莉娜的行为是有失检点的。

    He was, however, so convinced of what he considered to be the impropriety of Eleanor's conduct.

  23. 不过爱莉娜倒没有立刻受到任何进一步的屈辱。

    Eleanor was, however, spared any further immediate degradation.

  24. 回到惠普和菲奥莉娜时代终结的话题上来。

    Back to HP and the closing of the Fiorina era.

  25. 莉娜身体很好,还让我转达她对你的爱和祝福。

    Lina is fine and sends you her love and best wishes.

  26. 爱莉娜的头微微晃动了一下,几乎是表示不赞同。

    Eleanor made a little motion with her head which was hardly confirmatory.

  27. 一个小无尽的游戏中,你他妈的一个啦啦队女孩叫莉娜。

    A little hentai game in which you are going to fuck a cheerleader girl called Lena.

  28. 安吉莉娜 朱力被称为最受尊敬的人道主义者名人。

    Angelina Jolie has been called the most respected celebrity humanitarian.

  29. 绑架莉娜并且对她洗脑的那群人是谁他们有什么目的

    Who are the men who kidnap and program Reena What is their agenda.

  30. 直到在工作中开始出错,西尔威斯特和莉娜才不调情了。

    Sylvester dallied about Lena until he began to make mistakes in his work.