


1. 嘀 [dí]嘀 [dí]〔~咕〕a.小声说话;b.犹疑不定(“咕”均读轻声)。……


1. 嗒 [tà]2. 嗒 [dā]嗒 [tà]〔~然〕形容懊丧的样子,如“~~若失”。嗒 [dā]象声词,形容马蹄声、钟表声、机关枪声等。……


1. 嘀 [dí]嘀 [dí]〔~咕〕a.小声说话;b.犹疑不定(“咕”均读轻声)。……


1. 嗒 [tà]2. 嗒 [dā]嗒 [tà]〔~然〕形容懊丧的样子,如“~~若失”。嗒 [dā]象声词,形容马蹄声、钟表声、机关枪声等。……



汉语拼音:dí dā dí dā






  1. He think: why all the things that can go a little tick tick to open this baby fortune favors decision, look at the box.


  2. The clock is always ticking.


  3. There's this humongous pink clock labelled "Financial Times" sitting on my desk, tick-tocking the seconds away.


  4. WILL: I was fumfering for words. I forgot my original request. I could hear the clock ticking. I didn't want to appear tongue-tied.


  5. Tick - tick went the clock.


  6. For example, water resources, human beings always too much waste, water always tick tick sound of a non-stop, water gradually lost;


  1. 钟发出嘀嗒嘀嗒的声音。

    The clock went tick tock, tick tock.

  2. 她嘀嗒嘀嗒拨动她那串念珠上的珠子。

    She clicked the beads of her rosary.

  3. 因此时间老是在我们的耳朵里嘀嗒嘀嗒地响着。

    Time is, therefore, always ticking in our inner ear.

  4. 时钟总在嘀嗒嘀嗒地响着,时间也在一小时一小时地溜走。

    The clock is always ticking and the hours stop away.

  5. 不一会儿,他就睡着了。醒来时表还在嘀嗒嘀嗒地走着。

    After a while he fell asleep, and when he awoke the clock was still ticking.

  6. 嘀嗒, 时钟嘀嗒。几点了?

    Tick Tock Tick Tock Time. What time is it

  7. 钟摆嘀嗒的响声

    the ticktack of the clock

  8. 嘀嗒声。我听到一声嘀嗒声。

    It's ticking. I hear a ticking.

  9. 只听见水的嘀嗒声。

    Nothing was heard but the dripping of water.

  10. 又一滴水嘀嗒一声落下。

    Another drop of water fell with a soft plop.

  11. 雨嘀嘀嗒嗒地敲打着车顶。

    Rain drummed on the roof of the car.

  12. 你的生命之钟在嘀嗒作响。

    That the clock is ticking for you.

  13. 爱就象钟表的嘀嗒一样短暂。

    Tick tock, love is fleeting.

  14. 时钟在搁板上滴嗒嘀嗒地响着。

    The clock ticked away on the shelf.

  15. 一只落地式大摆钟在墙角嘀嗒作响。

    A grandfather clock ticked away in a corner.

  16. 你听见时钟在鳄鱼肚子里嘀嗒响吗?

    Do you hear the clock ticking in the belly of the crocodile?

  17. 再醒来时, 嘀嗒声已停。

    The next time he woke up the ticking had ceased.

  18. 我给表上紧发条,听着它嘀嗒作响。

    I wound up the watch and listened to it tick.

  19. 在每个嘀嗒时刻, 一个机器人可以执行动作。

    At each tick, a robot can act.

  20. 然后, 它开始计算它到底要嘀嗒多少次呢?

    Then it began to calculate how many times it was going to have to tick.

  21. 时钟时间是自该进程启动后的时钟嘀嗒数。

    The clock time is the number of clock ticks since the process started.

  22. 明亮,而闹钟正嘀嘀嗒嗒地爬向离别得明天。

    Too shy to be bright, as the clock ticks the parting day.

  23. 明亮,而闹钟正嘀嘀嗒嗒地爬向离别的明天。

    Too shy to be bright, as the clock ticks the parting day.

  24. 还可以使用计时器变量记录保持当前状态的时钟嘀嗒数。

    You might also use a timer variable to keep track of how many ticks of the clock you've been in the current state.

  25. 他们听到了在金链尽头那个看不见的表在嘀嗒作响。

    Then they could hear the invisible watch ticking at the end of the gold chain.

  26. 那其实就是你生命之钟在嘀嗒作响, 细数着余下的时刻。

    That is actually your life clock ticking, counting down the moment you have left.

  27. 那其实就是你生命之钟在嘀嗒作响,细数着余下得时刻。

    That is actually your life clock ticking, counting down the moment you have left.

  28. 架子上摆了一个新时钟, 它每秒比其他正常时钟多嘀嗒一次。

    A new clock placed on the shelf was ticking two ticks to the second as any good clock should tick.

  29. 仔细听, 注意到嘀嗒声是如何明显地提高强度的。

    Listen carefully and notice how the ticking increases in apparent intensity.


