


1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……


1. 助 [zhù]2. 助 [chú]助 [zhù]帮助协同,辅佐:辅~。帮~。~手。~人为乐。~桀为虐。拔苗~长(zhǎng )。爱莫能~。相传为殷代的租赋制度。助 [chú]古同“锄”,除去。……



汉语拼音:xiāng zhù








相助 [xiāng zhù]
  1. 彼此帮助。




  1. Having bailed out so much of the system this time round, promises not to do so again ring a touch hollow.


  2. "It feels good to have help, to be honest, " he said. "I'm privileged, more than anything, to be in this situation. "


  3. Generous and kindly, they are always ready to help in case of emergency.


  4. The sidekick was never as smart or handsome or brave as the hero but he was always there to help out in times of danger.


  5. They do not come running to help when someone lets out a mental scream.


  6. They rewarded him for his great help with a gift of money.


  7. Paul and I are unlikely to match Louis's time without a strong following wind, and I doubt we will utter the word "victory. "


  8. Those characters are very brave and always ready to help.


  9. It was generous of you to help me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.


  1. 务必相助。

    Never fail to come to me.

  2. 对相助表示感谢

    acknowledge help

  3. 谢谢你好意相助。

    Thank you for your kind help.

  4. 全力相助的贤内助

    supportive spouse

  5. 他请求挚友相助。

    He solicited aid from his close friends.

  6. 他们慷慨相助。

    They were liberal in their help.

  7. 我欢迎你好意相助。

    I welcome your kind help.

  8. 简直像是有神相助。

    That is nothing short of miraculous.

  9. 承蒙你慷慨相助。

    It is generous of you to help me.

  10. 公司上下都协力相助。

    The entire company pitched in to help.

  11. 一方有难, 八方相助

    When one place is in trouble, assistance comes from all quarters

  12. 多谢你费力相助。

    Thank you for the trouble you have taken to help me.

  13. 他倾力相助于我。

    He assisted me in every way at his command.

  14. 承蒙相助,本人不胜感激。

    I'm much obliged to you for helping us.

  15. 到处都有人协力相助。

    Everywhere people pitched in to help.

  16. 你真是侠义心肠, 拔刀相助。

    It was very chivalrous of you to offer to help.

  17. 我们都感谢你不吝相助。

    We all appreciate your unstinting help.

  18. 幸运的话, 他会出手相助。

    With a bit of luck he might lend a hand.

  19. 目前暂无法相助,甚歉。

    We regret not being able to assist you for the time being.

  20. 幸运的话,他会出手相助。

    With a bit of luck he might lend a hand.

  21. 我非常感谢你好意相助。

    I am greatly indebted to you for your kind help.

  22. 如若有幸 会遇贵人相助。

    And if we're lucky, We will have help getting there.

  23. 如若有幸 会遇贵人相助。

    And if we're lucky, We will have help getting there.

  24. 他们中没人很热心相助。

    None of them were very forthcoming.

  25. 我不承望他会出手相助。

    I never expected that he would give me a hand.

  26. 我不承望他会出手相助。

    I never expected that he would give me a hand.

  27. 你虽然有智慧的力量相助。

    You have powers you do not acknowledge.

  28. 他对朋友们总是慷慨相助。

    He lavished kindness on his friends.

  29. 吉星有, 代表有男性贵人相助。

    The lucky star is sun, a male eminence will appear.

  30. 困难时刻,请诸位倾力相助。

    At this difficult moment, I'd like to ask for your full support.


  1. 问:相助拼音怎么拼?相助的读音是什么?相助翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相助的读音是xiāngzhù,相助翻译成英文是 help; aid; assist