


1. 切 [qiē]2. 切 [qiè]切 [qiē]用刀从上往下用力:~菜。~除。~磋(本义是把骨角玉石加工制成器物,引申为在业务、思想各方面互相吸取长处,纠正缺点,如“~~琢磨”)。切 [qiè]密合,贴近:~当(dàng )。~肤(切……







1. 仇 [chóu]2. 仇 [qiú]仇 [chóu]深切的怨恨:~敌。~恨。~视。疾恶如~。同~敌忾(全体一致痛恨敌人)。仇 [qiú]古同“逑”,匹配。姓。……



汉语拼音:qiè chǐ zhī chóu






  1. na.
  2. bitter hatred that makes one gnash the teeth

  1. 不计射钩之仇

    Forgiving the Belt Buckle Arrow.

  2. 夫妇无隔夜之仇

    Married couples rarely sheep on a quarrel

  3. 夫妻无隔夜之仇。

    Enmity Between husBand and wife doesn't last the night.

  4. 她报了杀母之仇。

    She avenged her mother's murder.

  5. 他报了杀兄之仇。

    He revenged his brother's murder.

  6. 夫妻无隔宿之仇。

    Lovers rs quarrels are soon mended.

  7. 他报了杀父之仇。

    He was avenged of his father's murder.

  8. 他对此人报杀妻之仇。

    He took vengeance on the man for his wifes death.

  9. 他过去5年一心报丧女之仇。

    He has devoted the past five years to avenging his daughters death.

  10. 他向凶手报了杀父之仇。

    He revenged his dead father on the murderer.

  11. 他杀死凶手,报了杀母之仇。

    He avenged his mother's death on the murderer.

  12. 哈姆雷特向叔父报了杀父之仇。

    Hamlet revenged himself on his uncle, for his fathers death.

  13. 哈姆雷特向他叔叔报了杀父之仇。

    Hamlet revenged his fathers death on his uncle.

  14. 哈姆雷特向他叔父报了杀父之仇。

    Hamlet revenged his father's death on his uncle.

  15. 朋友你好我终于报了这一剑之仇

    I finally reported the enemy of this sword

  16. 她徒手把他杀死了。他杀死凶手,报了杀母之仇。

    She killed him with her bare hands. He avenged his mother's death on the murderer.

  17. 中文哈姆雷特向他叔叔报了杀父之仇。

    Hamlet revenged his fathers death on his uncle.

  18. 剧终时哈姆雷特杀死凶手,报了杀父之仇。

    At the end of the play Hamlet avenged his fathers death on the murderer.

  19. 这两面都决心想把德国从地狱中拯救出来, 都想报战败之仇。

    Both factions had in common the resolve to raise Germany from the abyss and avenge her defeat.

  20. 不共戴天之仇

    deadly feud.

  21. 报一箭之仇

    pay off an old grudge.

  22. 对某人报侮辱之仇

    avenge an insult on a person

  23. 害我父弟, 不共戴天之仇!

    Murderer of my father and brothers!

  24. 他发誓要报杀父之仇。

    He promised to avenge his father's murder.

  25. 她向杀父之人报了仇。

    She avenged herself on her father's killers.

  26. 他心急如焚要报杀父之仇。

    He was burning to avenge the death of his father.

  27. 我杀父之仇还能报吗?

    If that is so how can I revenge my father's death?

  28. 这切骨之仇,我永生难忘。

    This is deep hatred, I will never forget it in my whole life.

  29. 她惩处了纳粹士兵以报杀母之仇。

    She avenged her mother's death upon the Nazi soldiers.

  30. 为了报杀父之仇, 哈姆雷特假装发疯。

    In order to avenge the murder of his father, Hamlet pretended to be insane.