


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng zhái






  1. Today, while looking up info on my future college, my mom came in my room and accused me of wasting all my time in front of the computer.


  1. 上宅新石器文化遗址

    Shangzhai Neolithic site

  2. 距离上次在大宅争执到现在,已经有过去了三个月整。

    The distance final time debated in the huge house till immediately and had already been elapse whole for three months.

  3. 毕竟是世界上唯一超级大国总统的宅第。

    After all, it's the residence of the president of the only superpower in the world.

  4. 这位城里人看见一位农夫在宅后的草地上, 手中抱着一头猪。

    The city man saw a farmer in his yard, holding a pig up in his hands.

  5. 她家在一个大农场上有一所壮观的宅第。

    Her family owned a grand house on a giant ranch.

  6. 我们将在这块宅地上建造一个新的住宅小区。

    We will build a new housing estate on this piece of land designated for building houses.

  7. 上主,请你和你威严的约柜,起来驾临到你安息的地宅。

    Arise, LORD, come to your resting place, you and your majestic ark.

  8. 在地产上的豪宅

    the great house on the estate.

  9. 他根本不想上曹宅去了。

    He no longer felt like going to the Cao household.

  10. 曹宅是不能再回去,上哪里去呢

    He couldn't go back to the Caos'house, so where should he go

  11. 这条街上尽是富商及名人的豪宅。

    The street is lined with enormous mansions where the rich and famous live.

  12. 但我却在百万豪宅里的超大号床上

    But I was in a kingsized bed in a milliondollar mansion.

  13. 一上曹宅, 他就得要强, 要强有什么用呢

    If he did, he would have to do his best and what good was that?

  14. 我国历史上田宅典权制度流变考

    A Research on the Evolution of the Real Estate Mortgage Rights System in Chinese History

  15. 沉寂的大宅里昏暗、沉闷,苍蝇都在天花板上睡着了。

    Murk, dreariness in the hushed manor house; flies asleep on the ceiling.

  16. 没有友谊作为基础的爱情,就像建在沙上的豪宅一般。

    All love that has not friendship for its base is like a mansion built upon the sand.

  17. 邸宅所在处有一座较高得塔楼与小岛上得遥相呼应。

    Where the Castle stood, a higher tower had answered the island's.

  18. 邸宅所在处有一座较高的塔楼与小岛上的遥相呼应。

    Where the Castle stood, a higher tower had answered the island's.

  19. 英国豪宅的地下室传统上被用来作为保湿的酒窖及地牢。

    Big British houses have traditionally used basements as dank wine storage and dungeon space.