


柴火:~苏(打柴割草)。~尽火传(chuán )(柴火烧完,又引燃了后一根柴,火永远不灭。原指人形骸有尽而精神未死,后亦用以喻思想学问、技艺代代相传)。……


1. 给 [gěi]2. 给 [jǐ]给 [gěi]交付,送与:~以。~予。送~。献~。把动作或态度加到对方:~他一顿批评。替,为:~大家帮忙。被,表示遭受:房子~火烧掉了。把,将:请你随手~门送上。给 [jǐ]供应:供~。补~。~养。自~……



汉语拼音:xīn gěi






  1. 薪金。

    毛泽东 《中国社会各阶级的分析》:“物价年年增长,薪给往往须数年一增。”



  1. What are the likely consequences of a switch from wage to piece rates for turnover, recruitment, productivity, and product quality?


  2. MW IPPs in the province generate 1060 MW, all our owners by State entities.


  3. United Nations Common System of Salaries, Allowances and Other Conditions of Service;


  4. Income tax on salaries and remunerations


  5. United Nations Common System of Salaries, Allowances and Other Benefits;


  6. Chief of the Payroll Section;


  1. 薪给事务员

    Payroll Clerk.

  2. 薪给优厚的工作, 肥缺

    a fat job

  3. 教师们薪给太薄,举世皆然。

    Teachers are underpaid the world over.

  4. 薪给、津贴和休假制度专家委员会

    Committee of Experts on Salary, Allowance and Leave Systems

  5. 在总部实施的薪给程序也将扩大到该法庭工作人员。

    The implementation of payroll in Headquarters will be extended also to that staff.

  6. 土著个人有权不接受任何歧视性劳动、就业和薪给条件。

    Indigenous individuals have the right not to be subjected to any discriminatory conditions of labour, employment or salary.

  7. 你的福利包括健保和四周的给薪休假。

    Your benefits include healthcare and four weeks of paid vacation.

  8. 没有,也没给薪的病假别拖了,快去吧。

    no. no paid sick leave. quit stalling, get out of the cab.

  9. 我姨婆有点算是远亲,所以公司不会给薪。

    I can't afford personal leave right now.

  10. 通货膨胀很大程度上把这次提薪给抵消掉了。

    The inflation largely neutralized the pay raise.

  11. 就她说的那地方。不给我们涨薪。

    What she said. don't wanna raise.

  12. 因为她工作得好所以给她的薪也高。

    She was well paid, as she had done the work well.

  13. 老板很不情愿地给我加了薪。

    The boss grudgingly raised my salary.

  14. 我们可以给你六千元作起薪。

    I believe we can offer you six thousand at the start.

  15. 给我全薪让我退休了。

    I was retired on full pay.

  16. 老板给所有员工都加了薪。

    The boss gave a wage increase across the board.

  17. 他想要经理给他提薪。

    He intends to ask the managers for a raise in pay.

  18. 也许你能给我加点薪

    maybe I could get a small raise.

  19. 乔治,给你起薪年薪两万。

    George, I'll start you out at twenty thousand dollars a year.

  20. 七雇用人不依契约给付薪津者。

    The employer does not pay wage and allowance in accordance with the contract.

  21. 由于欣赏他的工作出色而给他提薪。

    He was given a rise in appreciation of his excellent work.

  22. 由于欣赏他得工作出色而给他提薪。

    He was given a rise in appreciation of his excellent work.

  23. 我得公司给我每年两周得带薪假。

    My company gives me two weeks'holiday each year with pay.

  24. 雇主同意给员工全额涨薪,承诺4月1日支付。

    Employers agreed to pay the full wage hike they promised to give on April 1st.

  25. 雇主同意给员工全额涨薪,承诺4月1日支付。

    Employers agreed to pay the full wage hike they promised to give on April 1 st.

  26. 请给我你的时薪以及链接到你的投资组合。

    Please send me your hourly rate as well as a link to your portfolio.

  27. 不过, 大多数券商选择的是给投行部门降薪。

    However, most firms chose to get a vote in line departments.

  28. 你能否借给我点儿钱,帮我维持到发薪时?

    Will you lend me some money to tide me over until I get my pay cheque?

  29. 你能借些钱给我帮我凑合到发薪日吗?

    Can you lend me some money to tide me over until I get paid?

  30. 否则宁可退让,持重待机。给我全薪让我退休了。

    Otherwise we should rather fall back and carefully bide our time. I was retired on full pay.


  1. 问:薪给拼音怎么拼?薪给的读音是什么?薪给翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪给的读音是xīnjǐ,薪给翻译成英文是 Salary.

  2. 问:薪给牺牲拼音怎么拼?薪给牺牲的读音是什么?薪给牺牲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薪给牺牲的读音是xīn jǐ xī shēng,薪给牺牲翻译成英文是 salary sacrifice