




1. 龟 [guī]2. 龟 [jūn]3. 龟 [qiū]龟 [guī]爬行动物的一科,腹背都有硬甲,头尾和脚能缩入甲中,耐饥渴,寿命很长:乌~。~甲(龟的腹甲,可入药,古人又用以占卜,亦用作货币。亦称“龟板”)。龟 [jūn]同“皲”。……



汉语拼音:xiàng guī







  1. The winter cold hung in the air like a frozen dinosaur trying to thaw from his glacier and walk across the earth.


  2. "Ah, yes, " he said, as if awaking from a dream.


  3. It was, as one critic afterward said, one of the "great mistakes of the war" .


  4. She raised her hand as though (as if) to hang the picture on the wall.


  5. I shall come down your burrow and chivvy you out like an old stoat .


  6. The watcher looks on impassively , unlike those around him, for he knows that this is not the end of the world.


  7. His broad shoulders were hunched forward and his chin jutted out as though the thoughts in his mind were not pleasant.


  8. I was just kidding when I said you were a playboy like Bill Clinton.


  9. Catherine, do me this justice; believe that if I might be as sweet, and as kind, and as good as you are, I would be.


  1. 智能化膺象

    intelligent artifact.

  2. 看起来很象

    look the same.

  3. 脏象, 藏象,

    viscera state

  4. 象一家人一样

    in a family way.

  5. 静象,静态

    quiet state

  6. 象鼻管。溜管

    elephant trunk.

  7. 她走了象。

    She played her bishop.

  8. 象你一样高

    As tall as you.

  9. 镜象比例尺

    image scale

  10. 构象熵理论

    conformation entropy theory.

  11. 镜象原子核

    mirror nuclei

  12. 集合论的象

    set theoretic image

  13. 图象比例尺

    picture scale.

  14. 甲状腺危象

    thyroid crisis.

  15. 成象传感器

    imaging sensor.

  16. 甲状腺显象

    thyroid imaging.

  17. 成象飞行器

    Imaging Sensors.

  18. 扫描仪成象

    scanner imagery.

  19. 图象显示器

    display plotter.

  20. 热带象皮病

    elephantiasis tropica.

  21. 象圆柱体的

    Resembling a cylinder.

  22. 象元分辨率

    pixel resolution.

  23. 摄象三原色

    taking primaries.

  24. 核桃长足象

    Alcidodes juglans.

  25. 超声波成象

    ultrasonic imaging.

  26. 高血压危象

    hypertensive crisis

  27. 就象苹果糖

    Like A Candy To An Apple.

  28. 蛇象徵邪恶。

    The snake is symbolic of evil.

  29. 镜象综合征

    mirror image syndrome

  30. 水葫芦象甲

    Neochetina eichhorniae.


  1. 问:象拼音怎么拼?象的读音是什么?象翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象的读音是xiàng,象翻译成英文是 elephant; imitate

  2. 问:象征拼音怎么拼?象征的读音是什么?象征翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象征的读音是xiàngzhēng,象征翻译成英文是 symbolize

  3. 问:象棋拼音怎么拼?象棋的读音是什么?象棋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象棋的读音是xiàngqí,象棋翻译成英文是 Chinese chess

  4. 问:象牙拼音怎么拼?象牙的读音是什么?象牙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象牙的读音是xiàngyá,象牙翻译成英文是 ivory

  5. 问:象形字拼音怎么拼?象形字的读音是什么?象形字翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象形字的读音是xiàngxíngzì,象形字翻译成英文是 pictograms

  6. 问:象征性拼音怎么拼?象征性的读音是什么?象征性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象征性的读音是xiàngzhēngxìng,象征性翻译成英文是 character of symbol; assume a manner of doing s...

  7. 问:象牙塔拼音怎么拼?象牙塔的读音是什么?象牙塔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象牙塔的读音是xiàngyátǎ,象牙塔翻译成英文是 ivory tower; a high position with lends itself t...

  8. 问:象脚鼓拼音怎么拼?象脚鼓的读音是什么?象脚鼓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象脚鼓的读音是xiàngjiǎogǔ,象脚鼓翻译成英文是 A musical instrument of Dai nationality, the woo...

  9. 问:象鼻虫拼音怎么拼?象鼻虫的读音是什么?象鼻虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象鼻虫的读音是xiàngbíchóng,象鼻虫翻译成英文是 weevil

  10. 问:象形文字拼音怎么拼?象形文字的读音是什么?象形文字翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象形文字的读音是xiàngxíngwénzì,象形文字翻译成英文是 hieroglyph; pictograph

  11. 问:象牙之塔拼音怎么拼?象牙之塔的读音是什么?象牙之塔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象牙之塔的读音是xiàngyázhītǎ,象牙之塔翻译成英文是 The narrow art world of the litterateur, artist w...

  12. 问:象刑拼音怎么拼?象刑的读音是什么?象刑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象刑的读音是xiàng xíng,象刑翻译成英文是 symbolic punishment

  13. 问:象印拼音怎么拼?象印的读音是什么?象印翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象印的读音是,象印翻译成英文是 Zojirushi Corporation

  14. 问:象夫拼音怎么拼?象夫的读音是什么?象夫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象夫的读音是,象夫翻译成英文是 mahout

  15. 问:象山拼音怎么拼?象山的读音是什么?象山翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象山的读音是Xiàngshān,象山翻译成英文是 象山县 Xiangshan County, located in the central...

  16. 问:象州拼音怎么拼?象州的读音是什么?象州翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象州的读音是Xiàngzhōu,象州翻译成英文是 象州县 Xiangzhou County, lying in Laibin, Guangx...

  17. 问:象差拼音怎么拼?象差的读音是什么?象差翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象差的读音是xiàng chā,象差翻译成英文是 aberration

  18. 问:象形拼音怎么拼?象形的读音是什么?象形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象形的读音是xiàngxíng,象形翻译成英文是 Pictographic characters.

  19. 问:象徵拼音怎么拼?象徵的读音是什么?象徵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象徵的读音是,象徵翻译成英文是 Sign

  20. 问:象橘拼音怎么拼?象橘的读音是什么?象橘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象橘的读音是xiàngjú,象橘翻译成英文是 Feronia imonia