


1. 勾 [gōu]2. 勾 [gòu]勾 [gōu]用笔画出符号,表示删除或截取:~销。~乙(在报刊书籍的某些词句两端画上像“乙”的记号,表示作为资料)。画出形象的轮廓,描画:~画。~勒。用灰、水泥等涂抹建筑物的缝(fèng ):~缝。调……


1. 兑 [duì]2. 兑 [ruì]3. 兑 [yuè]兑 [duì]交换:~换(用一种货币换另一种货币)。~现。汇~(两地通过信件或电报交换款项)。液体从一个容器注入另一个容器,一种东西搀到另一种东西里去:~点热水。八卦之一,代表沼泽……



汉语拼音:gōu duì







  1. Genuine fresh milk products, if not mixed with water, or not prepared by mixing milk powder, generally do not contain melamine.


  2. The draft beer was mixed with the enzymatic liquid of aloe at a proper ratio and a new health beer was obtained by ultra-filtration.


  3. The Weekly Quality Report of CCTV reported that the market is full of fake honey partly made of fructose.


  4. In practice, production liquor tasting should be combined with production techniques, liquor blending and lab analysis all together.


  5. In particular, that some mid-range and low spirits, in the blending process adds flavor agent, let alone such a long time liquor store.


  6. In France, the winemaker commonly used cabernet franc, merlot and its blending, to improve the product wine typical and style.


  7. Interesting is, here hot spring has the cold spring nature attemperation, simply does not need artificially to blend.


  8. Samples of the RAP and original base material were obtained from the project for controlled blending in the laboratory.


  9. This blended whiskey combines 100 distinctive single malt whiskies produced from distilleries in every appellation throughout Scotland.


  1. 勾兑葡萄酒

    wine blend.

  2. 调制葡萄酒, 勾兑葡萄酒

    wine blend

  3. 白酒勾兑调味的技术关键

    Technical Gist in Blending and Flavoring of Liquors

  4. 喝前记得勾兑下,明白吗?

    Look, remember to cut that, a'ight?

  5. 生料发酵蒸馏酒的勾兑

    Blending of Distilled Liquor with Uncooked Materials for Fermentation

  6. 泸州老窖酒勾兑技术的回顾

    Review of Blending Techniques of Luzhou Laojiao

  7. 双定性双定量混批勾兑技术

    double qualitative and double quantitative blending technology

  8. 微型计算机在白酒勾兑中的应用

    The application of the computer in blending the liquor

  9. 中药材提取物的混批勾兑研究

    Study of Blending Method for the Extracts of Herbal Plants

  10. 豉味玉冰烧酒勾兑准确放样系统

    The Accurate Amplify System of Sauce for YU PING SHAO Liquor

  11. 浅谈计算机在勾兑白酒技术中的应用

    Application of Computer in the Blending Technology of Liquor.

  12. 利用色谱分析勾兑白酒的计算方法

    Calculating the Components in Blending Liquor according to the Chromatographic Data

  13. 大多数苏格兰威士忌都是勾兑的吗?

    Are most Scotch whiskies blended or straight?

  14. 黄浆水酯化技术用于勾兑白酒的探讨

    Investigation on the Application of Yellow Serofluid Esterification Techniques in Liquor Blending.

  15. 它不含任何调味添加剂、用食用酒精勾兑。

    It does not contain any seasoning nor is it produced by mixing with alcohol.

  16. 它不含任何调味添加剂,不用食用酒精勾兑。

    It does not contain any seasoning nor is it produced by mixing with alcohol.

  17. 另一个独特之处是用陈年葡萄酒勾兑。

    Also unique is the solera system of blending wines of many vintage years.

  18. 应用模糊数学理论创建蒸馏酒勾兑新方法

    Application of Fuzzy Mathematics Theory to Establish a New Blending Method for Distilling Liquor

  19. 遗传算法在秦皮提取液混批勾兑中的应用

    Application of genetic algorithm in blending technology for extractions of Cortex Fraxini

  20. 所有的雪利酒都是在葡萄酒中加入白兰地勾兑成的。

    All sherry is made from wine fortified with brandy.

  21. 大多数苏格兰威士忌, 包括纯麦威士忌都是勾兑? ?

    The majority of all Scotch whiskies ? including single malts ? are blended.

  22. 勾兑调味技术是稳定提高扳倒井酒质量的重要基础。

    Blending and flavor adjustment is the basis of improving Bandongjing liquor quality consistently.

  23. 这批甲醇勾兑的假酒主要应该是廉价的朗姆酒和伏特加。

    The tainted alcohol appears to be largely cheap rum and vodka.

  24. 勾兑后的白兰地在适当的容器中和谐6个月就可装瓶。

    Blending of brandy in after appropriate containers harmonious 6 months to the bottle.

  25. 第一个专门为美国人勾兑得苏格兰威士忌叫什么名字?

    This famous Scotch whisky was the first to be blended specifically for American tastes.

  26. 第一个专门为美国人勾兑的苏格兰威士忌叫什么名字?

    This famous Scotch whisky was the first to be blended specifically for American tastes.

  27. 对猕猴桃果酒的化学降酸和梨汁勾兑降酸技术进行了研究。

    The methods described in this article are relative to the deacidification technology of kiwi wine by chemical and blending pear juice methods.

  28. 养生蚂蚁酒是用蚂蚁等浸泡液与兰陵特曲酒精心勾兑而成。

    Yangshen Mayi Liquor is produced by meticulous blending of ants soak solution and Lanlin Tequ alcohol.

  29. 保龄酒是用富锗灵芝浓缩液与贵州名酒怀酒精心勾兑而成。

    Baolin Liquor is highly produced with fluid rich in Ge and Guizhou Huaijiu Liquor.


  1. 问:勾兑拼音怎么拼?勾兑的读音是什么?勾兑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勾兑的读音是gōuduì,勾兑翻译成英文是 Originally, the taste of a drink prepared with di...



“勾兑”是个多义词,它可以指勾兑(酒制作工艺), 勾兑(成都方言)。