







汉语拼音:dù jué









  1. 堵塞,断绝。

    《鹖冠子·天则》:“圣王者,有听微决疑之道,能屏谗权实,逆淫辞,絶流语,去无用,杜絶朋党之门。”《后汉书·皇后纪上·和熹邓皇后》:“﹝皇太后﹞孝悌慈仁,允恭节约,杜絶奢盈之源,防抑逸欲之兆。” 唐 王昌龄 《春怨》诗:“音书杜絶 白狼 西,桃李无颜黄鸟啼。”《红楼梦》第三六回:“﹝ 宝玉 ﹞不但将亲戚朋友杜絶了,而且连家庭中晨昏定省一发都随他的便了。”

  2. 彻底制止,禁止。

    郭沫若 《中国史稿》第五编第一章:“ 耆英 被迫将知府撤职,贴出杜绝 英 人入城的告示。” 叶君健 《英特纳雄耐尔》:“他希望他能杜绝官门对救灾物资的贪污盗窃活动。”



  1. Many buyers and sellers do not wish to lock in a fixed price, because that forecloses potential gains as well as losses.


  2. Oppressing petitioners is no way to govern or to redress their grievances, said the editorial, beneath the headline Stop this cruelty.


  3. "Shortly government will have to take stark measure to put an end to this type of activities and acts of terrors, " he said.


  4. But witnesses often lie in court. Potential penalties of a fine or jail time do not completely suppress false testimony.


  5. Putting an end date on the prescription would help cut down on such behavior, he said.


  6. But studies do show that it almost eliminates hemorrhoids, that bowel movements take half as long, and that evacuations are more complete.


  7. In his speech Friday, he said the world must unite in order to combat terrorism, closing off terrorists' access to money and training.


  8. Not to take intoxicants. - Stay away from alcoholic drinks, drugs and any sort of intoxicants.


  9. The President is committed to making sure that this infrastructure program is fully paid for, and free of earmarks.


  1. 孩子应该杜绝吸烟。

    Children should be prohibited from smoking.

  2. 要浪漫, 杜绝老生常谈。

    Be romantic, but not cliche.

  3. 我们延后并杜绝死亡

    We prolong it, we deny it.

  4. 以杜绝滥用昂贵药品。

    to stop unnecessary use of expensive medicine.

  5. 加强冬防, 杜绝火灾。

    In winter, measures should be taken to prevent fires from breaking out.

  6. 加强冬防,杜绝火灾。

    In winter, measures should be taken to prevent fires from breaking out.

  7. 加强冬防,杜绝火灾。

    In winter, measures should be taken to prevent fires from breaking out.

  8. 却无法杜绝这个陋习

    and yet there was nothing that was keeping it out of the system.

  9. 并杜绝变体票的爆发。

    And put an end to the variants of the votes.

  10. 法律能杜绝游戏暴力吗?

    From Video Game Sexand Violence Act of?

  11. 最终的目标是杜绝浪费。

    The eventual aim is to cut out the waste.

  12. 提倡质量至上,杜绝粗制滥造。

    Encourage quality supremacy. Stop crude make.

  13. 他们可以杜绝病毒的传播

    They also stop passing on the virus.

  14. 走后门是不正之风, 要杜绝。

    The irregular practice of pulling strings and abusing influence must be stopped.

  15. 杜绝不必要的水电消耗。

    Put an end to the unnecessary use of running water and power.

  16. 杜绝假帐的几点思考

    Considerations on Eliminating False Accounts

  17. 杜绝多头听命, 造成指令矛盾。

    Avoid conflicting lines of command.

  18. 手术室护士如何杜绝差错事故

    The nurse of the operating room how eradicate amiss and trouble

  19. 杜绝干部多吃多占和铺张浪费。

    Sponging and taking more than one's share and extravagance and waste on the part of cadres must be banned.

  20. 严把检验关杜绝疯牛病

    Be Strict on Quarantine Inspection and Get Rid of BSE

  21. 翻译成法语,坚决杜绝机译!

    Translate able French, completely eradicate computeraid translation determinedly!!

  22. 我们要杜绝摆阔气的流行病。

    We should put an end to the prevalent social evil of parading one's wealth.

  23. 新的法规旨在杜绝诈骗行为。

    The new regulations are deliberately calculated to make cheating impossible.

  24. 通货紧缩杜绝了人们冒险的欲望。

    Deflation had killed the appetite for risk.

  25. 我们还想杜绝过度泛滥的监禁。

    We're trying to end mass incarceration.

  26. 在工作中, 我们应该杜绝浪费现象。

    We must put an end to waste in our work.

  27. 靠这个根本不可能杜绝网络暴力。

    Rely on this toend to network force far from possibly.

  28. 我们要杜绝向人家吃拿卡要的行为。

    We should put a stop to abuses of power.

  29. 我们要杜绝向人家吃拿卡要得行为。

    We should put a stop to abuses of power.

  30. 我们要杜绝向人家吃拿卡要的行为。

    We should put a stop to abuses of power.


  1. 问:杜绝拼音怎么拼?杜绝的读音是什么?杜绝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杜绝的读音是dùjué,杜绝翻译成英文是 put an end to


