如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
完结:礼~。~业。~生。~力。完全:~肖(xiào )(完全相象)。凶相~露。~其全力。究竟,到底:~竟。星名,二十八宿之一。古代田猎用的长柄小网,亦指用长柄网捕取禽兽:“鸳鸯于飞,~之罗之”。古代丧祭时穿牲体的横木。姓。……
汉语拼音:wán bì
《醒世姻缘传》第九二回:“醮事完毕,换了淡素的衣裳。” 巴金 《<家>法译本序》:“这个译本最近已经排校完毕,明年春天就将问世。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》第十四章:“ 黄二愣 部署完毕,四班的民兵分头走了。”
Design finished, click on lower right button to display the image, if the design does not look good, the bat would be very unhappy Woman oh.
设计完毕,点击右下角按钮展示形象,如果设计的不好看,蝙蝠女侠会不高兴哦。After the talk I sat down at my table and asked the smaller group what they thought about my remarks.
谈话完毕,我坐在自己的餐桌旁,问小组里的人,他们对我的演讲做何感想。Once the new kernel is installed, reboot your system to make sure that everything is working fine up to this point.
一旦新内核安装完毕,重新引导系统以确保到目前为止一切工作正常。Upon completing a day's work, Akiko heads home and makes dinner for her hubby while waiting for him to arrive home.
一天工作完毕,回到家中,做晚饭,等待丈夫归来。Sanitation Commissioner John Doherty said he expected to have 'all the streets' in the city plowed by 7 a. m. Thursday.
纽约市卫生局局长约翰-多尔蒂(JohnDoherty)称,他希望全城所有街道的雪能在12月39日清晨7点之前全部清扫完毕。After dinner, take a walk with his wife back, and then waited for her to finish washing the rest.
吃完晚饭,陪妻子散步回来,再等她洗刷完毕去休息了。The dignitary wrote something on a slip of paper when he had chanted the sutra, Then he gave it to the family.
高僧诵经完毕,就在一张纸条上题字,然后交予其家人。Once all gathered information has been used for the intended purpose, it is destroyed or de-identified.
所有为指定用途而蒐集的资料,使用完毕后即会被毁灭或处理至无法识别。Before I came out here, I saw two peonies in front of the Buddha statue They were beautiful After I finished bowing, I sat down.