


1. 了 [liǎo]2. 了 [le]了 [liǎo]明白,知道:明~。一目~然。完结,结束:完~。~结。在动词后,与“不”、“得”连用,表示可能或不可能:看不~。办得~。与“得”、“不得”前后连用,表示异乎寻常或情况严重:那还~得!了 ……





汉语拼音:liǎo què








  1. 见“ 了却 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 了却 ”。指除掉,杀死。

    《北史·崔孝芬传》:“ 灵太后 谓曰:‘卿女今事我儿,与卿是亲,曾何相负?而内头 元叉 车内,称此嫗须了却!’”《四游记·三藏历尽诸难已满》:“一洞山妖俱被行者了却。”

  3. 指事情结束,办完。

    宋 黄庭坚 《登快阁》诗:“痴儿了却公家事,快阁东西倚晚晴。”《警世通言·苏知县罗衫再合》:“母子相会,对他説出根由,教他做个报仇之人,却不了却心愿。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“﹝祖父母﹞便挑选一个黄道吉日为他们了却终身大事。”

  4. 犹言彻底了解。




  1. It is going to be back school while I haven't seen few classmates, so I gave a message to one of my friends.

  2. She said that victims of trauma who have not yet assimilated the trauma often believe they are dead and do not know it.

  3. It's all about where you know you jolly well need to let go versus where you're jo0lly well too darned scared to do any such thing.

  4. Do not buy a computer on broadband, like Jiurou are ready to eat in the former as a monk.

  5. Fate to be so unfair to you, perhaps you intended to shun him, with one death to the humiliation is endless and grief.

  6. The news was the simplest thing imaginable, and yet, as we took it in, Marguerite and I exchanged looks.

  7. Convinced at last that Dounia would have none of him, Svidrigailov gave her a large sum of money and ended his life with a pistol.

  8. Paolo: You can add more if you think it needs it later but you can't take it out once it is in.

  9. BP procured them but did not use them, its well team suspecting, wrongly, that they were the wrong sort.


  1. 了却一个心愿

    fulfil a wish.

  2. 他们结婚了却秘而不宣。

    They kept their marriage a secret.

  3. 我死了却没人关心?

    I'm dead and no one cares?

  4. 他想以自杀来了却他的心

    He attempted to end his trouble by suicide.

  5. 他虽然失败了却没有悲观失望。

    Though he had failed, he did not despond.

  6. 你知道抱错了却不告诉我

    When you knew about the switch and didn't tell me.

  7. 他想以自杀来了却他的心病。

    He attempted to end his trouble by suicide.

  8. 你早知道了 知道了却不告诉我?

    Oh, you knew. Knew about it and didn't tell me, huh?

  9. 因为不能嗑嗨了却要靠近你。

    Because it's hard for me

  10. 这就了却了我的一桩心事。

    That settled a matter which had been weighing on my mind.

  11. 所有方法都试过了却没什么结果。

    All means hedge been tried out without much result.

  12. 即使我们不约会了却依然还在争吵

    Not even dating and we're still fighting.

  13. 你跟利亚姆分手了却不跟我说吗

    You broke up with Liam you didn't tell me?

  14. 看来终于到了了却我的心愿的时候了。

    This seemed, at last, the time to complete my unfinished duty.

  15. 看,我努力过了却不得其解,没有你

    See I tried but it jut aint right, without you

  16. 还要等多久才能了却我的复仇夙愿。

    How much longer must I wait for my revenge?

  17. 你这周就要走了却什么都还没收拾。

    I mean, you leave in a week and you haven't packed a thing.

  18. 我感觉被惩罚了 却都不知做错了什么。

    I feel like I'm being punished and I don't even know what I did.

  19. 他一直想剪发出家,以了却尘世的烦恼。

    In order to free himself of secular worries he has been thinking of cutting his hair and become a monk.

  20. 他一直想剪发出家,以了却尘世的烦恼。

    In order to free himself of secular worries he has been thinking of cutting his hair and become a monk.

  21. 肃静!还要等多久才能了却我的复仇夙愿。

    Silence! How much longer must I wait for my revenge.

  22. 他把死去的母亲的心愿了却,于他是没有损失的。

    He had nothing to lose by carrying out a dead mother's hope.

  23. 你不会要买车了 却连试车也不试一下。

    You wouldn't buy a car without at least taking it for a little test drive.

  24. 你终于有点零用钱了 却用来买了个厨房小家电?

    You finally get a little mad money and you buy a kitchen appliance?

  25. 真不敢相信,你们都成人了 却完全不能自理。

    I don't believe you guys. You are fully grown men, And you can't do anything for yourselves.

  26. 我等着了却最后一桩心事,随后我死而瞑目了。

    I wait but for one event, and then I shall repose in peace.

  27. 但国家灭亡了却不能再复存, 人死不可以再复生。

    But a destroyed nation cannot be reinstated. A dead person cannot be resurrected.

  28. 可现在我到这了却进不去 你还让我提前一些。

    Except I show up here and I can't get in, and you tell me to plan ahead.

  29. 温斯顿介绍了却林顿先生铺子楼上的那间屋子。

    Winston explained about the room over Mr. Charrington's shop.

  30. 不上游戏还想登,真正登上去了却发现无事可做。

    Do not want on the game board, the real board went to find nothing to do.


  1. 问:了却拼音怎么拼?了却的读音是什么?了却翻译成英文是什么?

    答:了却的读音是liǎoquè,了却翻译成英文是 settle; finish; solve



词目:了却 拼音:liǎoquè 基本解释 却:去,掉 [settle;solve] 了结;办理好 这就了却了我的一桩心事 详细解释 1. 见“ 了却 ”。

2. 亦作“ 了却 ”。1.指除掉,杀死。

《北史·崔孝芬传》:“ 灵太后 谓曰:‘卿女今事我儿,与卿是亲,曾何相负?而内头 元叉 车内,称此妪须了却!’”《四游记·三藏历尽诸难已满》:“一洞山妖俱被行者了却。” 3. 指事情结束,办完。

宋 黄庭坚 《登快阁》诗:“痴儿了却公家事,快阁东西倚晚晴。” 《警世通言·苏知县罗衫再合》:“母子相会,对他说出根由,教他做个报仇之人,却不了却心愿。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“﹝祖父母﹞便挑选一个黄道吉日为他们了却终身大事。” 此外,著名爱国将领,也是词人的辛弃疾曾经有《破阵子·为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之》“名句“了却君王天下事,赢得生前身后名,可怜白发生”里也是此意。

4. 犹言彻底了解。
