




1. 知 [zhī]2. 知 [zhì]知 [zhī]晓得,明了:~道。~名(著名)。~觉(有感觉而知道)。良~。~人善任。温故~新。~难而进。~情达理。使知道:通~。~照。学识,学问:~识,求~。无~。主管:~县(旧时的县长)。~府。~州……



汉语拼音:tàn zhī






  1. 探测而知;刺探而知。

    《韩非子·难言》:“激急亲近,探知人情,则以为譖而不让。”《汉书·艺文志》:“故圣王必正历数,以定三统服色之制,又以探知五星日月之会。”《后汉书·儒林传上·杨伦》:“尚书奏 伦 探知密事,激以求直。”《唐太宗李卫公问对》卷上:“探知 盖苏文 自恃知兵,谓中国无能讨,故违命。”

  2. 犹言了解情况。

    宋 陈鹄 《耆旧续闻》卷一:“偶一日謁至,典謁已通名,而 东坡 移时不出。欲留,则伺候颇倦;欲去,则业已达姓名。如是者久之, 东坡 始出,愧谢久候之意,且云:适了些日课,失於探知。”



  1. We conducted our own, entirely unscientific, survey to ascertain just how much chocolate Nobel laureates ate.


  2. I don't have a spell up that'd let me know if they were, and if I started casting, they'd cancel the scrying window before I could see it.


  3. Eventually I decided to give up all my possessing to immigrate to the United States looking for wonderful life and exploring unknown world.


  4. Keen sensitivities allow you to detect insincerity in others and to grasp the emotional coloring of your surroundings.


  5. For a sense of the short-term moves that could follow an initial tightening, Mr. Knapp looks to history.


  6. The Hidden Life of Deer is a wonderfully careful and honest account of one person's attempt to get to know the wildlife living around her.


  7. Its expanding global network of sensors can pick up more than America's eyes and ears alone.


  8. The child explores new objects in an age appropriate manner, generally by feeling orr looking.


  9. Join Stephen Battersby for a tour of some of the most frigid, violent and downright strange worlds we have discovered since then.


  1. 探知先导药物

    lead detection

  2. 他想向我探知最新消息。

    He tried to tap me for the latest news.

  3. 意在发现信息或者探知事实。

    designed to find information or ascertain facts.

  4. 有人要他探知事情的真相。

    He was asked to find out how the land lies.

  5. 在下谨建议集中探知那个队长。

    I humbly suggest we scry on the leader.

  6. 我慢慢地从他们那里探知了秘密。

    I wormed the secret out of them.

  7. 她非常聪明从她姐姐那里探知秘密。

    She was very clever at worming the secrets out of her sister.

  8. 已探知的流量的变更依赖许多因素。

    Variation in the ascertained flux depends on a number of factors.

  9. 感知位置探知目标生物或物体的确切位置。

    Discern Location Exact location of creature or object.

  10. 我们无论如何不能让他们探知这个计划。

    We must at all costs prevent them from finding out about the plan.

  11. 哈姆雷特决定装疯,以探知事情真相。

    Hamlet decides to pretend that he is crazy to learn if this is true.

  12. 已探知的潮汐变化取决于多种因素。

    Variation in the ascertained flux depends on a number of factors.

  13. 已探知的潮汐变化取决于多种因素。

    Variation in the ascertained flux depends on a number of factors.

  14. 未曾到过台湾得人值得你去探知台湾得美。

    It is worthy of you to explore Taiwan.

  15. 未曾到过台湾的人值得你去探知台湾的美。

    It is worthy of you to explore Taiwan.

  16. 黑色的花蜜无法用来探知也无法作为法术材料。

    Black nectar cannot be used for scrying or as a power component.

  17. 投资者需要探知漆黑池塘得底部究竟在哪里。

    Investors need to get to the bottom of the murky pools.

  18. 投资者需要探知漆黑池塘的底部究竟在哪里。

    Investors need to get to the bottom of the murky pools.

  19. 换言之, 闲聊可用来探知对方得个性和生活方式。

    In other words, small talk may serve as probing of the other person's personality and lifestyle.

  20. 换言之,闲聊可用来探知对方的个性和生活方式。

    In other words, small talk may serve as probing of the other person's personality and lifestyle.

  21. 他把来去乘坐的工具蒙在不容探知的神秘中。

    He preserved an impenetrable mystery as to the means by which from one place to another.

  22. 空间主宰召唤,探知,交感,传送和结界的奥秘。

    Spirit The Arcanum that governs exorcism, the Gauntlet, the Shadow Realm, soul retrieval and spirits.

  23. 她正在从他那里探知有关坦普勒家族的丑闻。

    She was worming out of him shameful secrets about the Templar family.

  24. 测线调查样本的核函数密度推定中探知函数改良

    Comparative Study of Maximum Likelihood and Kernel Estimations for Density Estimation in Line Transect Sampling

  25. 大人, 他们分头行动了。在下谨建议集中探知那个队长。

    Master, they've split up. I humbly suggest we scry on the leader.

  26. 九尖沙咀海防道九公园香港文物探知馆常设展览厅

    Thematic exhibition gallery, hong kong heritage discovery centre, kowloon park, haiphong road, tsim sha tsui, kowloon

  27. 通过对某一地域方言的考察研究,可探知该地域的文化特征。

    Through a inspection and study of regional dialects, we can explore the cultural characteristics of the area.

  28. 常言所谓探知求识,每每必与新奇未知之物相涉牵。

    Whenever we talk in ordinary language of seeking information or gaining knowledge, we understand the words as connected with absolute novelty.

  29. 心灵屏障受术者对影响心智,情绪的法术免疫,且无法被探知。

    Weird As phantasmal killer, but affects all within 28 ft.

  30. 然而这未必属实, 我们要学的还有很多, 尤其是对海底的探知。

    We a lot to learn and, particularly a lot to learn in the ocean's depths.