


1. 乐 [lè]2. 乐 [yuè]乐 [lè]欢喜,快活;快~。~境。~融融。~不可支。其~无穷。~观(精神愉快,对事物的发展充满信心)。~天(安于自己的处境而没有任何忧虑)。使人快乐的事情:取~。逗~。对某事甘心情愿:~此不疲。~善好……





汉语拼音:yuè fǔ



  1. 古代主管音乐的官署。起于 汉 代。

    汉 惠帝 时已有乐府令。 武帝 时定郊祀礼,始立乐府,掌管宫廷、巡行、祭祀所用的音乐,兼采民歌配以乐曲,以 李延年 为协律都尉。乐府之名始此。参阅《汉书·礼乐志》。

  2. 诗体名。初指乐府官署所采制的诗歌,后将 魏 晋 至 唐 可以入乐的诗歌,以及仿乐府古题的作品统称乐府。

    宋 郭茂倩 蒐辑 汉 魏 以迄 唐 、 五代 合乐或不合乐以及摹拟之作的乐府歌辞,总成一书,题作《乐府诗集》。 宋 以后的词、散曲、剧曲、因配乐,有时也称乐府。



  1. This assertion was so closely connected with realism advocated by DU Fu that it had a profound effect on the Xin Yuefu movement.


  2. Tom: Yes, it is characterized by a strong sense of reality.


  3. the han poetry " a long song ? the garden sunflowers are green " have a very long history whose source none of people knows.


  4. This paper studies Bao Zhao's folk poetry from a cultural prospective, which will provide us with a new perspective and an open space.


  5. Finally, the article concerned the relations between the using of instruments and orchestra policy and political conditions.


  6. Palace poem is one of the new Yuefu poems among after-Tang period Yuefu poems.


  7. The most famous form of songs collected by the Music Conservatory was called Xianghe GE.


  8. Rice gruel prepared for the troupe by students at Syracuse University on a snowy day warmed the cockles of their hearts.


  9. The second chapter discusses the beginning stage of "the System of Guci in Yuefu" .


  1. 乐府诗类型

    Yuefu poetry.

  2. 新乐府运动

    New Ballads Movement.

  3. 芙蓉亭乐府

    FuRongTing Music Bureau.

  4. 乐府诗创作

    creating of Yuefu poetry.

  5. 南朝乐府民歌

    austral Yuefu folk song.

  6. 文人故事乐府

    scholar stories written in the Han style.

  7. 新乐府诗风

    New Yuefu style.

  8. 两汉乐府诗

    poems of the Han dynasties.

  9. 同题乐府诗

    Yuefu poems on the same subject.

  10. 晚唐乐府诗

    Yuefu Poems of Late Tang Dynasty.

  11. 两汉民间乐府

    folk yuefu poems of Han Dynasty.

  12. 汉代乐府民歌

    folk song of musical bureau in Han Dynasty

  13. 汉乐府民歌

    Folk Song of the Music Bureau in Han Dynasty.

  14. 乐府歌行格律诗

    Yuefu Gexing

  15. 新题讽谕乐府诗

    New Allegory Yue Fu Poetry

  16. 魏晋乐府诗

    Weijin Yuefu Poem

  17. 汉乐府民歌叙事诗

    ballad in the Han style

  18. 汉乐府游仙诗

    divine poems of Han dynasty

  19. 汉乐府民歌散论

    Slightly on the Folk Songs in Hanyuefu

  20. 杂赋与乐府诗的关系

    The relation between za fu

  21. 浅谈乐府民歌的新闻性

    The new spirit of the folk songs and ballads of the Music Bureau of the Han Dynasty

  22. 张耒与张籍乐府诗之比较

    The Comparison between Zhang Lei and Zhang Ji on the Poems of Folk Songs

  23. 戏剧化的两汉乐府民歌

    The Dramatization of the Folk Songs and Ballads in the Han Style

  24. 汉乐府创作主体之分析

    The Study of the Authors of Han Music Collection

  25. 汉乐府诗中的寓言体

    The allegory in han yuefu poems.

  26. 第二章是七言乐府研究。

    Chapter two was the study of Yue Fu with seven characters.

  27. 论鲍照乐府诗的抒情特质

    On lyrical characteristics of BAO Zhaos Yuefu poems.

  28. 南朝乐府民歌女性情感的构成

    The Constituents of Female Emotions in Austral Yuefu Folk Songs

  29. 傅玄乐府诗的风格及其成因

    On the style of fu xuan's yuefu poems and its cause

  30. 中晚唐乐府题边塞诗研究

    The Study on the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty Frontier Fortress Poems of Yuefu.


  1. 问:乐府拼音怎么拼?乐府的读音是什么?乐府翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乐府的读音是yuèfǔ,乐府翻译成英文是 Official conservatory in the Han Dynasty....



汉族民歌音乐。乐府是上古时期的音乐行政机关,秦代以来朝廷设立的管理音乐的官署,到汉时沿用了秦时的名称。公元前112年,汉王朝在汉武帝时正式设立乐府,其任务是收集编纂各地民间音乐、整理改编与创作音乐、进行演唱及演奏等。 汉魏六朝以乐府民歌闻名。“乐府’本是汉武帝设立的音乐机构.用来训练乐工.制定乐谱和采集歌词,其中采集了大量民歌,后来,“乐府”成为一种带有音乐性的诗体名称。今保存的汉乐府民歌的五六十首,真实地反映了下层人民的苦难生活。如《战城南》、《东门行》、《十五从军征》、《陌上桑》等,其文体校《诗经》,《楚辞》更为活泼自由,发展了五言体、七言体及长短句等,并多以叙事为主,塑造了具有一定性格的人物形象。《孔雀东南飞》(又名《焦仲卿妻》)、《木兰辞》是汉魏以来乐府中叙事民歌的优秀代表作。