如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
聚合,聚在一起:~之。~数。~体。~结。汇~。概括全部,主要的:~纲。~则。为首的,最高的:~司令。~裁。~经理。~统。束系,束头发:~角(jiǎo )。经常,一直:~是这样。一定,无论如何:~归。“万紫千红~是春”。……
汉语拼音:zǒng zhī
The magnitude of difference between the price of a house and a toaster would skew the "total spend" numbers in favor of your argument.
对于你关心的问题,房价与土司间的差价将很大程度上影响总支出数字的结构。Now add up your expenses, and pray the total is lower than your monthly income.
汇总你的所有支出,祈祷你的月总支出小于你的总收入。In university, assumption group main branch clerks as well as in 2007 especially Austria Shanghai volunteers.
在大学中,担任团总支干事以及2007年特奥上海志愿者。Party branch secretary is wearing a wind current, Associate Professor.
现任党总支书记为戴东风副教授。Secretary of Party General Branch ? Secretary of CPC General Branch ?
党总支书记It also enshrines the germs of action, for good words almost always inspire to good thoughts.
这同样孕育着行为的总支,往往成为善行的先导。We have more money to spend on food than we did in the past. It's actually a smaller fraction of our overall expenditures than ever.
我们比过去要有更多钱花费在食物上,事实上这是占有史以来总支出最小的一部分。So even if we pay less per item, our total spending is higher.
因此即便每件东西能少付些钱,但我们的总支出更多。Adhering to the System of Joint Responsibility, Giving Full Play to the General Party Branch of College and Department
general branch committee of the Communist YouthLeague
The committees of general Party branches and Party branches shall have discipline inspection commissioners.