


单纯、独一、集中在一件事上:~长(cháng )。~使。~心致志。独自掌握和占有:~利。~车。~有。~断。姓。……


1. 柜 [guì]2. 柜 [jǔ]柜 [guì]一种收藏东西用的家具,通常作长方形,有盖或有门:~子。~橱。电视~。掌~(称商店老板或掌管商店的人。亦称“掌柜的”)。柜 [jǔ]〔~柳〕落叶乔木,羽状复叶,小叶长椭圆形,枝韧,可以编筐。……



汉语拼音:zhuān guì






  1. 专门陈列出售某一种类、某一地区的商品,或专门陈列供应某部分人的商品的柜台。

    马季 《礼仪之邦》:“那里开辟了 中华人民共和国 商品专柜, 四川 的竹器, 山东 的草制品, 汕头 的抽纱, 湖南 的湘绣,质地优良,品种齐全。”如:床上用品专柜;老年人生活用品专柜。



  1. Representations with the counters, counter claims that this phenomenon is not a quality issue, not returns.


  2. Talk to the clerk at the vintage store to see whether there is a section set aside for your designer of choice.


  3. Understand and follow up the plans by the department stores in terms of promotion, SIS relocation, and etc.


  4. Can go to the counter to ask ecological beauty products, to see people give you a referral. .


  5. Also low cost of the United States, our cosmetics and shopping malls by placing the makeup counters, is exactly the same.


  6. Place a cell phone salesman, told reporters that the mall, only a few counters have one or two 3G mobile phone market.


  7. At the age of eighteen, Don married his high-school girlfriend, Kretha; eventually, they settled in Nucla and opened the Apothecary Shoppe.


  8. Grocery stores have incorporated organic produce sections and locally sourced restaurants and stores are sprouting up throughout the city.


  9. From under the counter to ask people who bought this product, this is how the counter packaging ah?


  1. 特价书专柜

    Remainder counter.

  2. 激光视盘专柜

    A VCD bar.

  3. 外汇交易专柜

    foreign exchange desk

  4. 体育用品专柜

    athletic article counter.

  5. 通信用品专柜

    communications appliances shop

  6. 摄影器材专柜

    photographic articles counter.

  7. 广州百货专柜

    The general merchandise of Guangzhou.

  8. 这里是运动衫专柜。

    Here is the sports shirts section.

  9. 您得到袜子专柜去买。

    You can get them at the hosiery department.

  10. 百货商店的美容品专柜

    The cosmetic shop in a department store

  11. 专柜小姐乱有说服力的。

    The saleswoman was very persuasive.

  12. 你的专卖店或专柜的位置

    Your location of franchise shop or showcase

  13. 这里是视听器材专柜吗?

    Is this the video and audio appliance counter?

  14. 海鸥手表专柜北京哪里有?

    Where has sea gull wrist watch special counter Beijing

  15. 不知不觉我来到了洋娃娃专柜。

    I found myself in the doll section.

  16. 珠宝专柜首饰陈列的有效管理

    Effective management of Shoppe jewelry displaying.

  17. 超市有出售绿色植物的专柜。

    There is a special counter selling green plants in the supermarket.

  18. 让我带你去文学名著专柜。

    Let me take you to the classics section.

  19. 这里就是毛衣专柜,您想买什么?

    Here is the cashmere sweater counter, what can I do for you?

  20. 确保所有专柜美容顾问的服务水准

    Keep all cosmetic counters in good service standards

  21. 伦敦赛弗里奇百货商店里品牌专柜经理

    the manager of the brand's concession at Selfridges in London

  22. 本商店特设去屑, 润肤化妆品专柜。

    This shop has set up a special counter to sell cosmetics for removing dandruff and moisture skin.

  23. 这些提花带品牌专柜装潢优雅、格调统一。

    The elegant jacquard decorated with brand counters, style uniform.

  24. 当然可以。我会在鞋类专柜和你碰面。

    Sure. I'll meet you in the shoe department.

  25. 开发,评估及维护新的零售商场或者专柜。

    New retail stores evaluate, development and maintenance.

  26. 先生,袜子专柜在本层的自动梯脚处。

    On the floor, sir, at the foot of the escalator.

  27. 今天,跟我妈在商场的护肤品专柜。

    Today, I was at the store with my mother in the facial care section.

  28. 正式全面多普达专柜对广大消费者营业。

    Dopod counters into full operation on the vast number of consumers.

  29. 此服务专柜每天营业,包括星期日及假日。

    The valet shop opens daily, including Sundays and public holidays.

  30. 专柜小姐有, 这是我们的浓稠式睫毛膏。

    SALESWOMAN Of course. Here is our thickening mascara.


  1. 问:专柜拼音怎么拼?专柜的读音是什么?专柜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:专柜的读音是zhuānguì,专柜翻译成英文是 counter in shop for a particular kind of product...



[bar] 商店内以一项或几项独特商品为特色的柜台或售货部