







汉语拼音:jiǔ wéi








  1. 语出 唐 刘长卿 《送皇甫曾赴上都》诗:“东游久与故人违,西去荒凉旧路微。”后多以“久违”用作久别重逢时的套语。

    清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·传歌》:“ 杨老爷 在此,久违了。”《儒林外史》第十七回:“ 赵雪 兄,久违了!那里去?” 王统照 《揽天风雪梦牢骚》:“啊啊, 萧然 大爷,久违,久违!”



  1. On the fourth day, when I lifted her up, I felt a sense of intimacy returning. This was the woman who had given ten years of her life to me.


  2. The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) finally has a date set for the long-awaited arrival of a pair of giant pandas.


  3. Unfortunately, the old cliche is often true, "Out of sight, out of mind. "


  4. So shut himself in his home, lying in the sun, like reading her book, write oneself mood words, listen to love music.


  5. For him, it was a return to an old delight, soaring and sailing among the clouds.


  6. As the global economic recovery picked-up in 2010, the steel industry saw a reversal of fortunes as well.


  7. What his wife got was her long-lost fish eye while she got a piece of stout fish.


  8. The weekend has been a write-off on the sex front, yet Colin and I feel closer and more relaxed than we have in a long time.


  9. For some, it was an unfamiliar taste of the honor for Greeks tired of the country's reputation as unruly and disorganized.


  1. 真是久违了。

    It really has been a long time.

  2. 久违了!近来还好吗?

    Long time no see! Have you been well?

  3. 久违了!近来还好吗?

    Long time no see! Have you been well?

  4. 久违了! 近来还好吗?

    Long time no see! Have you been well?

  5. 很久没见面了。久违了。

    It is a long time since I saw you last.

  6. 久违的春雨浸润着大地。

    The spring rain, which we have waited for so long, moistens the land.

  7. 久违的春雨浸润着大地。

    The spring rain, which we have waited for so long, moistens the land.

  8. 聚会上有许多久违的老友。

    There were loads of old friends at the party that we hadn't seen for ages.

  9. 嗨,久违了!你藏到哪里去了?

    Hi, stranger! Where have you been hiding?

  10. 见到久违的朋友,我感慨万端。

    I could hardly control myself when I met a friend I hadn't seen for a long time.

  11. 我们再一次呼吸到久违的空气

    Once again we breathe in the air

  12. 昨天晚上终于睡了久违的好觉。

    Finally got some much needed deep sleep last night.

  13. 当夜晚不再, 你会找到久违之光

    When the night is overcome You may rise To find the sun

  14. 它们再次出现,就像久违的老朋友。

    They are back again like a long lost friend.

  15. 这致使一位久违的邻居,重回故里。

    Which led to the return of a longlost neighbor.

  16. 可能,这种久违的工匠精神,令人着迷。

    Probably, I have been driven crazy by this long lost craftsmans spirit.

  17. 快乐的感觉太久违,担心自己会忘记了。

    So long not happy that I'm afraid that have forgotten how happiness feel like.

  18. 漫天飞舞的雪花,使我有一种久违了的感觉。

    To me the scene of falling snow gives me a feeling I knew long ago.

  19. 我踏着你的足迹, 来和你相约这久违的约会。

    I'm marching to your footprint, come and make your day that returning to the appointment.

  20. 漫天飞舞得雪花,使我有一种久违了得感觉。

    To me the scene of falling snow gives me a feeling I knew long ago.

  21. 那份乐, 犹如春日阴晦中久违的阳光一样, 暖暖的。

    Share of music, like a long absence, the sun in spring Yinhui as warm.

  22. 杰姆在上周末的同学会上见到了久违的外语老师。

    Jim had met his foreign language teacher at the homecoming last weekend.

  23. 我回到那些熟悉的故地,看到久违谋面的家人朋友。

    I went back to old familiar places, saw friends and family that it has been too long since our last meetings.

  24. 它们都在张着大口,尽情享受着久违的甘露的滋润。

    They all heartily enjoy to have long time no see of moisten of sweet dew.

  25. 今天早上雨终于停了, 洛杉矶迎来了久违的阳光清晨!

    Yeah! the Rain finally stop and we have such a beautiful morning here in LA!

  26. 也许我还可以重新拾起那久违了的一点好奇心。

    Perhaps I could muster a little detached curiosity.

  27. 起早了一回,去图书馆溜达了一个多小时,久违得感觉。

    I got up early and strolled around library for more than one hour, faraway feelings.

  28. 起早了一回,去图书馆溜达了一个多小时,久违的感觉。

    I got up early and strolled around library for more than one hour, faraway feelings.

  29. 主场的优势让凯尔特人品尝了久违的总冠军味道。

    Celtic home advantage so long enjoy the taste of the championship.

  30. 在到达动物收容所前, 我还在为久违的兜风而兴奋。

    I was excited about the car ride until we arrived at the animal shelter.


  1. 问:久违拼音怎么拼?久违的读音是什么?久违翻译成英文是什么?

    答:久违的读音是jiǔwéi,久违翻译成英文是 a long time since we last met


