


1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……





汉语拼音:chóng féng








  1. 再次遇到。

    宋 张炎 《台城路》词:“十年前事翻疑梦,重逢可怜俱老。” 明 文徵明 《丁未九日与履约诸君同泛石湖就登上方》诗:“携壶更醉湖山上,白髮重逢又一年。” 茅盾 《子夜》十八:“好比多年不见的老朋友,昨天是第一次重逢,说不完那许多离情别绪。”



  1. A most marvelous journey is ready to unfold, which reunites you with your Spirit and Space families.

  2. In true romantic-comedy fashion, the heel of my shoe got stuck in the pavement, and I had to lean down to pull it out just as he walked in.

  3. But I will surely go there because I do not know whether I wil have chances to see him in the future.

  4. I must pretend. If I can only come across with you , but not live with you , how can I be happy?

  5. Had I the heart to tell him then, He might have stayed until the end, But maybe someday we'll meet again, In where I cannot find.

  6. The penguin was waiting AT the front desk. In the lobby, tired business travelers looked on AT the reunion -- I think with a touch of envy.

  7. One of his Turtle peers recalled a Las Vegas Turtle reunion years back when Shanks showed up with a well-known sitcom actress on his arm.

  8. Today I sealed Zeus' treasure into the Heart of the labyrinth, it does not seem right to sacrifice one child to gain another.

  9. I do not know farewell reunion, our state of mind how, but in the eyes of pain and bruises to the bottom of my heart . . . . . .


  1. 和好友重逢

    be reunited with a good friend

  2. 老朋友重逢时紧紧拥抱。

    The old friends hugged when they met.

  3. 久别重逢,自是高兴。

    It was of course a delight for them to meet again after such a long separation.

  4. 没关系,故友重逢就是如此。

    It's all right. We're just old friends reconnecting.

  5. 我们会再次与他们重逢。

    Until we are reunited once again.

  6. 也许你们会在意大利重逢。

    Probably you will meet in Italy.

  7. 久别重逢,格外亲切。

    People feel especially drawn to one another when they have been reunited after many years of separation.

  8. 离开,只是为了再依次重逢?

    Leaves, is only to a reunion turn again ?

  9. 久别重逢,互诉衷情。

    Meeting again after a long separation, they opened their hearts to each other.

  10. 于天蓝处与我爱重逢

    Overseas from coast to coast find a place i love the most

  11. 久别重逢,他们非常高兴。

    They were pleased to meet after such a long separation.

  12. 好好干,为了重逢的那天!

    Come on, for the day when we get together.

  13. 等于是五十周年重逢聚会。

    A kind of a fiftyyear anniversary reunion.

  14. 真糟糕在这种情况下重逢。

    Sorry, the reunion isnt under better circumstances.

  15. 三年后重逢,他们非常高兴。

    They were pleased to see each other after 1 years separation.

  16. 她会在音乐中跟你重逢。

    And she would be with you in the music.

  17. 与她重逢的无比喜悦之情

    the sheer joy of being with her again

  18. 我们很快会重逢的, 我的兄弟。

    We'll meet again soon, my brother.

  19. 那日一别,他们再没重逢。

    After that day they were separated, never to see each other again.

  20. 菲尔,鲨鱼在菲尼克斯重逢?

    Will Kobe, Phil and Shaq reunite in Phoenix.

  21. 她深信他们会在死后重逢。

    She had a firm conviction that they would meet again in the hereafter.

  22. 与她久别重逢,他欣喜不已。

    The happy family scene had enchanted him.

  23. 丹尼丝,我很高兴找和你重逢。

    Denise, I'm glad I ran into you.

  24. 所以现在是母女重逢的激动时刻

    so this is kind of a big moment for us.

  25. 我们得重逢使我们恢复了往日得友谊。

    Our reunion knits up the old friendship.

  26. 我们的重逢使我们恢复了往日的友谊。

    Our reunion knits up the old friendship.

  27. 妹妹, 明年我们重逢时再看如何。

    Sister, next year we will have a reunion to see what happens.

  28. 两人久别重逢,悲喜交集。

    Their reunion after a long separation brought mixed feelings of joy and sorrow to them both.

  29. 老朋友重逢你不得剧饮几杯?

    Shouldn't you drink more when meeting old friends again ?

  30. 老朋友重逢你不得剧饮几杯?

    Shouldn't you drink more when meeting old friends again?


  1. 问:重逢拼音怎么拼?重逢的读音是什么?重逢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重逢的读音是chóngféng,重逢翻译成英文是 reunite



“重逢”是个多义词,它可以指重逢(2005年美国电视剧), 重逢(2010年弗拉戈特著图书), 重逢(动画纪录片), 重逢(汉语词语), 重逢(毛阿敏演唱歌曲), 重逢(1954年严幼祥执导电影), 重逢(徐小凤演唱歌曲)。