


窃取,趁人不知时拿人东西:~窃。~吃。小~儿(t島r )。行动瞒着人:~~。~看。~听。~渡。~袭。~税。~天换日(喻暗中改变重大事物的真相以欺骗别人)。抽出时间:~空儿。~暇。~闲。苟且:~安。~生。~幸。~合苟容(苟且迎合别人的意思以求……





汉语拼音:tōu kuī








  1. Most visitors are content to window shop, but a few will try to peek at things you do not intend for public consumption.


  2. The overtly sexual nature of the body compels the viewer into the position of voyeur, only to reveal itself as an inanimate object.


  3. A child peeks out from her perch on her mother's back in Chinchero.


  4. McCain was traveling in France and said the brege(breach) incidents required an apology and a full investigation.


  5. He referred to his audiences, people who paid to hear the music they loved played with genius, as voyeurs.


  6. Needless to say, we all know me peeping for her again and again to pay a painful price.


  7. It pauses, overcome by shyness, like my grandchild at the door, peeping in, ducking out of sight, giggling in the hallway.


  8. My boyfriend agreed. He said that the male ghost was always watching me.


  9. But, in the spirit of to each his own, we've rounded up some of the craziest houses in the world for your voyeuristic pleasure.


  1. 抑或是单纯的偷窥。

    or maybe for simple voyeurism.

  2. 一群少妇偷窥一壮男

    A group of young women peeping a strong men

  3. 竟然偷窥我的爱车!

    My god, did you just hit the car that I love?

  4. 大概是只偷窥的浣熊。

    Hmm.Probably just a peeping raccoon.

  5. 窥视偷窥快速地偷看一眼

    To peek furtivelysteal a quick glance.

  6. 看到他在偷窥我们了。

    I caught him spying on us.

  7. 这只丑蛤蟆偷窥着她

    She peeped at her, this ugly toad.

  8. 唯恐那鲜血被任何人偷窥

    Lest anybody spy the blood

  9. 在车外面偷窥你的怪咖

    who were peeking in your trailer.

  10. 像间谍一样偷窥男人的隐私。

    the same as the spy voyeur mans privacy.

  11. 获得产品偷偷偷窥和发布日期。

    Access to product sneak peeks and release dates.

  12. 但现在她肯定以为我想偷窥她

    and now she must think that I'm a stalker.

  13. 那人时常偷窥我邻居的房子。

    The man often has a peep at my neighbors house.

  14. 肖像拍摄中夹杂着偷窥和监视。

    Portraiture merges here with voyeurism and surveillance.

  15. 切勿用于赌博, 偷窥, 犯法后果自负!

    No application on wager, peeping and respond to any responsibility.

  16. 我什么时候成为这样一个偷窥狂了?

    When had I become such a voyeur

  17. 许多镜头如同在偷窥自己的世界, 生活。

    Many lens are similar to are stealing peep own world, life.

  18. 法庭文件宣称她可能是一个偷窥狂。

    The court papers allege she may be a voyeur.

  19. 她觉得自己不会被偷窥,可以随心所欲。

    She thought she was safe from prying eyes and could do as she wished.

  20. 你在我家周围偷窥还随便翻我的东西。

    Well. You snooped around my house and went through my stuff.

  21. 传说当汤姆偷窥她时,他就突然失明了。

    Legend says that Tom suddenly went blind as he peeped at her.

  22. 窥孔一个人们可以用来偷窥得小孔或裂缝。

    A small hole or crevice through which one may peep.

  23. 窥孔一个人们可以用来偷窥的小孔或裂缝。

    A small hole or crevice through which one may peep.

  24. 就是为了让我们不需要通过窗户来偷窥啊

    so we dont have to peep through windows.

  25. 他的早期作品大多与梦境和色情有关, 与偷窥和自恋有关。

    Most of his early works relate to eroticism, peep and narcissism.

  26. 他的所作所为很大程度上激起了英国人的偷窥欲。

    He also did much to turn Britons into a nation of voyeurs.

  27. 当你在网上冲浪,你给自己打开的被偷窥后的网站。

    Whenever you surf the Web, you leave yourself open to being snooped upon by web sites.

  28. 等等,我会四处偷窥是因为我无意中发现了那些钱。

    Hold on a minute. I started snooping around because I found all that money by accident.

  29. 我得灵目透过窗缝偷窥,退后,翩跹于遮阳棚下。

    My mind's eye, peeping window, backs off, fluttering under the awning.

  30. 我的灵目透过窗缝偷窥,退后,翩跹于遮阳棚下。

    My mind's eye, peeping window, backs off, fluttering under the awning.


  1. 问:偷窥拼音怎么拼?偷窥的读音是什么?偷窥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偷窥的读音是tōukuī,偷窥翻译成英文是 to peek; to engage in voyeurism

  2. 问:偷窥孔拼音怎么拼?偷窥孔的读音是什么?偷窥孔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偷窥孔的读音是,偷窥孔翻译成英文是 Nozoki Ana

  3. 问:偷窥嫌疑拼音怎么拼?偷窥嫌疑的读音是什么?偷窥嫌疑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偷窥嫌疑的读音是tōukuīxiányí,偷窥嫌疑翻译成英文是 suspicion of theft


