


1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……


1. 济 [jì]2. 济 [jǐ]济 [jì]渡,过河:同舟共~。对困苦的人加以帮助:~世。救~。赈~。周~。接~。补益:无~于事。济 [jǐ]〔~水〕古水名,源于今中国河南省,流经山东省入渤海。(濟)……


聚合,聚在一起:~之。~数。~体。~结。汇~。概括全部,主要的:~纲。~则。为首的,最高的:~司令。~裁。~经理。~统。束系,束头发:~角(jiǎo )。经常,一直:~是这样。一定,无论如何:~归。“万紫千红~是春”。……


1. 量 [liáng]2. 量 [liàng]量 [liáng]确定、计测东西的多少、长短、高低、深浅、远近等的器具:~具。~杯。~筒。~角器。用计测器具或其他作为标准的东西确定、计测:计~。测~。~度。~体温。估计,揣测:估~。思~。打……



汉语拼音:jīng jì zǒng liàng



  1. "Contribution to world growth matters more than size. From that point of view, China passed Japan quite a while ago, " she said.


  2. China, with an economy less than one-third the size of the U. S. economy, is spending about $1 trillion on upgrading its infrastructure.


  3. Yao Jian: Recently, I also noticed the figure, and I shared the opinion of MOFCOM last September here in terms of economic aggregate.


  4. Although private debt had been rising, the country's overall debt-to-GDP ratio had not ballooned, because the Greek economy was growing.


  5. Who would have thought that, despite years of auto-industry hardship, the economy of Michigan is still the same size as Taiwan's?


  6. Per capita, it still will be about only a fifth of the United States because it has to be distributed over a much larger population.


  7. So the net government stimulus was barely $100 billion a year in a more than $14-trillion economy.


  8. It is reported that China's economy is now to the United States, larger than that of Japan or any single member of the European Union.


  9. Include businesses where the state owns minority stakes above 10%, and no less than one-tenth of the French economy is partly state-owned.


  1. 沈阳经济总量

    Shenyang economic output

  2. 经济总量平衡

    balance between aggregate demand and supply.

  3. 经济总量结构体系

    structural system of total economic output

  4. 经济总量跨上新台阶。

    Sichuans economic aggregate moved up to a new stage.

  5. 这是当今美国的经济总量。

    That is the size of the entire U. S. economy today.

  6. 经济总量已居世界第六位。

    China came up to the sixth place in the world in terms of economic aggregate.

  7. 经济增长主要表现为经济总量的增长。

    Abstract Economic growth is mainly increase of economic aggregate which is based on growth of all industries.

  8. 第二步快发展,壮大经济总量。

    The second is to quicken development speed and increase the total quantity of economy.

  9. 兵团经济总量分析及增长质量提高

    Analysis on Economic Increase Quality of the Total Economic Quantity in BINGTUAN

  10. 把扩大经济总量同加快结构调整结合。

    The expansion of overall economic volume with speeding up structural readjustments.

  11. 上海不同所有制经济总量及结构调整预测

    Forecasting Shanghai different ownership economy gross and structur adjustment

  12. 近年来迅速崛起, 经济总量已超越大连。

    Its economy has now taken off and its total economic output has surpassed Dalian.

  13. 土地供给量与宏观经济总量的相关性研究

    The Relevance Research on Land Supply Capacity and Macro Economic Total Quantity

  14. 目前, 金砖五国的经济总量占全球经济总量的五分之一。

    The BRICS countries, together, make up nearly one fifth of the global economy.

  15. 经济总量由总供给和总需求的均衡来决定。

    The total output is determined by the equilibrium between total supply and total demand.

  16. 他说, 当前亚洲在世界经济总量中占有14的份额。

    At present, Asia takes up a quarter of the global aggregate economy.

  17. 荷兰人口虽然不多,经济总量却居世界第16位。

    Despite the size of its population, the Netherlands ranks the 16th in economic aggregate in the world.

  18. 改革开放以来, 江西经济总量跃上了一个新台阶。

    Since reforming and opening, jiangxi economy gross jumped a new chance to extricate position.

  19. 经济总量之大,要求村会计具有较高得业务素质。

    Of economic gross big, requirement village accountant has higher business quality.

  20. 国民经济保持良好发展势头,经济总量迈上新的台阶。

    The national economy maintained good momentum and a new high was scored in economic aggregates.

  21. 一般说来, 我国目前的经济总量供求关系明显缓解。

    Say commonly, our country's current economic gross supply demand relations alleviates apparently.

  22. 因此, 在艾滋病肆虐的国家, 经济总量和国民收入大幅滑坡。

    Therefore, the AIDS epidemic the country, economic output and national income decline sharply.

  23. 第一步上项目,夯实发展基础。第二步快发展,壮大经济总量。

    The first step is to set up programs in order to tamp the development foundation.

  24. 经济总量增长与结构优化相统一, 经济抗波动能力不断增强。

    Gross growth and structure optimize economy to be united, economy fights fluctuant ability to increase ceaselessly.

  25. 全球经济活动总量是一年年的递增。

    The world economic aggregate is increasing year by year.

  26. 论经济的总量结构体系要适合社会劳动生产率水平的规律

    On the Rule of Economical Total Quantity Structure System Should Suit the Level of Social Labor Productivity

  27. 粮食产量连创新高, 工业总量不断扩大, 经济实力日益增强。

    Even grain output hit a record high of total industry expanding, growing economic strength.

  28. 排污权交易制度是有效实行总量控制的环境经济手段。

    Transaction for an authority of pollutant drainage is an effective economical approach to control the total volume of pollutant.

  29. 反经济的形式, 包括资源总量递减与环境代价递增。

    Return economic form, include resource gross to decrease successively increase by degrees with environmental cost.

  30. 货币供应指经济体系内可供交易投资使用的货币总量。

    Money supply refers to the total stock of money available in an economy.


