




1. 饶 [ráo]饶 [ráo]富足,多:富~。~裕。~舌(多话)。宽恕,免除处罚:~恕。~命。尽管:~这样,他还不同意。另外增添:~头。买十~一。姓。……



汉语拼音:qiú ráo







  1. 乞求饶恕。

    清 李渔 《蜃中楼·传书》:“忤逆罪瀰天怎逃,从责罚,敢求饶?”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四二回:“这位太尊急了,要想个阻止他的法子,那里想得出来,只得对他作揖打拱的求饶。” 阿英 《碧血花》第一幕:“那狗头还拼命求饶,哀求说:‘大王饶命!大王饶命!’”



  1. She struggled, she began to cry out for mercy, but I held her fast, forcing back her head and staring down into her face.


  2. Loki pleaded for mercy, promising to visit the dark elves of the underworld and get new hair, lovelier even than the hair he had cut.


  3. If some Shia do slander the three caliphs and Ayisha, they do it out of ignorance and should ask God' s forgiveness.


  4. Her mother ignored her pleas, continuing to hand-spank her little fanny with slow, firm swats ! !


  5. Please do not always so simple, so arrogant ! You really begging for forgiveness when I will?


  6. The lion caught the little creature and the mouse, shivering with fear, cried out for mercy.


  7. Scream for mercy, he laughs as he's watching you bleed, Killer behind you, my blood lust defies all my needs.


  8. In these adverse circumstances, the U. S. president had to beg for mercy to these three major villains.


  9. The best war prisoner award: Dear, please, if I can have one mouth of food.


  1. 猫的子宫在求饶。

    Of a surrendering cat uterus.

  2. 他求饶也没有用。

    He pleaded for mercy to no avail.

  3. 他跪下求饶。

    He fell on his knees and begged for mercy.

  4. 他跪下求饶。

    He fell on his knees and begged for mercy.

  5. 俘虏们跪下求饶。

    The prisoners feel on their knees to beg for clemency.

  6. 求饶。低声下气的道歉

    to make an abject apology

  7. 他们被打得求饶。

    They were beaten to their knees.

  8. 不求胜,就得求饶。

    Cry for quarters, or for victory.

  9. 你最好跪下来求饶。

    It would be better if you got down and begged for mercy.

  10. 她现在跪地求饶了吧。

    Let it be your glory to see her tears.

  11. 男孩向他父亲求饶。

    The boy sued his father for mercy.

  12. 你们俩准备向我求饶吧。

    Oh, you both better beg for mercy, sucka!

  13. 这个人伏在地上求饶。

    The man fell on his face, begging for mercy.

  14. 他扑通一下跪下来求饶。

    He flopped down on his knees and begged for mercy.

  15. 那犯人忽然跪下来求饶。

    The criminal flopped down on his knees and begged for mercy.

  16. 他扑通一声跪下求饶。

    He flopped down on his knees and begged for mercy

  17. 他宁可饿死也不求饶。

    He would rather starve to death than beg for his life.

  18. 他想亲眼看着他们求饶。

    He wants to see them beg for mercy.

  19. 他们为了保全狗命,苦苦求饶。

    They begged for mercy for the sake of saving their own skins.

  20. 那时候你只会跪地求饶。

    And you pleading on your knees.

  21. 三十分钟后, 罗杰开始求饶了。

    Thirty minutes later, Roger is begging for mercy.

  22. 你在求饶吗?那就这样结束了。

    Did you beg for forgiveness? So this is how it ends.

  23. 我保证会让他跪地求饶。

    And I guarantee you, we'll have this guy begging us.

  24. 她会一直折磨你直到你求饶叫娘。

    she'll torture you until you beg for your mama.

  25. 达塔尼昂是个从不求饶的人。

    D'Artagnan was not the man ever to cry for quarter.

  26. 在饶了我吧中,当一方求饶时

    In the game of mercy, when one kid cries out.

  27. 它看起来很害怕的样子,好像在求饶。

    It seemed to be afraid, and begging for mercy.

  28. 当我听到你求饶的时候, 我可能会的。

    When I hear you beg, maybe I will.

  29. 人若对人怀怒, 怎能向上主求饶?

    Man to man reserveth anger, and doth he seek remedy of God?

  30. 当拳头落在他身上时, 他就求饶了。

    Literary he begged for mercy as the blows fell on him.


  1. 问:求饶拼音怎么拼?求饶的读音是什么?求饶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求饶的读音是qiúráo,求饶翻译成英文是 ask for forgiveness




【拼音】:qiú ráo

【注音】:ㄑㄧㄡˊ ㄖㄠˊ


【出处】:《东周列国志》第二回 :“才打得几拳,众宫娥惧幽王见罪,一齐跪下叩首,高叫:‘千岁,求饶!万事须看王爷面上!’太子亦恐伤命,即时住手。”清 李渔《蜃中楼·传书》:“忤逆罪弥天怎逃,从责罚,敢求饶?”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四二回:“这位太尊急了,要想个阻止他的法子,那里想得出来,只得对他作揖打拱的求饶。”

【示例】: 阿英 《碧血花》第一幕:“那狗头还拼命求饶,哀求说:‘大王饶命!大王饶命!’”