







汉语拼音:qǐ huǒ










  1. 生火;烧火;点火。

    《孙子·火攻》:“发火有时,起火有日。”《晋书·杜预传》:“﹝ 杜预 ﹞又遣牙门 管定 、 周旨 、 伍巢 等率奇兵八百,泛舟夜渡,以袭 乐乡 ,多张旗帜,起火 巴山 ,出於要害之地,以夺贼心。” 宋 陆游 《农家诗》之一:“大布缝袍稳,乾薪起火红。” 明 郎瑛 《七修类稿·辩证三·玉楼玉环夜光》:“《輟耕録》载薄木片染磺起火者为夜光奴。” 刘波泳 《秦川儿女》第二部第三二章:“屋里不起火,冷得跟在冰窟窿里一个样样。”

  2. 放火。

    《文选·左思<魏都赋>》“巢焚原燎,变为煨烬” 唐 张载 注:“虎賁中郎将 袁术 等攻阁,日暮, 术 等起火烧阁。”

  3. 失火,发生火灾。

    《古今小说·羊角哀舍命全交》:“庙中忽然起火,烧做白地。” 茅盾 《脱险杂记·劫后拾遗五》:“相去不过十多家门面的一个洋货铺子中了一弹,立刻起火。” 李劼人 《大波》第二部第一章:“起火地方即使离他寓所尚远,也还能够延烧去的。”

  4. 冒火;生气。

    邹韬奋 《萍踪寄语》六二:“看他等得起火的神气,颇堪发噱。” 萧军 《八月的乡村》十一:“最使他难忍耐的就是 孙氏 弟兄当真的也干上了。肩头上每人全挂了步枪,连 秃四 那毛孩子也一样……在队里不停留的向他打招呼这该是多么值得起火啊!简直是侮辱了他!”

  5. 产生强烈的欲念。

    钱锺书 《围城》一:“ 苏小姐 觉得 鲍小姐 赤身露体,伤害及 中国 国体。那些男学生看得心头起火,口角流水。”

  6. 谓阴阳相交,男女相合。

    《参同契》下“初冠,婚气相纽,元年乃芽滋” 五代 彭晓 通义:“天机媾龙虎之形,合夫妇之体,初则全无形质,一如鸿濛混沌之中,既经起火运符,则男女精气相纽。”

  7. 起伙。

    《天雨花》第一回:“多承小相公前来下顾,还是我老身店中供饭,还是自家起火?” 孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·村歌一》:“‘俺家开的是起火小店。’ 双眉 笑了,‘你没看见那头那大炕?吃的就从这里边赚出来。’” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第十七章:“人家谁倒像你小子一样,领带人马、安营下寨、盘锅头起火,成个把月在山里头割竹子呢?”

  8. 焰火的一种。

    明 沉榜 《宛署杂记·民风·土俗》:“放烟火,用生铁粉杂硝、磺、灰等为玩具,其名不一,有声者,曰响炮,高起者,曰起火。”《红楼梦》第五三回:“一夜人声杂沓,语笑喧闐,爆竹起火,络绎不絶。” 赵树理 《登记》一:“ 艾艾 可只看放花炮起火。”



  1. Suddenly the dog hit upon a good idea. He lit up a fire and began to fry fish.


  2. What might have happened at the center of the cloud to make the Sun catch fire ?


  3. Turkey's maritime authority said the ship caught fire early in the day and efforts to extinguish the fire were continuing by the afternoon.


  4. The inquiries made by the police so far have failed to throw any light on the cause of the fire.


  5. For a wind's in the heart of me, a fire's in my heels.


  6. iReporter Rice said he was watching fireworks nearby when he noticed that fireworks were being set off near the buildings.


  7. This week is turning out to be a bad one for owners of super cars, as a second high priced exotic has burst into flames.


  8. Company said the fire began in the packaging material stored in the ship, but cause of the fire is not yet clear.


  9. Cause of the fire is still under investigation, the police might be around the initial estimate of refuse by burning garbage dump.


  1. 生火,起火

    To build or fuel.

  2. 房子起火啦!

    The house is on fire!

  3. 哪儿起火啦?

    Where's the fire?

  4. 围栏起火了!

    The fence was on fire!

  5. 围栏起火了!

    The fence was on fire!

  6. 半夜突然起火。

    A fire broke out during the midnight.

  7. 敌舰起火了。

    The enemy warship has caught fire.

  8. 200个起火的脑袋

    198 flaming heads.

  9. 飞机坠毁起火。

    The aircraft crashed and burst into flames,ie suddenly began to burn.

  10. 大约650个油井起火。

    About 650 wells are on fire.

  11. 起火得长安法

    pyretic exercise for longevity.

  12. 一堆干草起火了!

    A heap of hay caught fire!

  13. 无烟不起火。

    Where there is no smoke,there is no fire.

  14. 点燃,点燃,点起火,点起火来。

    Igniting, igniting, igniting fire. Igniting fire.

  15. 有一栋房子起火了。

    There is a house on fire.

  16. 锅炉已经生起火了。

    The boiler has stoked up.

  17. 阿纳金,船体起火了!

    Anakin, the hull is burning up!

  18. 你的房子也因此起火

    Your house has caught fire.

  19. 从地面起火的树冠火灾

    crown out

  20. 然后他身上就起火了。

    And then he caught on fire.

  21. 然后他身上就起火了。

    And then he caught on fire.

  22. 潮湿的火药不会起火。

    Damp gunpowder will not fire.

  23. 起火原因还在调查中。

    The cause is under investigation.

  24. 森林里起火了, 很危险。

    A forest fire is very dangerous.

  25. 发火有时, 起火有日。

    There is a proper season for making attacks with fire, and special days for starting a conflagration.

  26. 起火原因尚在调查中。

    The cause is still under investigation.

  27. 发火有时,起火有日。

    There is a proper season for making attacks with fire, and special days for starting a conflagration.

  28. 无烟不起火,无毁不成名。

    No flame rises without smoke, no fame without calumny.

  29. 你的愚蠢是起火的原因。

    Your stupidity was a contributory cause of the fire.

  30. 点起火来把狼吓跑

    light a fire to scare off the wolves


  1. 问:起火拼音怎么拼?起火的读音是什么?起火翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起火的读音是qǐhuǒ,起火翻译成英文是 to be on fire; to prepare meals

  2. 问:起火源拼音怎么拼?起火源的读音是什么?起火源翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起火源的读音是qǐ huǒ yuán,起火源翻译成英文是 fire origin

  3. 问:起火点拼音怎么拼?起火点的读音是什么?起火点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起火点的读音是qǐ huǒ diǎn,起火点翻译成英文是 origin of fire

  4. 问:起火后模型拼音怎么拼?起火后模型的读音是什么?起火后模型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起火后模型的读音是qǐ huǒ hòu mó xíng,起火后模型翻译成英文是 post ignition model

  5. 问:起火后火灾危险模型拼音怎么拼?起火后火灾危险模型的读音是什么?起火后火灾危险模型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起火后火灾危险模型的读音是qǐ huǒ hòu huǒ zāi wēi xiǎn mó xíng,起火后火灾危险模型翻译成英文是 post ignition fire risk model


起火是一个词语,拼音是qǐ huǒ,意思是发生火灾;生火做饭;发怒;心里浮躁。