


〔~树〕即“栎( lì)树”。简称“橡”,如“~子”(橡树的果实)。〔~胶树〕常绿乔木,枝细长,三个椭圆形小叶构成复叶,开白花,结球形蒴果。简称“橡”,如“~皮”。……







汉语拼音:xiàng pí tǐng






  1. 在金属或木材作的骨架上蒙以橡胶布外壳的轻便小艇。可折合贮藏。一般用于军事、勘察、救生、狩猎等。



  1. Imagine standing on a rubber raft and sticking a really long straw into a pond in hopes of sipping a soft drink buried on the bottom.


  2. Google was a massive aircraft carrier, and I was just a small dinghy trying to push it a few degrees North.


  3. The young man's eyes glistened with amusement AS he heard the story of his friend's accident in the dinghy.


  4. The team threw lifelines to the trapped men after realizing that the boat could not move any further, Wang said.


  5. They plunged into the lake, and after loading their gear on an inflatable rubber dinghy, let the current carry them to the other side.


  6. Rubber boats and a helicopter were used to evacuate people stranded by the deluge.


  7. A couple of these magnificent birds swoop above us during a zodiac tour of the fjord, which causes some excitement and the loss of a camera.


  8. Such was the extent of the swell in the area that it took the Irish crew five attempts to pluck the two survivors from their inflatable .


  9. By the use of the boat drifting boats are canoe, kayak and inflatable.


  1. 硬件橡皮艇

    rigid hull inflatable boat.

  2. 快速硬身橡皮艇

    fast rigid hulled inflatable craft

  3. 浅谈橡皮艇的检验

    A brief discussion on the inspection of the inflatable boat

  4. 他们用橡皮艇收集雨水。

    the men collected rainwater in the rubber dinghy.

  5. 他们用橡皮艇蓄积雨水。

    The men collected rainwater in the rubber dinghy.

  6. 你们可以乘我的橡皮艇。

    You can just hop on my dinghy.

  7. 橡皮艇航行时吃水很深。

    The rib rides low in the water.

  8. 海浪完全吞没了小橡皮艇。

    The wave completely swamped the small dinghy.

  9. 摧毁橡皮艇从而得到激光武器

    Destroy pontoon to get laser

  10. 她跳进了橡皮艇, 撑船离开。

    She jumped into the dinghy and shoved off.

  11. 那个男人用橡皮艇来装雨水。

    The men collected rainwater in rubber dinghy.

  12. 乘橡皮艇漂流就从这儿开始。

    We will begin rubber dinghy drifting from here.

  13. 他们两人用橡皮艇收集雨水。

    The men collected rainwater in the rubber dinghy.

  14. 他带上了一个橡皮艇以防万一。

    He loaded a rubber boat in case of emergency.

  15. 我们有一条充好气的橡皮艇。

    We've got a rubber boat that blows up.

  16. 把各种器具装上一只充气橡皮艇。

    and after loading their gear on an inflatable rubber dinghy.

  17. 戴上呼吸管 从橡皮艇上翻入水中

    I put my snorkel in my mouth, and I rolled over the side of the Zodiac into the water.

  18. 暴风雨增强时, 橡皮艇上得人交出全部希望。

    As the storm increased, the men on the raft surrendered all hope.

  19. 暴风雨增强时,橡皮艇上的人交出全部希望。

    As the storm increased, the men on the raft surrendered all hope.

  20. 漂流所使用的舟艇有独木舟、皮船及橡皮艇。

    By the use of the boat drifting boats are canoe, kayak and inflatable.

  21. 在战场的散兵坑,救生橡皮艇上,没有无神论者。

    There are no atheists in foxholes and rubber rafts.

  22. 目前,相关企业接近40家,产品主要是橡皮艇快艇或帆船。

    Current, relevant enterprise is close to40, the product basically is rubber a light boat, mosquito craft or caique.

  23. 所有参加这次活动的人必须在橡皮艇上生活三天。

    All the participants of this activity are going to spend three days in a rubber dinghy.

  24. 所有参加这次活动的人必须在橡皮艇上生活三天。

    All the participants of this activity are going to spend three days in a rubber dinghy.

  25. 我们在暗礁多的地方航行的话橡皮艇能完成这个任务。

    We reefed the sail on the raft in complete safety.

  26. 他们跳入湖中,把各种器具装上一只充气的橡皮艇,

    They plunged into the lake, and after loading their gear on an inflatable rubber dinghy

  27. 我们乘着橡皮艇穿过小海湾 遇到了这只巨型豹海豹

    So we come around the cove in our little Zodiac boat, and there's this monstrous leopard seal.

  28. 经过此番准备,我奋力地划浆,将橡皮艇恢复到原来得方向。

    So prepared, I use an aggressive draw stroke to bring me back in line.

  29. 经过此番准备,我奋力地划浆,将橡皮艇恢复到原来的方向。

    So prepared, I use an aggressive draw stroke to bring me back in line.

  30. 类似前一种橡皮艇,这种艇在运输时也不需要拆下底板。

    Like dinghies, these boats have floors you don't have to remove when stowing the boat.


  1. 问:橡皮艇拼音怎么拼?橡皮艇的读音是什么?橡皮艇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:橡皮艇的读音是xiàngpítǐng,橡皮艇翻译成英文是 inflatible boat; rubber dinghy