


1. 乘 [chéng]2. 乘 [shèng]乘 [chéng]骑,坐:~马。~车。~客。~警。趁着,就着:~便。~机(趁着机会)。~势。~兴(xìng)。因利~便。算术中指一个数使另一个数变成若干倍:~法。~幂(mì)。~数。佛教的教派……


事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……



汉语拼音:chéng jī








  1. 有机可趁;利用机会。

    《晋书·慕容晖载记》:“今若乘机不赴,恐 燕 之君臣将有 甬 东之悔。” 唐 韩愈 《与柳中丞书》:“乘机逐利,四出侵暴。”《警世通言·杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》:“ 孙富 吟诗,正要引 李公子 出头,他好乘机攀话。” 周立波 《湘江一夜》:“‘他只懂得作梦吃东西。’ 小赵 乘机又刺他一下。”



  1. Goldman insiders are likely to view the suit as an opportunistic attempt to cash in on the bank's dismal public image.


  2. shouted Nikolay to his father's coachman , so as to have a chance of overtaking him on the road.


  3. Opportunity the night before, to ensure adequate sleep to rest, the next day took the opportunity to have abundant energy.


  4. The feeling is the opportunity Donald claimed all the senses, the more want a moment of tranquility is often wasted.


  5. First, I would gauge her mood that day, and if I found her unapproachable, I would write her a note requesting a meeting.


  6. I'm due to fly back to the United States on Friday report to my boss next week attend a conference in London next month.


  7. And for me, that's the bottom line when I consider cashing in on all the benefits our heterosexual relationship is entitled to.


  8. The first consequence of this fray was, that the woman who was really the thief made off and got clearly away in the crowd.


  9. These institutions think they're going to get something out of it that will enhance their image.


  1. 乘机旅行手提包

    flight bag

  2. 抓紧时机, 乘机

    Catchan occasion by the forelock

  3. 乘机做某事。

    Take the opportunity for doing sth.

  4. 乘机出诊的医生

    flying doctor

  5. 乘机旅行愉快吗?

    Did you have a good flight ?

  6. 我们乘机俯视大海。

    We overlooked sea plane.

  7. 佳公子乘机溜走了。

    The dandy took advantage of the incident to make his escape.

  8. 现在, 我们应乘机反攻。

    We should seize the opportunity to counterattack.

  9. 他肯定已乘机到达了。

    He must have arrived by air.

  10. 我乘机瞥了一眼镜子。

    I snatched a glance at the mirror.

  11. 那个老姑娘想乘机利用我们。

    The old girls plan to cash in on us.

  12. 就这么说了,立即乘机来!

    Well, airplane and come immediately!

  13. 我预定星期五乘机返美。

    I''m due to fly back to the States on Friday.

  14. 他乘机百般撩拨,眉目传情。

    He tried in a hundred ways to convey his own feelings, casting arch glances at them.

  15. 很多人会乘机占我便宜。

    Most guys would have taken advantage of me.

  16. 将军乘机北上去看望他的士兵。

    The general flew up to see his soldiers.

  17. 总长请你立即乘机到这里来。

    The Chief says for you to hop a plane and get up here right away.

  18. 南航乘机旅客正点率大幅提高

    Flight Punctuality of China Southern Airlines Improved

  19. 那么她本人现在愿意乘机? ? 西哥么?

    So would she herself take a flight to Mexico now ? Absolutely.

  20. 对不起, 您不在这个柜台办理乘机手续。

    I'm sorry, you are not at the right counter.

  21. 更有甚者,凭空捏造假名,乘机以次充好。

    Have more very person, without foundation is concoctive anonym, seize the opportunity shoddy.

  22. 我会找到一个方便的时间,乘机溜走。

    I shall find a time when we can steal away.

  23. 完成了最后的准备, 球队乘机飞往北方。

    Final preparations are completed and the squad flies north.

  24. 小玄子乘机伸指戳出,戳中他左腿。

    Misty also seized the opportunity to jab his fingers into Trinkets left thigh.

  25. 客票价为旅客开始乘机之日适用的票价。

    Passenger fares for passengers the opportunity to start the day of the applicable fare.

  26. 您乘坐的航班在值机18号柜台办理乘机手续。

    You should check in at counter no.18.

  27. 提供中文和英文教育服务的公司将会乘机宰人。

    Chinese and English education service corporations will make a killing.

  28. 旅客务请按下列时间要求前往机场办理乘机手续。

    Passengers must the airport within the time limit listed below.

  29. 机场医生检查后, 是否给出适宜乘机的明确性答复。

    The airport doctor has given the clarity reply.

  30. 这些机构认为他们将从中得益, 可乘机拔高他们的形象。

    These institutions think theyre going to get something out of it that will enhance their image.


  1. 问:乘机拼音怎么拼?乘机的读音是什么?乘机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘机的读音是chéngjī,乘机翻译成英文是 seize an opportunity

  2. 问:乘机利用拼音怎么拼?乘机利用的读音是什么?乘机利用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘机利用的读音是chéng jī lì yòng,乘机利用翻译成英文是 cash in on

  3. 问:乘机车者拼音怎么拼?乘机车者的读音是什么?乘机车者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘机车者的读音是,乘机车者翻译成英文是 motorcyclist



【释义】 1、[exploit the opportunity;leap at the chance] 利用机会、 找空子。只能找空子,等待时机,不使用技巧和欺诈等手段,所遇到的时机富有偶然性和可预见性。


【示例】有机可趁;利用机会。 2、搭乘飞机。