






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:àn bīng bù dòng





《吕氏春秋·召类》:“赵简子按兵而不动。” 原指作战时控制一部分力量暂不行动。现比喻暂不行动,以待时机。按:控制。



  • 【解释】:按:止住。使军队暂不行动。现也比喻暂不开展工作。
  • 【出自】:《荀子·王制》:“偃然按兵不动。”《吕氏春秋·恃君览》:“赵简子按兵而不动。”
  • 【示例】:又听得寨前炮响,史文恭~,只要等他入来,塌了陷坑,山后伏兵齐起,接应捉人。
  • 【语法】:兼语式,作谓语、定语;多指接到任务后不肯做或暂时不做


  1. The central bank's inaction is owed to a particular set of Japanese circumstances as the economy moves out of a decade of deflation.


  2. 'I will hold the fire for a while to see what happens with the property market, ' Jin said.


  3. The Federal Reserve is still spooked by recession. It kept interest rates unchanged this week, as did the Bank of England earlier in June.


  4. Some of these characters have a vision of starting or buying a business, but always seem to find reasons to do nothing.


  5. Answer If I were you I'd stay put. The trouble is that I'm not you, but even taking that into account I'd urge you to stay put anyway.


  6. The rate increase will be a disappointment to Indian business lobby groups that had been pushing the central bank to hold fire.


  7. The US can act to tame budget deficits and set our economy on a sound footing for the next prosperity surge. Or not. It is our choice.


  8. It is enough to make some longer-term investors freeze, or at least not make major moves.


  9. The city of Durban has already made a pitch; Cape Town may follow; Johannesburg for the moment is keeping mum.


  1. 按兵不动, 看它是否懈怠

    Be tranquil to observe if they become lax.

  2. 红军按兵不动, 伺机发动反击。

    The Red Army bided their time to launch a counterattack.

  3. 林文犹豫了一下,仍然按兵不动。

    Just hesitate a little, still bide one's time.

  4. 北军按兵不动,我无话可说,爱莫能助。

    And nothing I could do or say could make the army move.

  5. 尽管如此,反托拉斯者应该按兵不动。

    Even so, the trustbusters should stay their hand.

  6. 即不要保持沉默也不能按兵不动。

    Neither silence nor inaction is necessary.

  7. 我们就按兵不动 就能平安无事的。

    We're gonna stay here, and everything is gonna be fine.

  8. 我们将按兵不动, 等着敌人断粮挨饿。

    We shall wait the enemy out, and watch them starve.

  9. 人们都按兵不动,思考应该做些什么。

    People are sitting on their hands thinking about what to do.

  10. 如果不是拿破仑按兵不动, 那将会怎样呢

    If Napoleon had not remained inactive

  11. 焦点透视深圳地王拍卖港商何以按兵不动

    Focus Lens Shenzhen to Hong Kong businessmen can bide ones time Wang auction

  12. 现在这种情况,你最好的策略 就是按兵不动。

    This is one of those times where the best things you can do is do nothing.

  13. 她的馀生原本可以很容易一直按兵不动下去。

    It would have been easy for her to lie low the rest of her life.

  14. 最好的决定常常是按兵不动,巴菲特写道。

    Frequently, the best decision is to do nothing, Mr. Buffett writes.

  15. 当我们需要你帮助时,你却按兵不动,亲得无聊。

    When we need you help, all you and twiddle you thumbs.

  16. 但是, 大多数这些买家目前都按兵不动不表示赞同。

    But most of these buyers are currently sitting on their hands.

  17. 双方因此应该在世贸组织裁决欧盟诉讼之前按兵不动。

    Both sides should therefore hold their fire until the WTO rules on Europe's complaint.

  18. 敌人已经在城下骂阵了,我们却还是按兵不动。

    The enemies are provoking us to battle with a stream of abuse, but we still take no action.

  19. 我按兵不动时间太长,致使这些策略都不管用了。

    I'd left it all too late in the day to get anywhere with these strategies.

  20. 在未听到他们下一步行动计划之前,她将按兵不动。

    She is going to sit tight till she hears what they are going to do next.

  21. 我们所需要做的是,按兵不动,看看他们采取什么步骤。

    All we have to do is to sit tight and see which way they are going to jump.

  22. 就现在而言,你能帮上的最大的忙就是按兵不动。

    This is one of those times when the best thing you can do is do nothing.

  23. 狗也摆好阵势,要狂吠了,但是今晚,他们按兵不动。

    The dogs began to yip and howl, but tonight they kept their places.

  24. 我们对水门事件的处理继续犯拖延和按兵不动的老毛

    The old pattern of delay and inactivity continued to plague our handling of Watergate.

  25. 我们对水门事件的处理继续犯拖延和按兵不动的老毛病。

    The old pattern of delay and inactivity continued to plague our handling of Watergate.

  26. 如此高失败率广为报道,难怪有经济负担的人按兵不动。

    With widely reported odds like that, it's no wonder that people with ongoing financial responsibilities stay put.


  1. 问:按兵不动拼音怎么拼?按兵不动的读音是什么?按兵不动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:按兵不动的读音是ànbīngbúdòng,按兵不动翻译成英文是 sit tight; bide one's time


