




1. 思 [sī]2. 思 [sāi]思 [sī]想,考虑,动脑筋:~想(a.客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果;b.想法,念头;c.思量)。~忖。~索。~维。沉~。寻~。见异~迁。想念,挂念:~念。~恋。相~。想法:~绪。~……



汉语拼音:cái sī







  1. 才气和思致。

    《后汉书·文苑传·祢衡》:“﹝ 刘表 ﹞尝与诸文人共草章奏,并极其才思。” 唐 白居易 《首夏南池独酌》诗:“境胜才思劣,诗成不称心。” 宋 王巩 《王氏谈录·经史》:“经书养人根本;史书开人才思。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲·恪守词韵》:“ 李白 诗仙, 杜甫 诗圣,其才岂出 沉约 下?未闻以才思纵横而跃出韵外,况其他乎?” 范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第三编第七章第六节:“ 韩 诗与古文一样,象 长江 大 河 ,浩浩汗汗,表现笔力雄健才思富赡的极致。”



  1. He came up with the word alligator soon after he ran out of the things to rhyme with crocodile.


  2. So after 25 years I began to feel as though I was running dry .


  3. Although Tommy was quick and clever, he did not work hard, so he could not get the first.


  4. It's all a matter of discovering the particular questions that will help you to access more resourceful states.


  5. He spoke English very well for he had been educated in one of the universities and had a bright, sharp intellect.


  6. He's been up all night revising the bastard, trying to find a decent ending, but nothing's coming.


  7. Sims or creativeness is the wisdom of an important characteristic of agility.


  8. He is a very deft novelist too, with a superb ear for dialogue.


  9. Students found to be quicker learners are given more specialized training in skills such as bomb-making or operational security.


  1. 敏捷的才思

    incisive wit.

  2. 他相信知识能增广人们的才思。

    He believed in enriching the mind with knowledge.

  3. 她赞扬她的对手们言辞富有才思。

    She complimented her opponents on the intelligence of their remarks.

  4. 一个戏谑的玩笑批评家善于戏谑人的才思

    A wicked pranka critics wicked wit.

  5. 她自觉才思不敏, 所以学起习来更加努力。

    She knows that she is not that smart, so she studies a lot harder.

  6. 她自觉才思不敏,所以学起习来更加努力。

    She knows that she is not that smart, so she studies a lot harder.

  7. 作为一个诗人,他几年前就已才思枯竭了。

    As a poet, he wrote himself out years ago.

  8. 你是那漫天无忧无虑的飞絮吗 不解才思,惟作雪飞。

    Are you the flying catkins to the ignorant of all inspirations, falling like snow flakes

  9. 换句话说,多思考勤才能更有智慧!

    In other words, much thinking yields wisdom.

  10. 朱迪思必须再得7分才能领先。

    Judith will have to get seven more points to take lead.

  11. 思嘉等她们心境平静了些才这样问。

    Asked Scarlett when they were comfortably settled.

  12. 左思的才性与三都赋的艺术特色

    The Talent and Spirit of ZUO Si and The Peculiarity of Art of San Du Fu

  13. 这封信我看了两遍才明白其中得意思。

    I had to read the letter twice before I could take it all in.

  14. 这些经验明显地做就了慧思得领袖才能。

    All these experiences have significantly enabled Sofia to fully develop her leadership ability.

  15. 这些经验明显地做就了慧思的领袖才能。

    All these experiences have significantly enabled Sofia to fully develop her leadership ability.

  16. 思嘉这才沉默下来,可是没法静静地坐着。

    Scarlett relapsed into silence but she could not sit still.

  17. 直到朱迪思来,他们的知心话才告一段落。

    Their confidence lasted until Judith appeared.

  18. 北京的统治者们才亡羊补牢的费心思去亲近他的敌人。

    Rulers in Beijing are belatedly trying to befriend his enemies.

  19. 直到朱迪思来, 他们得知心话才告一段落。

    Their confidence lasted until Judith appeared.

  20. 西夏传到10世,成吉思汗5次发兵才灭了西夏。

    It was not unitl ten generations later that the Kingdom of Xixia was finally conquered by Genghis Khan after a series of five expeditions.

  21. 读书有感想,要写一写,学思结合,才能更上一层楼。

    Feelings for reading, write a write Xuesi be linked to a higher level.

  22. 但愿艾希礼别毁了我才好, 思嘉突然这样想。

    I wish I had gotten Ashley to compromise me, thought Scarlett suddenly.

  23. 百里茜这才稍稍加快了脚步,思嘉也回到屋里来。

    Prissy quickened her gait infinitesimally and Scarlett went back into the house.

  24. 马克思说过,人,只有解决了衣食住行后才能从事其他。

    Marx said, people that only by resolving to engage in other basic necessities before.

  25. 马克思劳动价值论认为,只有必要劳动才有资格构成物品价值。

    According to the Marxist value of labour theory, only necessary labour can create value.

  26. 思嘉一直在忍受着听他的话,这时才挖苦地笑了。

    Scarlett, who had been smarting under his words, laughed shortly.

  27. 思嘉找来找去一无所获,后来才在果园里拾到一些苹果。

    Scarlett's search was futile until in the orchard she found a few apples.

  28. 我但愿媚兰闭住她那张嘴才好,思嘉大声喊道。

    I wish Melly would keep her mouth shut, cried Scarlett.

  29. 直到被传唤到华盛顿时,思文凯才终于出现在公众面前。

    Mr. Svanberg only appeared in public right at the end, when he was summoned to Washington.

  30. 马克思的转形理论也只有在这三大前提下才能存在。

    It also regards only under the three premises can Marxian transformation theory exist.


  1. 问:才思拼音怎么拼?才思的读音是什么?才思翻译成英文是什么?

    答:才思的读音是cáisī,才思翻译成英文是 imaginative power; creativity; wit and wisdom...




拼音:cáisī英文:imaginative power