







汉语拼音:cái qíng







  1. 才思,才华。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·赏誉》:“ 许玄度 送母始出都,人问 刘尹 :‘ 玄度 定称所闻不?’ 刘 曰:‘才情过於所闻。’” 唐 司空图 《力疾山下吴村看杏花》诗之五:“才情百巧鬪风光,却关雕花刻叶忙。” 明 唐寅 《过秦楼·题莺莺小象》词:“瀟洒才情,风流标格,脉脉满身倦。” 许地山 《慕》:“你说过他底才情、相貌和举止都不象平常人。”



  1. It was not too much that she was said to be a writer with a unique talent and personal style in the history of modern Chinese literature.


  2. Catherine's charm and talent is deeply attracted Ayma, and she had a irresistible love.


  3. Since the end of 1990, Liang's outputs have demonstrated the excellent command of abstract composition and conspicuous talent.


  4. The so-called focus is able to exert the most talented writers and performers of the best places to play acting.


  5. It depends on the student, his goals, his talents, his family, his connections, and even a bit on that elusive factor known as luck.


  6. The brilliant playwright, Adrienne Kennedy, wrote a volume called "People Who Led to My Plays. "


  7. In mental temperament Plato was of an altogether different type from Socrates .


  8. As a talent with excellent potentialities and abilities, Liu Yang has an unlimited future.


  9. "You remember me, Bob, " Sally says, "you know what capabilities I have, what talent. "


  1. 格调与才情

    Style and Caiqing.

  2. 那位年轻的作家颇富才情。

    That young writer is brimming with literary talent.

  3. 那位年轻得作家颇富才情。

    That young writer is brimming with literary talent.

  4. 我才难为情,我是他调戏的那个!

    I'm so embarrassed, I'm the one he hit on!

  5. 长醉方知卮酒浓,将别才懂情深重。

    Long drunk wine thick, could square knowWill don't know affection alot.

  6. 你们愚弄了自己,你们的方式才残酷无情。

    You have played the hoax on yourself, and it is your ways which are cruel.

  7. 只有他才会这么冷酷无情。

    It was typical of him to be so merciless.

  8. 我怎样才能驱散内心的悲痛之情呢

    What can I do to drive away these feelings of sadness

  9. 白人反而较慢才能承认这种人类手足之情。

    The white man was much slower admitting the common brotherhood of man.

  10. 情何以堪的恋这你,因为你才是我要寻溺的那个爱人。

    Why can the feeling, this you, because you are my search drowned the lover.

  11. 一群才情横溢的天才。

    A group of most talented geniuses.

  12. 你们,才是真正该难为情的!

    I'll tell ya who should be embarrassed! It's you guys!

  13. 读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。

    Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.

  14. 读书足以怡情, 足以博采, 足以长才。

    Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability.

  15. 我被他的才情深深的吸引住了。

    I am deeply attracted by his talents.

  16. 悟性是才情的标志, 而个性则是先天的。

    Comprehension indicates the talents of a person, but personality is innate.

  17. 汉武帝的音乐才情及贡献述论

    Analysis on Emperor Wu's Music Talent and His Contribution in Han Dynasty.

  18. 这样来惊动他的心志, 坚韧他的性情, 增长他的才能。

    This to disturb his mind, tenacity of his temperament, an increase of his talents.

  19. 伟大的创作才情却是因为糟糕的错误而出名。

    But great creative talents are known for making horrible mistakes.

  20. 他超拔的才情得到了老师和同学的一致认可。

    His super talent was recognized by both his teachers and classmates.

  21. 他超拔的才情得到了老师和同学的一致认可。

    His super talent was recognized by both his teachers and classmates.

  22. 此情无计可消除, 才下眉头, 却上心头。

    There was no treatment to cure the lovesickness. The melancholy was still biting my heart though scowl had just passed away from my face.

  23. 具有通过年龄和阅历才获得的亲切或温和性情的

    having attained to kindliness or gentleness through age and experience

  24. 整个故事情节得通过你的想象才能串连起来。

    You must piece out the full story from your own imaginations.

  25. 当了军官, 总觉得只有投入了战斗, 自己才有情可原。

    An officer had some excuse only if he were in combat.

  26. 他是一个值得尊重的 性情温和而有才能的新闻记者。

    He was an estimable, good natured man and a competent journalist.

  27. 有着吐气若兰、气质似竹、心静如水、才情像海。

    Has aspirates if the orchid, the makings resemble the bamboo, the calm like water, the talent likely sea.

  28. 孩子们的幽默和性情只有在他们自己的世界里才是真的。

    The children's humor and temperament are only real in their external worlds.

  29. 只有那些新成立的公司才可以从色情业里赚到钱。

    The only ones making money out of porn are the novelty companies, Jeremy said.

  30. 原来袁盎字丝, 是汉朝楚人, 性情很刚烈, 有贤才。

    Yuan Ang was a Chu people in the Han dynasty a fiery temper but talented.


  1. 问:才情拼音怎么拼?才情的读音是什么?才情翻译成英文是什么?

    答:才情的读音是cáiqíng,才情翻译成英文是 Talent and aptitude in literature and art....


才情,汉语词汇。拼音: cái qíng指才思,才华。语出南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·赏誉》:“ 许玄度送母始出都,人问刘尹:‘玄度定称所闻不?’刘曰:‘才情过於所闻。’”