


1. 应 [yīng]2. 应 [yìng]应 [yīng]该,当,又引申料想理该如此:~当。~该。~分(fèn )。~有尽有。回答:答~。喊他不~。~承。随,即:“桓督诸将周旋赴讨,~皆平定”。姓。应 [yìng]回答或随声相和:~答。呼……


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……



汉语拼音:yìng cóng







  1. Though it is public, this property is used for default rendering of this control and is not intended to be called from developer code.


  2. Not easy to damp the long-term motor, which should be removed Inoue, back indoors, the motor casing clean the dirt.


  3. The storm had been building for many months. It really began with the death of the Bank of the United States more than a year before.


  4. They should learn something from the matter, and somebody who plays with fire will get burnt.


  5. Whether the convention is of the equality or not should be measured from the angle of gaining and losing of the benefits of both parties.


  6. We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival.


  7. in the light of the major principles, for only then will they be able to orientate their own ideas and actions properly.


  8. Intangible assets, non-brand created by future earnings, no doubt deducted from the proceeds of precipitation.


  9. Understanding of cultural identity on the courtesy not only to remain on the surface, where the difference should be looking deeper.


  1. 你应从宽对待他们。

    You should be lenient with them.

  2. 我们应从错误中学习。

    We should learn from our mistakes.

  3. 木材应从森林运出来。

    Logs must be hauled out of the forest.

  4. 我们应从整体上看形势。

    We should view the situation as a whole.

  5. 应从实际出发去强调理解

    Stress on the Comprehension Should Proceed from Actual Conditions

  6. 你不应从困难面前退缩。

    You mustn't flinch from a difficulty.

  7. 政府应从招商引资中淡出

    Governments should Withdraw from the Invitation of Investment and Capitals

  8. 观察问题应从这一点出发。

    We should take this as our point of departure in considering the question.

  9. 他点头应从了大家的要求。

    He nodded assent to our demands.

  10. 柱塞应从导套里拉出。

    Draw out the cylinder liner.

  11. 挫折教育应从幼儿时期抓起。

    Setback education is ought to start from kids.

  12. 柱塞应从套筒里抽出来。

    The plunger should be withdrawn from sleeve.

  13. 我应从这边走, 还是从那边走?

    Should I go this way, or that way?

  14. 应从这三个用语中选择一个。

    One of the three should be chosen.

  15. 你应从你的错误中得取教训。

    You should learn from your mistakes.

  16. 我们应从正反两方面辩论问题。

    We should argue the matter pro and con.

  17. 每个厨房设计都应从这里开始。

    All kitchen planning should start like this.

  18. 我们应从历史的观点看待这事。

    We should look at this from a historical standpoint.

  19. 我们应从历史得观点看待这事。

    We should look at this from a historical standpoint.

  20. 会计职业道德建设应从本源抓起

    The Necessity of Building Accounting Ethics From Origin

  21. 应从奢侈品消费大国迈向生产大国

    Must from big consuming power of luxury goods to manufacturing one

  22. 心理健康教育应从亲子关系做起

    On how parenthood affects psychological health of children

  23. 人们应从各个角度来看实际包装。

    People should look at the actual package in the round.

  24. 人们应从各个角度来看实际包装。

    People should look at the actual package in the round.

  25. 谈英语音标教学应从入门阶段开始

    On Teaching of English Phonetics at the Beginning Stage

  26. 提高公选质量应从完善体系入手

    Improving the Quality of Open Selecting Should Start with Perfecting the System

  27. 专家审评组的专家应从专家名册中选任。

    Experts of the expert review teams shall be drawn from the roster of experts.

  28. 中等职业学校职业指导应从何时开始?

    When should vocational guidance for secondary vocational school begin?

  29. 刺激消费扩大内需应从哪下手?

    How to Stimulate Consumption and Expand Domestic Demands?

  30. 领导干部应从传统文化中汲取营养

    Leading cadres should deriving the alimentation from the traditional culture


  1. 问:应从拼音怎么拼?应从的读音是什么?应从翻译成英文是什么?

    答:应从的读音是yìngcóng,应从翻译成英文是 assent to; comply with; be ranged from



应从 yìngcóng 应:应该,表示建议。 [agree] 对某种建议表示同意或答应。应该听从。 示例:他点头应从了大家的建议。