




1. 教 [jiào]2. 教 [jiāo]教 [jiào]指导,训诲:~习。~头。~正。~师。~导。管~。请~。~学相长。因材施~。使,令:风能~船走。指“宗教”:~士。~主。~皇。~堂。姓。教 [jiāo]传授:~课。你~给我做。……



汉语拼音:xuān jiào







  1. 宣布教令。

    《太平御览》卷七一○引 晋 王浮 《神异记》:“日晚,降神巫宣教曰:‘ 陈敏 许我银杖,今以涂杖见与,便投水中,当送还之。欺蔑之罪,不可容也。’”《北齐书·祖珽传》:“ 珽 又委体附参军事摄典籤 陆子先 ,并为画计,请粮之际,令 子先 宣教出仓粟十车,为僚官捉送。”

  2. 宣扬教化。

    唐 柳宗元 《涂山铭》:“省方宣教,化制殊类。”

  3. 宋 代迪功郎的别称。

    宋 庄季裕 《鸡肋编》卷上:“ 周曼 , 衢州 开化 县 孔家步 人。 绍兴 二年,以特奏名补右迪功郎,授 潭州 善化 县尉待闕。有人以柬与之,往寻 周官人 家。 曼 怒曰:‘我是宣教,甚唤作官人?看汝主人面,不欲送汝县中吃棒。’”

  4. 宣传和教育。如:各级主要领导都要重视并认真抓好计划生育的宣教工作。



  1. An old story is often repeated of a retiring missionary coming home to America on the same boat as the president of the United States.

  2. Methods To conduct health education to parents of the children patients and conduct preoperative preparations and postoperative monitoring.

  3. The executing rate of clinical instruction about the danger of children passive smoking by the children health care related staff is low.

  4. Paul had been persecuting Christians and was not a likely person to be called to preach.

  5. Previously, when you felt that God was calling you to serve in Asia, you probably got up and went.

  6. This is too often true in missionary situations. It is often true in Sunday schools and sometimes in church services.

  7. More than half of patients had not received health education concerning TB before suffering TB .

  8. If God's people gave to God all that is due to him, there would be no lack in the finances of our churches or our missionary societies.

  9. While not everyone has the missionary gift, every Christian is called to be on a mission to all four groups in some way.


  1. 伦敦宣教会

    London Missionary Society.

  2. 香港宣教会

    Hong Kong Evangelical Church

  3. 健康宣教手册

    heahb education handbook.

  4. 口腔健康宣教

    Dental health instruction.

  5. 美国宣教浸礼会

    National Missionary Baptist Convention of America

  6. 宣教会恩盘堂

    Grace Hong Kong Evangelical Church.

  7. 南非荷兰归正宣教会

    Dutch Reformed Mission Church in South Africa

  8. 加强卫生宣教,注意个人卫生。

    improve health training, notice the individual is wholesome.

  9. 你的宣教工场就在你的四周。

    Your mission field is all around you.

  10. 教会宣教使命之各种神学思想。

    Types of theology of the mission of the Church.

  11. 宗教改革之后第一次宣教运动。

    First movement of missions since the Reformation.

  12. 主席, 并于牛津宣教研究中心

    Oxford Centre of Mission Studies

  13. 梅南侵信教会国际宣教机构

    Southern Baptist International Mission Board

  14. 健康宣教流程对护理质量的影响

    Renovate the Flow of Health Education Improve Nursing Quality Control

  15. 保罗很少单独作宣教的事工。

    Seldom would Paul and minister alone.

  16. 为异教徒祷告, 为所有的宣教工作祷告

    I lifted up mine hand unto them also in the wilderness, that I would scatter them among the heathen , and

  17. 健康宣教在慢性病患者中的效果调查

    The effect investigation of health propaganda and education in the chronic diseases

  18. 加强科普宣教构筑山洪灾害防御防线

    Strengthening the popularization of science and education, constructing the line of defense to mountain torrent disaster

  19. 半数以上的病人未接受过卫生宣教。

    More than half of patients had not received health education concerning TB before suffering TB.

  20. 这个撒种的比喻正是宣教工作的最佳写照。

    The story of the sower is a wonderful picture of missionary work.

  21. 由一个逼迫教会的人, 变成一个宣教勇士

    Before he was a persecutor, now he is a missionary warrior.

  22. 他们的宣教事奉合计有几千年。

    Their accumulated missionary service totals several thousand years.

  23. 适应企业发展新形势创新工会宣教工作

    Adapt the developing situation of business and innovate the propaganda and educational work of union

  24. 口腔卫生宣教对固定正畸并发症的影响

    The Effect of Oral Health Education on the Complications Related to Fixation Orthodontia

  25. 心肌梗死后患者恢复性行为的康复宣教

    Rehabilitation education for patients with myocardial infarction on resumption of sexual activity

  26. 集体健康宣教在临床中的应用及效果评价

    Application and effectiveness evaluation on collectivity health propaganda and education in clinic

  27. 在约拿书, 他是我们伟大的宣教士

    He is our great Missionary in Jonah

  28. 宣教活动在圣诞节前展开了,我们都去参加了。

    We attended the publicity and education activities before Christmas.

  29. 第四, 五世纪的暴力与宣教对今天之启

    Violence and Mission in the Fourth and Firth Centuries Lessons for Today

  30. 对妇科病人进行性知识宣教的现状调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of status quo of sex education to gynecological patients


  1. 问:宣教拼音怎么拼?宣教的读音是什么?宣教翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宣教的读音是xuānjiào,宣教翻译成英文是 To spread propaganda and educate.

  2. 问:宣教学拼音怎么拼?宣教学的读音是什么?宣教学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宣教学的读音是xuānjiàoxué,宣教学翻译成英文是 missiology



宋代迪功郎的别称。 宋·庄季裕 《鸡肋编》卷上:“ 周曼,衢州开化县孔家步人。 绍兴二年,以特奏名补右迪功郎,授潭州善化县尉待阙。有人以柬与之,往寻周官人家。 曼怒曰:‘我是宣教,甚唤作官人?看汝主人面,不欲送汝县中吃棒。’”