


上,升:~山。~车。~门。~天。~台。~场(chǎng )。~高。~攀。~临。~科。~程。~堂入室。踩,践踏,脚向下用力:~踏。踢~。记载:~记。~报。~载。谷物成熟:~岁(丰年)。五谷丰~。立刻:~时。“~即相许和,便可作婚姻。”进:~崇……





汉语拼音:dēng kē




也说登第。科 举时代指考中进士。



  1. 科举时代应考人被录取。

    唐 裴说 《见王贞白》诗:“共贺登科后,明宣入紫宸。” 五代 王仁裕 《开元天宝遗事·泥金帖子》:“新进士才及第,以泥金书帖子,附家书中,用报登科之喜。” 宋 司马光 《送崔尉之官巢县》诗:“登科如拾遗,举步歘千里。” 清 黄遵宪 《拜曾祖母李太夫人墓》诗:“儿年九岁时,阿爷报登科。” 鲁迅 《中国小说史略》第二六篇:“ 唐 人登科之后,多作冶游。”



  1. I faced an excellent player today, and I couldn't use any of the opportunities I had. He was a very good player and he beat me today.


  2. Davydenko's match was long so when we got to the court it was late and cold.


  3. Davydenko's been injured so I actually like Gulbis to upset him in the second round.


  4. Yesterday, cruising down the Amur, Captain Alexander Udenka pointed out to the Observer the border between China and Russia.


  5. Q. What was your reaction to the investigation of Davydenko? Have you spoken with him?


  6. The first image ever scanned on this machine was a 5 cm square photograph of Kirsch's then-three-month-old son, Walden.


  7. Because of that I had to warm up with Nikolay Davydenko later than we had scheduled.


  8. THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT (Lisa Cholodenko) An eccentric, perfect comedy about love, betrayal and cross-generational confusion.


  9. From beloved young adult author Gordon Korman, comes a new look at age-old themes about popularity, acceptance, and human nature.


  1. 进士登科录

    record of successful candidates in the highest examinations

  2. 明代登科进士总数考

    A Study on the Total Number of Jinshi of the Ming Dynasty

  3. 然后我去把格列登科找到。

    And I'll go pick up gredenko.

  4. 这将军的名字是格列登科。

    The general's name is gredenko.

  5. 如果格列登科用过这个地方。

    If gredenko was using this address.

  6. 看来他知道格列登科在哪里。

    It appears he now also knows gredenko's location.

  7. 战术小组就要接近格列登科了。

    The TAC team is about to move in on gredenko.

  8. 我们在这里协调格列登科行动。

    We're coordinating the gredenko operation from here.

  9. 我想我有条格里登科的线索。

    I think I might have a lead on gredenko.

  10. 他对自己能否登科不是很在意。

    He didn't care much whether he could pass the examination.

  11. 他对自己能否登科不是很在意。

    He didn't care much whether he could pass the examination.

  12. 但如果格列登科供出了核弹。

    But if gredenko gives up the bombs.

  13. 我们有麻烦了,格列登科在这里。

    We've got a problem. gredenko's here.

  14. 马尔科夫否认和格列登科有联系。

    Markov denied having any contact with gredenko.

  15. 我没有跟格列登科直接打过交道。

    I never dealt with gredenko directly.

  16. 而格列登科拥有这家公司的股份。

    That gredenko has a hidden interest in.

  17. 我想我们有办法找到格列登科了。

    I think we have a way of finding gredenko.

  18. 他说他一年没和格列登科说话了。

    He says he hasn't spoken to gredenko in a year.

  19. 马尔科夫真的和格列登科合作的话。

    And Markov is working with gredenko.

  20. 他做格列登科的中间人好几年了。

    He's been the liaison for gredenko for years.

  21. 会阻止我们搜寻费耶德与格列登科。

    Will impede our search for Fayed and gredenko.

  22. 我来这里是想知道格列登科在哪里。

    I came here because we need to know where gredenko is.

  23. 他声称他的部门与格列登科做过交易。

    He claims that his administration had dealings with gredenko.

  24. 所以你需要格列登科来找出费耶德。

    So you need gredenko to find fayed.

  25. 他只要把格列登科引出汽车就行了。

    He just needs to get gredenko out of his car.

  26. 你知道马尔可夫和格列登科的关系。

    You know about markov's connection to gredenko.

  27. 告诉他费耶德和格列登科躲在影子谷。

    Tell him that Fayed and gredenko are in the shadow valley.

  28. 我已经超过一年没和格列登科说过话了。

    I haven't spoken to gredenko for more than one year.

  29. 很明显地,费耶德和格列登科有密切往来。

    Apparently, fayed's been in contact with Dmitri gredenko.

  30. 这首歌起头于全体学生祈祷能够被表演艺术学校登科。

    This song starts with students praying they get epted to the performing arts school.


  1. 问:登科拼音怎么拼?登科的读音是什么?登科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:登科的读音是dēngkē,登科翻译成英文是 To pass the national exam in ancient China....

  2. 问:登科夫拼音怎么拼?登科夫的读音是什么?登科夫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:登科夫的读音是Dēngkēfū,登科夫翻译成英文是 Denkov

  3. 问:登科娃拼音怎么拼?登科娃的读音是什么?登科娃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:登科娃的读音是Dēngkēwá,登科娃翻译成英文是 Denková

  4. 问:登科夫茨拼音怎么拼?登科夫茨的读音是什么?登科夫茨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:登科夫茨的读音是Dēngkēfūcí,登科夫茨翻译成英文是 Denkovc

  5. 问:登科维奇拼音怎么拼?登科维奇的读音是什么?登科维奇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:登科维奇的读音是Dēngkēwéiqí,登科维奇翻译成英文是 Denković; Denkovics; Denkovits

  6. 问:登科夫斯基拼音怎么拼?登科夫斯基的读音是什么?登科夫斯基翻译成英文是什么?

    答:登科夫斯基的读音是Dēngkēfūsījī,登科夫斯基翻译成英文是 Denkovski




【注音】:dēng kē
