


1. 乐 [lè]2. 乐 [yuè]乐 [lè]欢喜,快活;快~。~境。~融融。~不可支。其~无穷。~观(精神愉快,对事物的发展充满信心)。~天(安于自己的处境而没有任何忧虑)。使人快乐的事情:取~。逗~。对某事甘心情愿:~此不疲。~善好……


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……



汉语拼音:lè dé






  1. 谓乐于得到。

    《礼记·乐记》:“君子乐得其道,小人乐得其欲。” 汉 焦赣 《易林·离之震》:“安居重迁,不去其亶,未来相闻,乐得常产。”

  2. 表示某种情况恰合自己心意,因而顺其自然。

    《红楼梦》第四二回:“都是老太太昨儿一句话,又叫他画什么园子图儿,惹的他乐得告假了。” 吴组缃 《山洪》二九:“只要上头不催,我们乐得老狗砍掉了尾巴,装装羊再说。”



  1. Mrs. Lloyd. She said you were a good . . . cook. As indeed you are.


  2. With my hat on his head, he ran to show his mother, then back to me smiling from ear to ear.


  3. If diplomats had been told beforehand that this would be the outcome, they would have danced for joy.


  4. She was actually beside herself at times with the glory, as well as the delight of all this.


  5. Employees, asking to work part-time or from home, have often found their managers ready to oblige.


  6. Regulators, desperate to see Countrywide in good hands, seem happy to turn a blind eye.


  7. Happy for a place to be out of the cold, some have the glazed look of pensioners playing slots at Las Vegas.


  8. Her father's promise to give her a big sum for her study abroad made her walk on air.


  9. I found quickly the negroes were for eating the flesh of this creature, so I was willing to have them take it as a favour from me.


  1. 她乐得要命。

    She was beside himself with joy.

  2. 她乐得手舞足蹈。

    She danced for joy.

  3. 老太婆简直乐得忘乎所以。

    The old woman practically lost her mind with joy.

  4. 美国是爵士乐得发源地。

    The America is home to Jazz.

  5. 大伙儿乐得弯下腰来。

    The company doubled up with hilarity.

  6. 一时很自在,乐得一身轻。

    A very comfortable, joy out of danger.

  7. 我听到这消息乐得飘飘然。

    I was in heaven at the news.

  8. 学生们乐得直不起腰来。

    The students bowed their heads on their knees in excess of joy.

  9. 你昨晚倒乐得做很多事。

    You were quite happy to do a lot more last night.

  10. 他乐得容光焕发,心里暖烘烘的。

    He was glowing and warm with delight.

  11. 这个想法叫他乐得发狂了。

    The idea of it put him beside himself.

  12. 新闻是他引以为乐得事业。

    He considered journalism his playground.

  13. 最近最快乐得事情是什么?

    All those people I love are healthy and happy.

  14. 我没有任何播放音乐得记录。

    I do not register any music.

  15. 如果他提出来,我乐得帮助他。

    I was only too glad to help him if he asked.

  16. 她乐得嘴也合不上了。

    She was so happy that her mouth cannot close.

  17. 陈曦领引稍微咬快乐得!

    Chen Xi, lead of a little bit happy!

  18. 他一定乐得飞到天上去了。

    He must have been on cloud nine.

  19. 这出喜剧让他们乐得前仰后合。

    This comedy has had them rolling in the aisles.

  20. 他乐得连嘴都合不上了。

    He was grinning his head off.

  21. 这是一个追欢逐乐得场面。

    It was a sordid scene.

  22. 是我得弟弟介绍我听爵士乐得。

    It is my younger brother who introduced me to jazz.

  23. 内心分明是一阵得意,乐得心花怒放。

    There has been an instant of complete startling gratification.

  24. 新奥尔良是爵士乐得诞生地。

    New Orleans is the birthplace of jazz.

  25. 迪亚拉看起来是最快乐得人。

    Diarra looked to be having the most fun.

  26. 那是纵情于声色之乐得赤道之夜。

    It was a sensuous, tropic night.

  27. 我们一起唱吧。全体都唱快乐得歌。

    Let us sing together. One and all a joyous song.

  28. 我乐得把它送给他们,作为人情。

    I was willing to have them take it as a favor from me.

  29. 遇见你是那一天最快乐得事。

    Meeting you was the high spot of the day.

  30. 孩子们在沙滩上嬉戏真是乐得其所。

    The children are really in their element playing on the beach.


  1. 问:乐得拼音怎么拼?乐得的读音是什么?乐得翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乐得的读音是lèdé,乐得翻译成英文是 might as well; readily take the opportunity to...



词目:乐得读音:lèdé英文:readily take the opportunity