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汉语拼音:huí xiāng
Can be part of the migrant workers back to farming, but many have no way of the drain, must be rehoused in other ways.
部分民工可回乡务农,但不少却已是无地的外流人员,必须以其它方法安置。Next, I do not want to be despised, abandoned, so I prepared to return home to the next, looking for a place, their own A break.
接下来,我也不想被鄙视,被遗弃,所以我准备回乡下老家去,找个地方,自己了断。After returning to her village to give birth, she went to Beijing to look for work and a husband, leaving her son behind with her mother.
她回乡生过孩子以后就又回到北京,找了一份工作,又找到了丈夫,她把孩子留在家里留给她母亲照料。They may not be exactly like the works of the great authors, but they are your thoughts and word pictures and I am sure you will love them.
他们可能不回乡那些大作家的作品一样,但是他们却都是你们的所思所想,你们的只言片语,我肯定你会喜欢他们。He said he was going to live in the country when he retired.
他说他打算退休后回乡下住。When they're ready to raise children, we see a lot of young people come back for that family circle of support.
我们看到,很多年轻人准备抚养孩子的时候,他们会回乡来寻求家族圈子的支持。After supper Molly's father goes to bed early. He will take the eight o'clock train to go home next morning.
晚饭后,茉莉的爸爸早早地睡了,他要坐明早八点的火车回乡。As desi homecomings go , it was a mixed experience , with some long- lost relatives latching on to him as a source of subsidies .
就像所有的回乡之旅一样,这是一次心情复杂的经历,一些久已失去联系的亲戚把他当成了救济的来源。Migrant workers are reported not to be able to find their own homes when returning after a lapse of just three years.
He visited old friends and his native places and was filled with strong emotions.
During Tomb Sweeping Festival, most people go back to their hometowns to clean their ancestral tombs and offer sacrifices. .
答:回乡证的读音是huí xiāng zhèng,回乡证翻译成英文是 re-entry permit
答:回乡工作的读音是huí xiāng gōng zuò,回乡工作翻译成英文是 U-turn work