







汉语拼音:dǐng zhù



  1. And I tried to come up for air, and my lower back hit the bottom of the tube.


  2. Pedrito arched his back against the mattress, desperately trying to form an air space.


  3. The front door was flanked by pillars, and from the corners of the architrave one lion looked up Bahnhofstrasse while another looked down.


  4. Nevertheless, even if the euro system was not at the heart of the crisis, it needs to be able to withstand two standard deviation shocks.


  5. stand against the temptations for the moment, then one tends to lose happiness at present.


  6. Elinor's heart wrung for the feelings of Edward while braving his mother's threats for a woman who could not reward him.


  7. The temptation to loosen belts must be resisted if the airline is to be ready for what Mr Grinstein calls the next "inevitable downturn" .


  8. But, Walker says, she resisted the pressure "to make a book I really wasn't all that desperate to read. "


  9. Standing up to the great pressure from the doctor and relatives, my mother insisted on teaching me reading and writing.


  1. 顶住歪风邪气

    stand up against evil winds and bad tendencies

  2. 经受住,顶住忍耐

    To continue to be sure or firm endure.

  3. 顶住猛烈的攻击

    to abide a vigorous onslaught

  4. 顶住成功地抵制住

    To be successful in resisting.

  5. 要硬着头皮顶住。。

    We must toughen our scalps and bear it, I added.

  6. 顶住外界的种种压力

    withstand all kinds of outside pressure

  7. 她用手枪顶住布雷克。

    She touched Blake with the pistol.

  8. 顶住,他心室颤动,调到300

    Hold on. He's in vFib. Charge to 298.

  9. 你顶住我的小先生了!

    You kneed me in my misters!

  10. 门被一个凳子顶住了。

    A stool had been jammed against the door.

  11. 政府顶住压力坚持经济改革。

    The government have pressed on with economic reforms.

  12. 他用盒子顶住门, 让门开著。

    He used a box to prop the door open.

  13. 他顶住了外界的种种压力。

    He withstood all kinds of outside pressure.

  14. 这个小国顶住了一个大国。

    The small country succeeded in facing off a big power.

  15. 她使尽全身的力气顶住墙。

    She pushed against the wall with all her strength.

  16. 他们顶住敌人, 直到增援部队到来。

    They held off the enemy until reinforcements reached them.

  17. 他极力为老板顶住外界的批评

    He is trying to shelter his boss from criticism.

  18. 他顶住了对手的进攻,赢得了决赛。

    He held off the competition to win the final.

  19. 通过舌头顶住上腭来发出辅音。

    pronounce a consonant with the tongue against the palate.

  20. 天黑前我们应当顶住敌人的进攻。

    We must keep the enemy's attack off until dark.

  21. 她决心顶住上司们向她施加的压力。

    She resolved to abide the pressure her superiors put on her.

  22. 他说,在那儿我们只是顶住了。

    We're just sticking in there, he said.

  23. 我们得船顶住了暴风雨, 安然无恙。

    Our ship rode out the storm in safety.

  24. 我们的船顶住了暴风雨,安然无恙。

    Our ship rode out the storm in safety.

  25. 顶住当局的压力花了很大的劲。

    It took great strength to resist the pressure of the authorities.

  26. 总裁让董事会咬紧牙关顶住这场危机

    The president asked the Board to Bite the Bullet to the crisis

  27. 我们必须顶住,不能被困难吓倒。

    We must hold out. We mustn't be frightened by the difficulties.

  28. 顶住了帝国主义列强的一个小国

    A small country that succeeded in facing off imperialist powers

  29. 顶住在数量上占优势的敌人的进攻。

    Hold off the attacks of a numerically superior enemy.

  30. 大坝好似铜墙铁壁,顶住了洪水的冲击。

    Like an iron bastion, the dam withstood the rushing floodwaters.


  1. 问:顶住拼音怎么拼?顶住的读音是什么?顶住翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顶住的读音是,顶住翻译成英文是 withstand