




1. 雨 [yǔ]2. 雨 [yù]雨 [yǔ]从云层中降落的水滴:~水。~季。雨 [yù]下雨,落下:~雪。……


1. 雨 [yǔ]2. 雨 [yù]雨 [yǔ]从云层中降落的水滴:~水。~季。雨 [yù]下雨,落下:~雪。……





汉语拼音:xià yǔ yǔ rén







  • 【解释】:雨:前一个“雨”,名词,雨水;后一个“雨”,动词,下雨。有如夏天的雨落在人身上。比喻及时给人帮助和教育。
  • 【出自】:汉·刘向《说苑·贵德》:“管仲上车曰:‘嗟兹乎,我穷必矣。吾不能以春风风人,吾不能以夏雨雨人,吾穷必矣。’”
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语;含褒义


  1. na.
  2. The summer rain soothes people -- a timely help to the masses.

  1. 共撑一把伞避雨的人。

    The two take shelter from rain under the same umbrella.

  2. 喜欢下雨的人心理是不是很阴暗。

    Liking raining person mentality is very dark.

  3. 我是那个给他地方遮风避雨的人!

    I'm the one who put a goddamn roof over his head!

  4. 雨后天人爱这雨后天, 那平本得青草一片!

    The Day after RainI love the after rain And the green grasses on the meadow!

  5. 雨后天人爱这雨后天, 那平本的青草一片!

    The Day after RainI love the after rain And the green grasses on the meadow!

  6. 用弥合疗治中了火焰之雨的人,要是你中了就用树皮。

    Regrowth on those caught in Rain of Fire Barkskin if you get it.

  7. 同样一个站在屋檐下避雨的人抖了抖已经湿透的衣服。

    It was a person under the eaves shaking out a drenched coat.

  8. 一个会在下雨的时候陪著我,一起冲跑在雨中大街避雨的人。

    Someone who i can run to, who would stay with me when it rains.

  9. 尽管这个春天多雨潮湿使人心情沮丧。

    Although this spring has been wet and frustrating.

  10. 风挡上的雨可能使人产生什么样的错觉。

    What illusion, if any, can rain on the windscreen create C.Higher than actual.

  11. 幸运的是,没有人在雨中淋湿。

    Luckily, nobody gets got wet in the rain.

  12. 同样是雨,夏雨的性格却与春雨全然不同。

    The same is rain, the character of the summer rain but and spring rain all different.

  13. 但是还没有人知道雨后这把伞的去处。

    But no one knows after the rain the umbrella of this place.

  14. 当花瓣离开花朵暗香残留香消在风起雨后无人来嗅。

    When the petals fall from the flowers, A little faint fragrance still remains. The fragrance fades after wind and rain, But nobody has come here to smell it.

  15. 有得人在雨中闲情漫步, 而其他人, 却满身浸湿!

    Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.

  16. 有的人在雨中闲情漫步,而其他人,却满身浸湿!

    Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.

  17. 和心爱的人在雨中漫步,也别有一番意趣。

    Walking in the rain with the one you love is of peculiar interest and charm.

  18. 和心爱的人在雨中漫步,也别有一番意趣。

    Walking in the rain with the one you love is of peculiar interest and charm.

  19. 吸烟派对已经结束,只剩我一个人在雨中缩成一团。

    The smoking party had ended and I was huddled out in the rain alone.

  20. 雨后浇花得人真是多此一举。

    The man who waters his grass after a heavy rain is carrying coals to Newcastle.

  21. 雨后浇花的人真是多此一举。

    The man who waters his grass after a heavy rain is carrying coals to Newcastle.

  22. 想到要在雨中久等使人扫兴。

    The prospect of a long wait in the rain did not appeal.

  23. 在雨中等公交的人被弄湿了。

    The people waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet.

  24. 在雨中独自一人的宛如仪式般的沉思。

    A memorial ceremony in the rain with no body.

  25. 在火供及烟供期间没有雨, 所以没有人淋湿。

    During the fire puja and smoke puja there were no rain, so no one got wet.

  26. 开始下雨后,每个人都躲进去避雨了。

    After it started to rain, everyone moved inside.

  27. 开始下雨后,每个人都躲进去避雨了。

    After it started to rain, everyone moved inside.

  28. 伦敦人从来不求雨。

    Londoners never pray for rain.

  29. 那个戴着箬笠在雨中捕鱼得人是我叔叔。

    He laid a pot of bamboo in the living room.

  30. 那个戴着箬笠在雨中捕鱼的人是我叔叔。

    He laid a pot of bamboo in the living room.

