如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
数名,十个十(在钞票和单据上常用大写“佰”代):~步穿杨。~儿八十。~分比。喻很多:~草。~货。~姓(人民)。~般。~炼成钢。~无聊赖。~废俱兴(xīng )。……
汉语拼音:sān bǎi
《论语·为政》:“子曰:‘诗三百,一言以蔽之,曰:思无邪。’” 刑昺 疏:“按今《毛诗序》凡三百一十一篇,内六篇亡,今其存者有三百五篇,今但言三百篇,故曰篇之大数。”后以“三百”指代《诗经》。
南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·明诗》:“三百之蔽,义归无邪。” 清 姚鼐 《<敦拙堂诗集>序》:“文士得三百之义者,莫如 杜子美 。”参见“ 三百篇 ”。
New Mexico can earn up to three hundred dollars a year for good attendance.
在新墨西哥的一所学校的学生因为好的出勤率每年可以得到多达三百美元。One of his works We follow the Party forever was adopted into a book of Three hundred new Chinese Folk Songs.
有一首《我们永远跟党走》被编入《中国新民歌三百首》一书中。I lent David three hundred dollars, which seemed confirmation of my having taken advantage of him in some fashion.
最后,我还是借给了大卫三百美元,似乎表明我以某种方式利用了他。Here she was before a room of more than three hundred people, it was the bright light of day, it was morning, and she was dancing.
在三百个人的屋子里,光天化日的上午,她竟然在跳舞。When you see a small mermaid prince to love, gave up a three hundred years of life, into the sea foam, I could not help tears.
当看到小人鱼为了所爱的王子,毅然放弃了三百年的生命,化为海中的泡沫时,我忍不住潸然泪下。last summer , google asked every employee who had been working at the company for at least five months to fill out a 300 - question survey.
去年夏季,谷歌要求每名服务超过5个月的员工填写了一份由三百个问题构成的调查。It was difficult to live in London like a gentleman on three hundred a year.
在伦敦,要过得象个绅士,一年只有三百镑谈何容易。For this ointment could have been sold for over three hundred denarii and given to the poor. And they were infuriated with her.
这香膏可以卖三百多银币,分给穷人。他们就向她怒气冲冲。I will sell this milk, "she said to herself, " and with the money I can surely buy there hundred eggs.