


1. 这 [zhè]2. 这 [zhèi]这 [zhè]代词,此,指较近的时间、地点或事物,与“那”相对:~里。~些。~个。~样。这时候,指说话的同时:他~就来。这 [zhèi]“这(zhè)一”二字的合音,但指数量时不限于一:~个。~点儿……


1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……



汉语拼音:zhè de






  1. 指示人、事物或处所。

    《元典章·台纲一·内台》:“有奉圣旨,这的休疑惑者。” 元 无名氏 《村乐堂》第二折:“正天炎似火,地热如炉;过道里不索开窗,洒家道来则这的便似天堂。”王鍈《诗词曲语辞例释》:“这的,指示代词,指示人或事物时相当于‘这个’,指示处所时相当于‘这里’。”



  1. And I'm actually an optimist about this, although again we're just at the beginning of it.


  2. We do not call it a battered womens shelter because 40% of the people who come to us are men and women that are physically abused by WOMEN.


  3. "I'm not trying to be arrogant or complacent but that will never happen here - the people will not allow it, " he added.


  4. But music (or noise, depending on the age of the definer) has been used for far more sinister purposes too.


  5. And yet this was precisely the reasoning behind Prohibition, which most people today regard as a terrible error.


  6. Once again, the "soft" nature of these constraints has prevented their inclusion in formal models.


  7. So these molecules are going to look around and say hey, you know, I'm much happier here.


  8. Dobrynin, subdued, said he would report this to his leaders as a "direct quotation" .


  9. B: I don't know, Well my contract here is one year and I don't know what I should do after that. Maybe going around for a while.


  1. 这的天气多变么?

    Is the weather changeable here?

  2. 她一直在这的

    She's always here.

  3. 应该在这的啊

    It's gotta be here.

  4. 这的海水很深。

    The sea is deep here.

  5. 是你想来这的。

    You wanted to be here.

  6. 是你想来这的。

    You wanted to be here.

  7. 你不是这的学生吧

    You don't go here, do you?

  8. 这就是我来这的原因。

    This is why I came here.

  9. 快出现,肯定在这的。

    Come on.Gotta be in here.

  10. 快出现,肯定在这的。

    Come on. Gotta be in here.

  11. 这的气候很适合我。

    The climate here suits me very well.

  12. 我是这的协调负责人。

    I'm the administration coordinator.

  13. 不,是刚来这的那个

    No, she's the one who just started.

  14. 这的汽水可以续杯吗

    Can you refill this glass of soda.

  15. 麻黄素就是放在这的。

    The ephedrine was right there.

  16. 不知道,刚刚还在这的

    I don't know. She was right there a second ago.

  17. 但这就是我喜欢这的原因

    but that's what I love about this place.

  18. 我们要遵守他们这的规则。

    We must abide by their rules.

  19. 比欧,你不该来这的。

    Beau, you should not have come down here.

  20. 艾薇的妹妹感染了这的流感

    Ivy's little sister caught the flu bug that's going around.

  21. 在我们来到这的第六天。

    On our sixth day here.

  22. 我们这的气候真是糟糕透顶!

    What a damnable climate we have!

  23. 这的福音进修班是星期几?

    What day of the week is the seminary class held here

  24. 你忘了我是这的队长了?

    Are you forgetting that I'm captain here?

  25. 安藤肯定不会相信这的!

    Ando's never going to believe this one!

  26. 给我们谈谈你对这的看法。

    Tell us what you think about it.

  27. 这的环境怎么就变差了

    and it's already gotten worse around here.

  28. 这的自助餐是镇里最棒的。

    This place has the best buffet in town.

  29. 这的自助餐是镇里最棒的。

    This place has the best buffet in town.

  30. 你知道我们不该在这的。

    You know we're not supposed to be in here.