







汉语拼音:zhèng àn






  1. 验证。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·释滞》:“其所论物理,既不周悉,其所证按,又不著明,皆闕所要而难解。”



  1. Finished saying to edit the certificate to me and press down and edit two words to sway to sway in front of it.


  2. Your driving license, please. Registration is required.


  3. Letters of credit are classified into different types according to their function, form, and mechanism.


  1. 是不是跃层呀,房产证是按套不按层计算。

    Jump a layer, house property card is to press set do not calculate by the layer.

  2. 请注意信用证须按合同规定开立,以避免不必要的修改。

    Please see that the credit be opened in accordance with the contract stipulations to avoid unnecessary amendments.

  3. 这些小巴按客运营业证经营。

    Their operations are regulated by a passenger service licence.

  4. 如果你方能同意按即期信用证付款, 我们即能达成交易。

    If you agree to payment by sight LC, we can conclude the business.

  5. 请按合同修改信用证。

    Please amend the LC accordingly.

  6. 由业主向承包商进行的所有支付应按欧元通过信用证进行。

    All payment to contractor by the employer shall be in euros through letter of credit.

  7. 权证按标的资产进行划分,有哪几类?

    Authority card undertakes differentiating by the asset of mark, which a few kinds are there?

  8. 请按下述意见修改第205号信用证。

    Please amend L C No.205 as follows.

  9. 请按下述意见点窜第205号声誉证。

    Please amend L C No. 205 as follows.

  10. 员工必须按保安员的要求出示员工工作证。

    All employees are required to produce and show their ID cards to the security officer when requested.

  11. 信用证只能按原证中规定的条款转让。

    The Credit can be transferred only on the terms and conditions specified in the original Credit.

  12. 所有交易都应按保兑得,不可撤销得信用证支付。

    All business is to be transacted against confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit.

  13. 所有交易都应按保兑的,不可撤销的信用证支付。

    All business is to be transacted against confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit.

  14. 所有支票都应按保兑的,不可撤消的信用证支付。

    All business is to be transacted against confirmed and irrevocable letters of credit.

  15. 所有支票都应按保兑得,不可撤消得信用证支付。

    All business is to be transacted against confirmed and irrevocable letters of credit.

  16. 人家按他的工作证画了个这。

    Paint it according to his employee's card.

  17. 那是按未偿付信用证金额计算。

    That's on the outstanding volume of letters of credit.

  18. 开信用证时须按有关的合同条款。

    We had checked the terms and conditions in the contract.

  19. 办理借书证应交押金,按图书馆有关规定办理。

    Students, who want to go to the library pay deposit according to the library's regulations.

  20. 方法按循证护理实践方法进行临床护理教学查房。

    Methods Nursing teaching of making the rounds of wards was prepared and implemented according to EBN's practical procedure to.

  21. 表1截至2009年3月31日得信用证情况, 按到期年份开列

    Table1 Status of letters of credit by expiry period as at31 March2009

  22. 表1截至2009年3月31日的信用证情况,按到期年份开列

    Table1 Status of letters of credit by expiry period as at31 March2009

  23. 经实验验证,该结构能按预期的方向实现断裂。

    The experiment proves that the structure can rupture along the expected direction.

  24. 客户端保留会话密钥,将票证按原样转发给服务器。

    The client retains the session key and forward the ticket to the server as it is.

  25. 加印证书费用在领证时按每张收费50元支付。

    Cost for additional copies of certificates shall be paid at the time of collection of the copies. RMB50 is charged for each copy.

  26. 本信用证项下开立的远期汇票可按即期议付。

    Usance drafts drawn under this credit are to be negotiated.

  27. 在这种情况下,按比例分配的举证责任就落在被告人身上。

    In this situation, the burden of proof as to apportionment is upon each defendant.

  28. 按生产要素分离人力物力贡献价值及模型设计与实证分析

    Study on Separation Necessity of Human Resources and Material Resources Contribution Value and its Model Building in Corporation

  29. 四,本信用证项下开立的远期汇票可按即期议付。

    Usance drafts drawn under this credit are to be negotiated at sight basis.

  30. 如开证行未按此手续办理, 则所有的后果由其负责。

    The issuing bank will be responsible for any consequences arising from its failure follow this procedure.