


1. 乘 [chéng]2. 乘 [shèng]乘 [chéng]骑,坐:~马。~车。~客。~警。趁着,就着:~便。~机(趁着机会)。~势。~兴(xìng)。因利~便。算术中指一个数使另一个数变成若干倍:~法。~幂(mì)。~数。佛教的教派……





汉语拼音:chéng fǎ






  1. 数学中基本运算方法之一。最简单的是正整数的乘法,即几个相同的数连加的简便算法,用连加的次数来乘被加数。例如2连加5次,就用5来乘。参见“ 除法 ”。



  1. But when it asked him to multiply a series of fractions with just over a minute left to play, he had no patience to work out the problem.


  2. The least square approach is applied to get regression curves and a design plan is proposed on the basis of the regression curves.


  3. simple math skills game that adds, subtracts, multiplied and divides then checks the answer to see if it is correct.


  4. We may begin with one, and that "a little one, " and yet it will "become a thousand. " The LORD is great at the multiplication table.


  5. As you learned with the multiplication examples, curried closures make it surprisingly easy to implement functional patterns of computation.


  6. Filled the multiplication formula for the involution on the decomposition of a number of gaps, and its role may not be taken lightly.


  7. Accordance with the general principles and methods of image measuring, use the least-squares procedure to fit the image's border.


  8. Usually it is the children, not the parents, who are loath to spend their evenings practising spelling and learning times tables.


  9. The invention discloses a bit stream adder and a bit stream multiplier and a phase discriminator adopting the bit stream adder.


  1. 乘法运算。

    multiplicative shocks.

  2. 重量上乘法

    upper product

  3. 乘法运算器

    multiplicative operator.

  4. 乘法结合律

    associative law of multiplication.

  5. 组合是乘法。

    Composition is multiplication.

  6. 八进制乘法

    octal multiplication.

  7. 斜式相乘法

    tilted style multiplies.

  8. 乘法电势计

    multiplying potentiometer.

  9. 乘法同余法

    multiplicative congruential method.

  10. 乘法可交换性

    commutativity of multiplication.

  11. 同时乘法器

    simultaneous multiplier.

  12. 乘法表和童谣,

    multiplication tables, and nursery rhymes

  13. 流水线乘法器

    pipeline multiplier.

  14. 全最小二乘法

    Total least squares

  15. 最小二乘法解

    least square solution

  16. 逆最小二乘法

    inverse least squares

  17. 偏最小二乘法

    partial least square method

  18. 泛最小二乘法

    universal least squares estimation.

  19. 图乘法疑点探讨

    Inquisition into a doubtful point of graph multiplication method

  20. 加法器树形乘法

    adder tree multiplication

  21. 加权最小二乘法

    weighted least square method

  22. 逐次最小二乘法

    iterative least sequare method

  23. 折扣最小二乘法

    discounted least squares method

  24. 模拟式乘法运算器

    analogue multiplier

  25. 对数最小一乘法

    Least logarithm absolute deviation method

  26. 我努力背诵乘法表。

    I attempted to learn my tables.

  27. 好, 这就是矩阵乘法。

    So that's matrix multiplication.

  28. 迭代最小二乘法

    iterative least square method

  29. 三点最小二乘法

    the least squares method of three dots

  30. 限幅器式乘法器

    limiter multiplier


  1. 问:乘法拼音怎么拼?乘法的读音是什么?乘法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法的读音是chéngfǎ,乘法翻译成英文是 multiplication

  2. 问:乘法器拼音怎么拼?乘法器的读音是什么?乘法器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法器的读音是chéng fǎ qì,乘法器翻译成英文是 multiplier unit

  3. 问:乘法群拼音怎么拼?乘法群的读音是什么?乘法群翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法群的读音是chéng fǎ qún,乘法群翻译成英文是 multiplicative group

  4. 问:乘法表拼音怎么拼?乘法表的读音是什么?乘法表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法表的读音是,乘法表翻译成英文是 Multiplication table

  5. 问:乘法代数拼音怎么拼?乘法代数的读音是什么?乘法代数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法代数的读音是chéng fǎ dài shù,乘法代数翻译成英文是 multiplication algebra

  6. 问:乘法公理拼音怎么拼?乘法公理的读音是什么?乘法公理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法公理的读音是chéng fǎ gōng lǐ,乘法公理翻译成英文是 multiplicative axiom

  7. 问:乘法分拆拼音怎么拼?乘法分拆的读音是什么?乘法分拆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法分拆的读音是chéng fǎ fēn chāi,乘法分拆翻译成英文是 multiplicative partition

  8. 问:乘法半群拼音怎么拼?乘法半群的读音是什么?乘法半群翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法半群的读音是chéng fǎ bàn qún,乘法半群翻译成英文是 multiplicative semigroup

  9. 问:乘法单位拼音怎么拼?乘法单位的读音是什么?乘法单位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法单位的读音是chéng fǎ dān wèi,乘法单位翻译成英文是 multiplicative identity; unit for multiplica...

  10. 问:乘法原则拼音怎么拼?乘法原则的读音是什么?乘法原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法原则的读音是chéng fǎ yuán zé,乘法原则翻译成英文是 multiplication principle

  11. 问:乘法因数拼音怎么拼?乘法因数的读音是什么?乘法因数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法因数的读音是chéng fǎ yīn shù,乘法因数翻译成英文是 multiplication factor

  12. 问:乘法定理拼音怎么拼?乘法定理的读音是什么?乘法定理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法定理的读音是chéng fǎ dìng lǐ,乘法定理翻译成英文是 multiplication theorem

  13. 问:乘法对象拼音怎么拼?乘法对象的读音是什么?乘法对象翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法对象的读音是chéng fǎ duì xiàng,乘法对象翻译成英文是 multiplicative obiect

  14. 问:乘法常数拼音怎么拼?乘法常数的读音是什么?乘法常数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法常数的读音是chéng fǎ cháng shù,乘法常数翻译成英文是 multiplication constant

  15. 问:乘法强度拼音怎么拼?乘法强度的读音是什么?乘法强度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法强度的读音是chéng fǎ qiáng dù,乘法强度翻译成英文是 strength of multiplication

  16. 问:乘法性质拼音怎么拼?乘法性质的读音是什么?乘法性质翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法性质的读音是chéng fǎ xìng zhì,乘法性质翻译成英文是 multiplicative property

  17. 问:乘法指令拼音怎么拼?乘法指令的读音是什么?乘法指令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法指令的读音是chéng fǎ zhǐ lìng,乘法指令翻译成英文是 multiply instruction

  18. 问:乘法效应拼音怎么拼?乘法效应的读音是什么?乘法效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法效应的读音是chéng fǎ xiào yìng,乘法效应翻译成英文是 multiplicative effect

  19. 问:乘法数论拼音怎么拼?乘法数论的读音是什么?乘法数论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法数论的读音是chéng fǎ shù lùn,乘法数论翻译成英文是 multiplicative number theory

  20. 问:乘法时间拼音怎么拼?乘法时间的读音是什么?乘法时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乘法时间的读音是chéng fǎ shí jiān,乘法时间翻译成英文是 multiplication time


