


粘,把一种东西粘在另一种东西上:~金。粘~。剪~。靠近,紧挨:~近。~切(密合、恰当、确切)。~心。添补,补助:补~。津~。倒(dào )~。~息(用期票调换现款时付出利息)。同“帖”。传统戏剧角色名:~旦(次要的旦角。简称“贴”)。……


1. 切 [qiē]2. 切 [qiè]切 [qiē]用刀从上往下用力:~菜。~除。~磋(本义是把骨角玉石加工制成器物,引申为在业务、思想各方面互相吸取长处,纠正缺点,如“~~琢磨”)。切 [qiè]密合,贴近:~当(dàng )。~肤(切……



汉语拼音:tiē qiè








  1. 妥贴;确切。

    清 朱之瑜 《答安东守约书》之二十:“今来五事,犹未贴切,不佞於贤契之来,一事无忤,一字无疑,惟此大费推敲耳。”《儒林外史》第五四回:“你看这起句‘湖如鶯脰夕阳低’,只消这一句,便将题目点出,以下就句句贴切,移不到别处宴会的题目上去了。” 郑逸梅 《南社丛谈·南社社友事略·宋教仁》:“ 徐血儿 有《宋渔父先生传略》,同社 庞树柏 以《桃源忆故人》词调作悼词,尤以贴切。”

  2. 指贴心亲近。

    《官场现形记》第四七回:“到底新收的门生 万太尊 ,格外贴切些。”



  1. At first I thought this was somewhat dramatic but the fact of the matter is that it's a fair comparison.

  2. But Chinese speakers would probably agree that it is not easy to think of a Chinese name for these notes.

  3. Note : Pre-compiled software packages are usually called "binaries, " although this is something of a misnomer.

  4. Things are often getting so bad - there was a recent article with a catchy name SOA or DOA, where DOA stands for "Dead on Arrival" .

  5. But I think an unknown Shinto monk put it more eloquently when he said, "the only truths in this life are beauty and impermanence. "

  6. The new Beijing is much more east-meets-east, with a gap of just a few hundred years.

  7. That's an interesting and suitable name for her, a real dictator, powerful and cold-blooded.

  8. Another cybernetician, Gerald Weinberg, supplies a fine metaphor for requisite complexity in his book On the Design of Stable Systems.

  9. it's simply to do some of the work for her and provide all of the pertinent data points that you'd like included in the letter.


  1. 贴切的题名

    apposite title

  2. 贴切的措辞

    a felicitous turn of phrase.

  3. 这样说不贴切。

    That's not the right word for it.

  4. 恰当而且贴切的

    Being both pertinent and fitting.

  5. 贴切地表达歉意

    Phrased the apology with delicacy

  6. 这个比喻很贴切。

    This metaphor is very appropriate.

  7. 不贴切的辞句

    infelicitous phrase.

  8. 这个比喻非常贴切。

    This metaphor is very appropriate.

  9. 那个短语非常贴切。

    The phrase had considerable aptness.

  10. 时态语态要贴切

    Good tenses and proper voices

  11. 这个实例非常贴切。

    The example is on all fours with the thing illustrated.

  12. 这个比较是贴切的。

    The comparison hold good!

  13. 大熊猫的命名蛮贴切的。

    The giant panda is well named.

  14. 你对他的评价很贴切。

    Your appraisal of him is very apt.

  15. 你对他的评价很贴切。

    Your appraisal of him is very apt.

  16. 适当的,恰当的极为贴切合适的

    Strikingly appropriate and relevant.

  17. 每一针的位置都很贴切。

    Every stitch was in its right place.

  18. 今天报纸上的评论十分贴切。

    The comment on the newspaper today is very apt.

  19. 这三个字用在这?非常贴切。

    You used the three words perfectly.

  20. 用来强调所修饰的事物的贴切。

    used to give emphasis to the relevance of the thing modified.

  21. 文中有一些不贴切的措辞。

    There are several infelicitous remarks in this article.

  22. 通气口真贴切,我说什么来着

    blowhole is right, what did i tell you?

  23. 为补充课文而加的贴切的插图

    poignant illustrations supplementing the text.

  24. 这个词用在这里倒是非常贴切。

    This word is aptly used here.

  25. 现总统也许是个贴切的例子。

    The current President is perhaps a good case in point.

  26. 这种引用倒也形象贴切,无可厚非。

    This quote is also inverted image appropriate, understandable.

  27. 说她是缩头乌龟还更贴切。

    A turtle hiding in her shell is more like it.

  28. 下面英文句子最贴切的翻译是

    I will not be bearded to my face by this insolent young whelp.

  29. 说得更贴切些是自杀遗书草稿。

    Well, it's really more of a suicide rough draft.

  30. 说得更贴切些是自杀遗书草稿。

    Well, it's really more of a suicide rough draft.


  1. 问:贴切拼音怎么拼?贴切的读音是什么?贴切翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贴切的读音是tiēqiè,贴切翻译成英文是 suitable

  2. 问:贴切的拼音怎么拼?贴切的的读音是什么?贴切的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贴切的的读音是tiē qiè de,贴切的翻译成英文是 relevant




【拼音】:tiē qiè

【注音】:ㄊㄧㄝ ㄑㄧㄝ ˋ