


1. 乐 [lè]2. 乐 [yuè]乐 [lè]欢喜,快活;快~。~境。~融融。~不可支。其~无穷。~观(精神愉快,对事物的发展充满信心)。~天(安于自己的处境而没有任何忧虑)。使人快乐的事情:取~。逗~。对某事甘心情愿:~此不疲。~善好……


1. 呵 [hē]2. 呵 [a]3. 呵 [kē]呵 [hē]怒责:~责。~斥(亦作“呵叱”)。~禁。吁气:~冻(哈气使暧)。一气~成。象声词,形容笑:~~。叹词,表示惊讶:~,真不得了!呵 [a]同“啊”。呵 [kē]〔~叻〕地名,在泰……


1. 呵 [hē]2. 呵 [a]3. 呵 [kē]呵 [hē]怒责:~责。~斥(亦作“呵叱”)。~禁。吁气:~冻(哈气使暧)。一气~成。象声词,形容笑:~~。叹词,表示惊讶:~,真不得了!呵 [a]同“啊”。呵 [kē]〔~叻〕地名,在泰……



汉语拼音:lè hē hē








  1. Carol: Oh, you think you are so cute with that curly hair, unending smile and happy disposition. You make me puke .

  2. He cheerfully remonstrated with both parties as a benevolent uncle might do with a pair of quarrelling children and then disappeared.

  3. Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say.

  4. Merrylegs was a happy little pony and was everyone's favourite. We were soon great friends and I became quite happy in my new home.

  5. She takes after her mother; she is always cheerful.

  6. In kids' mind, Santa Claus is a fat jolly old man with a red suit, red hat and a long white beard.

  7. Captain Joyce, the American naval attache , a jolly Irishman with a knowing eye, asked Pamela to dance .

  8. Muhammad Ali, more typically, accepts the admiration of his cultured fans with bemused affection.

  9. Western countries merely played their energy crisis card and China's energy giants happily foot the bill, this sticks out like a sore thumb.


  1. 思嘉乐呵呵地笑了。

    Said Scarlett pleasedly and laughed.

  2. 老板是个乐呵呵的胖子。

    The landlord was a fat, jollylooking man.

  3. 她是一个乐呵呵的人。

    She's a happy person.

  4. 精彩互动游戏,让您乐呵呵!

    Upcoming wonderful games which will make you laugh happily.

  5. 祖母身材圆胖,整天乐呵呵的。

    Grandma was plump and jovial.

  6. 那个乐呵呵的人驾驶自己的飞机。

    The jolly man piloted his own aeroplane.

  7. 起初你是个乐呵呵的傻大姐。

    You start off happy and stupid.

  8. 玛丽像她的母亲,总是乐呵呵的。

    Mary takes after her mother; she's always cheerful.

  9. 她今天不像往常那样乐呵呵的。

    She's not her customary cheerful self today.

  10. 那个小家伙总是乐呵呵的, 老在笑。

    The little fellow was always jolly and smiling.

  11. 好极了,她乐呵呵地咕哝了一句。

    it's wonderful,'she purred delightedly.

  12. 他是个40来岁乐呵呵的人。

    He was an amusing, gay man of forties.

  13. 你妈妈是个乐呵呵的容易相处的人。

    Your mother is a jolly, easygoing woman.

  14. 她是个心地善良, 整天乐呵呵的女人。

    She was a jolly, kindhearted woman.

  15. 阿姨们跟张阿姨打趣, 张阿姨乐呵呵擦汗。

    Zhang aunt aunt who told jokes, Zhang aunt cheerfully wipe.

  16. 因为他总是乐呵呵的,所以他的外号叫乐乐。

    As he was always cheerful he had he nickname smiler.

  17. 那么, 为什么波杰特还总是乐呵呵的呢?

    So why is Mr. Peugeot so happy?

  18. 晚上天色红,水手乐呵呵。早晨天色红,水手急煞煞。

    A red sky in the morning is the result of sunlight reflecting through clouds moving in from the west, which could bring bad weather.

  19. 今天早上, 他不像平素那乐呵呵的样子。

    He's not his usual happy self this morning.

  20. 这个乐呵呵的小丑一直坐在麦当劳的门前,

    The happy clown always sits in front of the restaurant

  21. 他红脸膛儿,大嗓门,一天到晚乐呵呵的。

    He had a red face and a loud voice and jolly ways.

  22. 他总是乐呵呵的,一直全身心地扑在工作上。

    He was always cheerful and devoted himself heart and soul to his work.

  23. 他是个大高个儿,气色很好,整天乐呵呵的。

    He was a large, cheerful man, with a florid complexion.

  24. 王先生整天乐呵呵的。毕竟,人逢喜事精神爽啊。

    Mr. Wang is very happy all day long. After all, a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance.

  25. 他是一个乐呵呵的人,但周一早上却是一副可怜相。

    He's a cheerful guy, but Monday morning found him miserable.

  26. 连我妻子特丽也乐呵呵地和着节奏拍起手来。

    Even my wife, Terri, was laughing and clapping to the beat.

  27. 她喜欢缝衣,总是乐呵呵地做衣服,似乎永远没个完。

    She loves sewing and would quite happily make clothes till the cows come home.

  28. 保罗在婚礼上情绪极佳, 把每个人都逗得乐呵呵的。

    Paul was on good form at the wedding and kept everyone entertained.

  29. 哎呀,看来在我乐乐呵呵地进行窥探时,方法却完全错了。

    Alas, it seems I was blithely going about it entirely the wrong way.


  1. 问:乐呵呵拼音怎么拼?乐呵呵的读音是什么?乐呵呵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乐呵呵的读音是lèhēhē,乐呵呵翻译成英文是 joyful





【解释】[tickle; houyant; gay; as cheerful as a lark]形容高兴的样子。

【示例】这样乐呵呵的,要是有条尾巴,他真会摇起来的。 乐呵呵 贴吧!