







汉语拼音:kěn qiú








  1. 诚恳请求。

    宋 何薳 《春渚纪闻·凤翔僧煅朱熔金》:“后 陈公 知 坡 得之,恳求甚力。” 元 刘祁 《归潜志》卷九:“若夫其心所不喜者,虽恳求竟不得也。”《儒林外史》第三五回:“﹝ 庄徵君 ﹞又写了一道‘恳求恩赐还山’的本,从通政司送了进去。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第十一章:“连长答应了一声,接着用恳求的语气说:‘你先回去吧。’”



  1. But I say, " pleaded Shasta. " If I'm not to hold on by the reins or by your mane, what am I to hold on by?

  2. He silently pleaded with me, almost as if to ask me why I was so intent on keeping him in the ignorance of childhood.

  3. "The word 'please' is to beg, no honorable member in this place needs to beg any minister for anything, least of all an answer, " he said.

  4. Eventually the actor would start banging on the wall that separated him from the subject, pleading about his heart condition.

  5. "Take what's left of your innocence and get out while you can, " I pleaded with her.

  6. Now this woman was a pagan, a Syrophoenician by birth, and she begged him to drive the demon out of her daughter.

  7. The baby's family pleaded on local traffic broadcasts for the return of the child, saying they would not prosecute for car theft.

  8. But she came not to his call, though he called to her all day long and besought her.

  9. Then Phoenix was like an old woman begging a dignified forgiveness for waking up frightened in the night.


  1. 恳求的目光

    an imploring look.

  2. 我恳求你们。

    I'm begging you.

  3. 我恳求你们。

    I'm begging you.

  4. 他恳求调职。

    He solicited a change of residence.

  5. 他们恳求帮助。

    They pleaded for help.

  6. 我们乞求,我们恳求

    We beg, we plead.

  7. 囚犯恳求宽恕。

    The prisoner made a plea for mercy.

  8. 以恳求的语调

    an appealing tone

  9. 我恳求他离开。

    I beg that he leave.

  10. 我恳求您帮忙。

    I beseech your favor.

  11. 那么我恳求你!

    Then I implore you now!

  12. 她恳求他留下。

    She implored him to stay.

  13. 他恳求留在家。

    He begged to remain at home.

  14. 他恳求她原谅。

    He asked for her forgiveness.

  15. 不理睬一切恳求

    deaf to all entreaties

  16. 她恳求他们帮忙。

    She invoked their help.

  17. 我们恳求他忍耐。

    We begged him to forbear.

  18. 恳求恳求,请求或强求

    To entreat, solicit, or importune.

  19. 向法庭恳求宽恕

    Implored the tribunal to have mercy.

  20. 我恳求国王饶命。

    He begged the king for my life.

  21. 他恳求法官开恩。

    He besought a favor of the judge.

  22. 他恳求母亲原谅。

    He implored his mothers forgiveness.

  23. 恳求,请求或强求

    to entreat, solicit, or importune

  24. 他恳求国王开恩。

    He supplicated the king for clemency.

  25. 她恳求法官保护。

    She supplicated the judge for protection.

  26. 我恳求你停下

    i need. yyou to stop.

  27. 她恳求她父亲原谅她。

    She begged her father to forgive her.

  28. 被告恳求宽大处理。

    The accused craved for leniency.

  29. 恳求学生取消集会

    To beg students to give up their protest

  30. 我恳求你别动。

    I beg of you to keep still.


  1. 问:恳求拼音怎么拼?恳求的读音是什么?恳求翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恳求的读音是kěnqiú,恳求翻译成英文是 beg

  2. 问:恳求某物拼音怎么拼?恳求某物的读音是什么?恳求某物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恳求某物的读音是Kěnqiú mǒuwù,恳求某物翻译成英文是 to plead for something

  3. 问:恳求地拼音怎么拼?恳求地的读音是什么?恳求地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恳求地的读音是,恳求地翻译成英文是 beseechingly

  4. 问:恳求的拼音怎么拼?恳求的的读音是什么?恳求的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恳求的的读音是,恳求的翻译成英文是 precative

  5. 问:恳求性信托拼音怎么拼?恳求性信托的读音是什么?恳求性信托翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恳求性信托的读音是kěn qiú xìng xìn tuō,恳求性信托翻译成英文是 precatory trust

  6. 问:恳求连祷句拼音怎么拼?恳求连祷句的读音是什么?恳求连祷句翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恳求连祷句的读音是,恳求连祷句翻译成英文是 obsecration


