


1. 吁 [xū]2. 吁 [yù]吁 [xū]叹息:长~短叹。叹词,表示惊疑:~,是何言欤?吁 [yù]为某种要求而呼喊:呼~。~天(呼天诉苦)。……


求:~求。~示。~假(jiǎ )。~命。~战。~教(jiào )。~愿。~君入瓮。~缨(喻请战杀敌)。敬辞,用于希望对方做某事:~进。~坐。~安。~便。延聘、邀、约人来:~客。~柬。邀~。谒见、会见:“造~诸公,不避寒暑”。……



汉语拼音:yù qǐng








  1. 呼吁请求。

    《清史稿·礼志七》:“ 康熙 中,臣民合辞拟上尊号。至六旬圣寿,復吁请。 圣祖 諭言无裨治道,皆不允行。”



  1. So once more I could call with an appeal to you to close ranks with us.


  2. but quite as frequently it awards more than justice when the appeal is made, as despots love to have it made, entirely to its generosity.


  3. In Libya, we've urged our people to leave the country and the State Department is assisting those in need of support.


  4. Jefferson wrote, was the declaration of independence was "the referee" alliance.


  5. This one reform would put private coverage within reach for millions, and I call on the Congress to pass it this year.


  6. He also sought to appeal to a Jewish constituency for his Presidential ambitions.


  7. It ended the release of a powerful political ideology and waked up personal inner heart calling for life.


  8. Deputations representing local views requested for early provision of railway services in Southern and Western Districts .


  9. On this International Day, I call on governments to do more to address the needs of older persons.


  1. 警方吁请公众保持镇静。

    The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm.

  2. 用於婉转的请求或吁请

    used to make polite requests or appeals

  3. 最后,我再次吁请你同我们团结。

    So once more I could with an appeal to you to close ranks with us.

  4. 我们吁请您支持台湾世卫会员籍。

    We urge you to support and advocate for Taiwan's membership in the WHO.

  5. 政府正在吁请国际红十字会援助水灾灾民。

    The government is appealing to the International Red Cross to help the people suffering from the floods

  6. 我们吁请所有各方制止暴力和尊重法治。

    We call upon all sides to refrain from violence and to respect the rule of law.

  7. 球队队长以光线不宜吁请裁判中止比赛。

    The captain appealed against the light.

  8. 吁请所有余留的外国部队撤出黎巴嫩。

    Calls upon all remaining foreign forces to withdraw from Lebanon.

  9. 大会还吁请已废除死刑的国家不再恢复死刑。

    The Assembly also called on States that have abolished the death penalty not to reintroduce it.

  10. 我们队长以光线太暗吁请裁判中止比赛。

    Our captain appealed against the light.

  11. 你的家庭和家人最近好像也会吁请你的关注。

    Your home and family seem to have taken some attention lately too.

  12. 我愿吁请所有会员国竭尽全力支持这一进程。

    I would like to call on all Member States to make every effort to support this process.

  13. 她吁请所有成员国不加延误地缴付其分摊的会费。

    She appealed to all Member States to pay their assessed contributions without delay.

  14. 委员会还吁请该缔约国采取措施预防和制止未成年结婚。

    It also calls on the State party to take measures to prevent and stop underage marriages.

  15. 委员会还吁请缔约国有效执行禁止童婚的儿童法。

    It also calls on the State party to effectively enforce the Children's Act prohibiting child marriages.

  16. 我们送走八只救生艇,并用无线电吁请更多的船只。

    We got away eight lifeboats and radioed a plea for more

  17. 吁请各国共同加强努力,以实现一个免于战祸的世界。

    Calls upon all States to intensify efforts to secure a world free of the scourge of war.

  18. 我还要利用本讲坛吁请各国政府与法庭缔结这种协定。

    I would like to use this forum to appeal to Governments to conclude such agreements with the Tribunal.

  19. 史铁曼吁请扶轮社员们尽他们所能协助这些家庭。

    Stelman asked Rotarians to offer whatever assistance they can to those families.


  1. 问:吁请拼音怎么拼?吁请的读音是什么?吁请翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吁请的读音是yùqǐng,吁请翻译成英文是 request



词目:吁请 拼音: yù qǐnɡ 基本解释: 呼吁请求。

《清史稿·礼志七》:“ 康熙 中,臣民合辞拟上尊号。至六旬圣寿,复吁请。

圣祖 谕言无裨治道,皆不允行。” 词语分开解释:   吁 : 吁 xū 叹息:长吁短叹。叹词,表示惊疑:吁,是何言欤? 吁(吁) yù 为某种要求而呼喊:呼吁。请 : 请(请) qǐng 求:请求。请示。请假。请命。请战。请教。请愿。请君入瓮。请缨